
BigLorry t1_j65o49x wrote

Are the kilobuck headphones better? I mean, sure. But diminished returns already hit incredibly hard in this hobby, even before you factor in gear that far out-performs it’s price point like the Blessing 2.

I got mine on sale for like $270 from Amazon, and if I had to make an ultimate decision these things at the price I got them at is practically unbeatable.

I was recently in a position where I wasn’t listening to my “good” headphones for a week or two (moved into a new home), and after using the blessing 2 pretty much exclusively during that time just for convenience sake, I’m more inclined than ever to settle happily with them and move the rest of my gear to have funds for other hobbies honestly.


BigLorry t1_j65jyf4 wrote

Honestly the blessing 2 is so good I don’t even miss my two kilobuck headphones while I’m wearing them.

Just insane performance for the price. Truly think I could sell my headphones and be good with the Blessing 2 forever


BigLorry t1_j2e5yxb wrote

See if there’s a loose hair or something between the pad and the driver? I think that normally ends up producing more of a buzzing sound, but it’s possible something got lodged in between maybe


BigLorry t1_j273cml wrote

Honestly, of all the subjective aspects of this hobby, value might perhaps be the most subjective.

And it’s certainly possible that you’ve gone beyond your threshold value-wise, which is honestly completely understandable.

Nothing wrong with it, if you were happy with what you had and don’t think the upgrade is worth it, then hey, move on and put those funds towards another hobby for sure.


BigLorry t1_j2730x3 wrote

Someone else has already shown his amp is more than enough to drive them.

If he’a blatantly unimpressed by them when properly driven, it’s almost certain something as minuscule as a different amp or dac is not going to change that. The slightest of changes maybe sure, but it certainly won’t be night and day, as it seems it would need to be for OP to find it worth it.


BigLorry t1_j26y7sh wrote

I had a similar experience with the Focal Clear which seems to use the same design.

Couldn’t do more than 20 minutes or so before the hotspot right on the top of my head was just too uncomfortable.

Could look for something like the ZMF pilot pad people use to improve comfort.


BigLorry t1_j0qvm14 wrote

Considering the reasons you didn’t like the 600, I’d go out on a limb and say you should just avoid that whole series because they are all far more similar than different, and they all suffer from the same things you disliked about the 600.


BigLorry t1_iwv4oez wrote

I think it’s more telling of how far the needle has moved in regards to spending ceilings in this hobby now.

Insane how much it’s changed in just a decade. The HD650 used to be the cream of the crop in terms of performance, and was probably considered wildly expensive at the time.

It’s practically an entry level Headphone at this point, barring consumer-targeted stuff.


BigLorry t1_ivtxcpl wrote

This is exactly how I felt about the Focal Clear.

Put that thing on and was like “yep, this is undoubtedly the most technically proficient and highest resolution experience I’ve ever had”.

It was also undoubtedly one of the most boring ones. Absolutely nothing sounding exciting or fun to me, it was like staring at a picture taken with a camera at the highest resolution possible.

Sure I can appreciate all the details, but it’s still boring to look at imo.


BigLorry t1_iuhxuvh wrote

Ok so I’m not sure how genuine you are about the “too bulky” thing, but for me personally, getting that thing out of the packaging and seeing just how compact it actually is in person even compared to what I’d heard was wild.

It truly is so, so tiny. If that’s too bulky you won’t find anything else besides the Fiio adapter things the top comment here mentions.


BigLorry t1_iue2bfy wrote

I don’t like the default sound, but I feel like anyone using Airpod products with an Apple source like iPad/iPhone/iMac what have you is cheating themselves if they don’t use the included accessibility options to tune them.

I for one don’t like the stock sound too much, and agree it sounds a bit hollow. My ears definitely preferred the “Balanced” setting for the tuning, was a much more neutral sound to me and I think the Max definitely smashes every other Bluetooth/anc (low bar I know) otherwise