
FoleyisGood t1_j1dirf4 wrote

Mischief Managed or Modern Dog Training are probably going to be your best options.

> Takes a long time to warm up to people and dogs (growls in a non aggressive way and shies away when first meeting

Basic puppy classes might not be the best place to start. I would think about working with a trainer at one of those facilities 1x1 first before bringing your dog to a class. But either place will make sure you are setup with the service that will benefit you the most. Mischief Managed does have classes specifically for dogs that growl/bark/lunge at other dogs.

Stay away from Solid K9 in Providence.


FoleyisGood t1_ixro78h wrote

Some rescues and shelters look for volunteers to socialize with the cats and get them acclimated to being around people. Basically just sitting in a room with them, which is something minors should be able to do.

Don't take it personally if you get rejections. It's almost always for safety - and probably insurance - reasons.


FoleyisGood t1_iwz3t7q wrote

I volunteered at the zoo for years. Yes they do some good work, especially for conservation. I could listen to Lou Perottie talk for days. The keepers are amazing dedicated people. I love the new tropics building. And if I remember correctly the elephant habitat actually exceeds AZA requirements.

But it is a sad zoo. Just because they can have some of those animals there and there is an organization that says "yes, this habitat meets the minimum requirements" doesn't mean the animals are happy and healthy. There was also some shitty office politics going on around the time I left that was definitely getting in the way of progress


FoleyisGood t1_iwigtak wrote

Best time to go to Nova is first thing in the morning, if you can.

I also don't get the problem with walk ups. I get they don't want people parking on the streets but if someone wants to walk, bike, or needs to get a ride there they should be able to do so.


FoleyisGood t1_iw3dmza wrote

doesn't sound at all like what he is saying. i think he is saying the people on motorized bikes are driving too fast and too dangerous on the bike path. I agree. But "regular" cyclists also ride too fast and too dangerous on the path. Last week some man-child screamed at me and someone else because he had to slow down to pass us, and we weren't even in the way.