
Brotendo88 t1_j606538 wrote

like the other poster said definitely try Sonia’s, all of their sandwiches are bomb. if you want to pay a pretty penny you could definitely get some nice groceries there as well (apricot jam, basturma, etc).

if you are ever on Allen’s Ave skip Sea Plane (they are trash forreal) and instead go to OV’s. OV’s is a wonderful, classic American diner but it is owned by Armenians and has a couple items on the menu.


Brotendo88 t1_j605kfx wrote

As an Armenian I too always laugh at this intersection but there is a reason for it being there, Douglas Avenue used to be heavily populated by Armenians in the 70’s and 80’s. The brick building that used to house the Brooklyn Coffee House or whatever (near Times 2) used to be home to a Armenian fraternal organization. My mother and many of her cousins, alongside other families, grew up on Camden Avenue. My grandmothers house (where I grew up and my family continues to live) is still there right off Admiral/Douglas.

As for other juxtapositions, this one isn’t as funny per se but I always found it interesting how at the intersection of Douglas and Eaton there is a police substation facing the projects. Meanwhile all the streets and houses along Eaton street are adorned by American flags, red solo cups, and a $50,000+ a year private university literally a stones throw from Section-8 housing.


Brotendo88 t1_j4pecyg wrote

Apsara on Public street has really good wings. Their pepper wings are seriously fantastic, good mix of juicy and crispy.


Brotendo88 t1_j39btk5 wrote

Clownery in this thread lol. I grew up in this neighborhood, and when this event occurred others I met who know Tyrone’s family, as well as witnesses to the event have said the cops basically immediately exited their cars and actually fired their weapons first. Yep, the cops shot first. Forgetting what is “legal” or the supposed “criminal history” Tyrone has, take into consideration this: you’re in a gang for whatever reason, you have a firearm to defend yourself if need be, and two random guys begin shooting at you unannounced in broad daytime? Yeah, you would shoot back.


Brotendo88 t1_iy730g1 wrote

Listen, most people here post GoLocalProv because sometimes they are the only sources of news for a particular subject. Nobody thinks GoLocal is the NYT or anything. Chill out with the calls to ban. If anything, we should be encouraging different news sources to stimulate actual dissemination of news, to increase media literacy across the board. GoLocal is definitely trash but quite often they post useful information that we otherwise wouldn’t know about.


Brotendo88 t1_iv1ldjo wrote

Said this here before: he bends over backwards to the police union, tried to privatize our WATER, has let shitty developers run rampant with hotels and ugly ass condos, trying to remove any trace of poor people from Kennedy Plaza, etc…


Brotendo88 t1_iumzq6h wrote

Prov is definitely dog friendly, overtly so actually. Near my parents house there is a park that has been turned into an unofficial dog park even though the sign says no dog allowed… lol. As for dating, it’s what you make of it. There are a ton of bars and clubs (if that’s your thing) to meet people.


Brotendo88 t1_itgoix3 wrote

Politicians are always seeking power and creative way to use it. In this instance it seems like Kalus is trying to point towards executive power the governor holds. It also works to discredit McKee who hasn’t done jack shit to stop the rate hikes.

But honestly, voting for governor at this point feels like choosing between the hangman or the firing squad. Both choices suck. Across the state we need a network of organizations to build political power that opposes the Dems and Repubs… anyway