
Evening_Attention_45 t1_j0r7z0k wrote

Gotta love Pittsburgh. A depressed person really depressed hoping to get help by asking for a recommendation for a therapist trained in effectively treating depression and they get downvoted.

There is such a lack of humanity and compassion on this subreddit that's very troubling as a depressed person. It completely reinforces the depressed persons feelings of loneliness. It's literally the exact proof that says "see, you're never going to get support or compassion. There's just no point in even trying."

Thank you Pittsburgh for proving that the voice of Depressions is actually right.


Evening_Attention_45 t1_iyaivcd wrote

Yes, it’s really bad! I moved here from New Jersey and I would commute from Shadyside to Bethel Park, and the traffic light situation drove me insane. I could not fathom that they were as long as they were compared to the length of red lights in New Jersey and you’re right the timing was always off. I now work remotely and don’t miss it at all!!