
HalfManHalfCornball t1_jd2byi3 wrote

True this.spicy Italian sausage, green/red peppers onion peppers,garlic, cut spinach, saute, Italian herbs Add light cream and parmesan cheese. Mix with cooked ziti,sprinkle motz on top. Bake in over for 25 minutes. Fuckin done. Easy, cheap. Put leftovers in the fridge. Nuke some in the morning for breakfast. Maybe give some to your neighbor to break the ice. Feed some to the dogs. Bring into work to impress your work friends and show them that you might be a decent spouse one day so they can maybe recommend you for a date. Which may lead to having kids. Then this baked ziti thing you learned from Reddit might come in handy. Cook baked ziti, it may open new doors


HalfManHalfCornball t1_ja0rhj7 wrote

Throughout the whole pandemic local/national media was infested with misinformation. Now everything is coming to the surface. When people brought up simple logic on natural immunity, people got shot down and called crazy and selfish. It's funny how all the people who were hell bent on vaccines and hurting our local small businesses. Now they are afraid to come out and admit and apologize that they let the media control them.


HalfManHalfCornball t1_j979nfp wrote

Bring a prop with you when you leave your residence. Use prop in public. People ask you about the prop who are interested in said prop.

So let's discuss interesting prop ideas one could bring with to use in a public setting to attract interactions to develop relationships.

I'll go first, a jar of peanut butter


HalfManHalfCornball t1_j95xvff wrote

At the end of the day it's all about the money. Every government decision nationwide is all about profits. From war, inflation, to mental health. It will even interfere with your personal relationships as well. Hate to say it, money is the biggest motivation. Everyone has their price.

Great article supporting the closing of mental institutions


HalfManHalfCornball t1_iviajai wrote

As a bartender, how many glasses does one touch in a shift that has had direct contact with another humans saliva? Snot rag or dirty glass, There's still a risk here. It's part of the job. If someone doesn't like the risk, then get another job. All around you there are germs. From the doors you open when using a public restroom, to deadly bacteria on the chicken you touch at the grocery store. If someone is concerned about picking a snot rag, then use gloves. No need to bitch about little stupid shit that was never a big issue 3 years ago.


HalfManHalfCornball t1_ivhetrc wrote

People have been practicing this behavior for years. I'm sure everyone here had a grandpa who used to walk around with a handkerchief blowing his nose everywhere using the same cloth all day. You guys are just fucking sketched out because you got brain fucked with Covid. Now you have high anxiety anytime you see a wet nose or hear a cough. If you're concerned with your health, you maybe should look into a different profession. You have a higher probability of getting a safer job, that changes the habits of the public with a reddit post. Good luck, and thanks for all the downvotes.
