
Auirom t1_jec1rng wrote

We had this same issue with ours. I reset the latch twice before I bought a new one. Super simple to install ad no more issues with it. Atleast we didn't have the water leak issue where the water leaks into the button controls on top


Auirom t1_ivk80g7 wrote

I've always wanted someone to do stuff with. Always had a hard time with getting out. Know what though? I'm going to jujitsu. People there are real nice and helpful. Fun people to be around and I'm greatly enjoying it. I'm getting a motorcycle soon. Riding by myself may not be as fun with someone else but I know deep down I'll run across someone who likes the bike I get and wants to ride with me. Being alone isn't all bad as long as I get out of the house and not stay stuck inside all the time alone.