
CandiBunnii t1_j0gcw9x wrote

Hopefully the black car creep knows what a douche Eddy was and leaves you alone, preferring to dish out a fatal lesson on how not to treat women.

It might be a bit much to ask of a child killer, but hey.

Maybe chivalry isn't dead.


CandiBunnii t1_izlvgwc wrote

Reply to Gravity by Johnwestrick

Gravity, I suppose.

Certainly not magnetism as while you're inexplicably drawn to her, I highly doubt she feels the same.

What are you bringing to the table?

Is there any particular way you expect this "relationship" to be enjoyable for her?

If you think you love her, you need to recognize that she has needs and desires as well.

If those desires are not being held hostage on a boat, you need to be willing to respect that.


CandiBunnii t1_izeor0z wrote

Reply to Aphasia by barry_thisbone

I'm not sure if hope is the right word, as i wouldnt outright wish either on anyone in nearly any situation; but I do wonder if that scan may potentially reveal some sort of brain damage or tumor that would explain the invisible man, and possibly her passing.

It wouldn't make it any less real to her, but it would mean that she went relatively peacefully, and would also hopefully mean that the invisible man hasn't been passed on to you.


CandiBunnii t1_izddez0 wrote

I look forward to seeing precisely how you put a human ghost back into a gecko.

Maybe you could find a better animal ? Something a bit bigger and easier to navigate daily life as?

No offense to giant day geckos, but if I had to be transformed into an animal, they wouldn't be at the top of my list.

Poor Keith. I wonder if Tall Ben is going to try to use him as leverage with you, or if he'll leave you alone now that he has some Keith Beef.

Pour out a frozen cappuccino for the fallen homies.


CandiBunnii t1_iy3eti3 wrote


But I digress.

I was worried if you put your hands up you wouldn't be able to take them back off after, so that's good.

I don't think they can do The Suck from a distance, so I suppose as long as you keep them at arms length you should be alright.

You might look a little silly to everyone else who is not experiencing The Great Suckening but it may be worth your time to invest in a full face helmet with a visor. Maybe get a motorized bike or moped to make it seem less out of place.


CandiBunnii t1_ixxmlh1 wrote

I mean...has anyone actually threatened or tried to injure you?

Or have they just been ominous and creepy with maybe a little stalking?

I don't think they mean you any harm.

Besides, it's not like they can really hurt you with their hands occupied, I had to use voice to text just to write this comment


CandiBunnii t1_ixlxmv3 wrote

Tiger can't change its stripes and all that.

Even with the pretty new skin, he wasn't going to be having much luck with romantic advances unless he followed your hygiene advice and got an attitude adjustment.

Pretty people can be just as ugly on the inside, but it does help if they shower.