
t1_itxnkr7 wrote

Yes it is that big of a deal. Name another bad health habit that kills innocent bystander causes diseases asthma attacks etc. So if i have asthma and smoking is a trigger i shouldn't be allowed to frequent outdoor spaces that may have some drunk asshole not being mindful or where the wind is blowing his smoke? If I have neighbors that smoke on their porch and i cant open my windows because smokes comes into the house are they going to pay my medical bills if i develop a condition due to their behavior? Do i not have the right to open the windows and not have to worry about whether or not the air is gonna give me an asthma attack in my own house?


t1_itxmoi5 wrote

its not about the smell its about the fact that it literally fucking kills people. One group is saying "hey do what you want but don't have a negative impact on my life and health" and the other is saying "im entitled to a 10 minute break at work and if you dont like breathing in my disease causing poison just go somewhere else" and you think the former is the entitled one?