
ActualSpiders t1_j15zf1w wrote

I think a better explanation is that Musk is demonstrating that he's an emotional infant who makes terrible, poorly-thought-out, very expensive decisions, and nobody trusts a company run by someone like that.

I mean, if it was just the traitor thing, Fox News would have gone under years ago...


ActualSpiders t1_iu56j99 wrote

No, it's the exact same reason every monopoly or cartel doesn't constantly raise their prices - a combination of topping out what the market can/will pay for the product (car travel in the US went down markedly over the spring & summer because gas was too expensive) and also wanting to stay "below the radar" because when consumers finally realize how they're being played they tend to demand action from their government.

This has all been studied extensively in economics & understood for generations now. Again, it ain't rocket science.


ActualSpiders t1_iu2zgac wrote

Today you learned Saudi Arabia is one of the key & founding members of OPEC - the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries - and therefore part of the cartel that, by and large, does set oil prices on the world market.

And as has been noted repeatedly if only you'd read world news, they've been jacking their prices sky-high because they only recently noted that such price hikes would be blamed on political actors instead of the oil producers themselves.

This isn't rocket science.