
Kbts87 t1_jdjp01e wrote

I've made characterizations based on OPs written article and subsequent comments, which you're choosing to explain away, claiming it's a joke. You know, two things can be true at once right? If a misogynist makes sexist jokes, but prefaces everything with "guys it's a joke" would you still not call that individual a misogynist? Don't worry, that was rhetorical. No need to answer.

You're claiming I misread the joke. No. I just don't find it funny, and for some reason that really bothers you. But supposedly it doesn't. If it doesn't bother you, then stop commenting.


Kbts87 t1_jdjedp6 wrote

Okay let's summarize. OP:

*Writes an article actively bashing college students half his age because they aren't more invested in the town he lives in.

*Writes in a comment that he has dated some of those students, but it's not creepy because at the time he was only one decade older than them rather than two. (Clearly those relationships ended well if he goes on to write an article saying how horrible his ex's college peers are.)

*Ends the article by suggesting pregnancy and possibly abortion as a fun pastime.

*States in another comment that if one were to become baby trapped it would boost the townie population.

But that's funny somehow? Got it. You win. I get it, we find different things funny. You're allowed your opinion and I'm allowed mine. Clearly we're not going to see eye to eye on this, so please just stop. No need for the caps lock shouting. Just walk away.


Kbts87 t1_jdiyrhf wrote

There is a key difference between Always Sunny which has lots of audience understood character development, versus an author adding a creepy suggestion at the end of an article with no buildup. I fully understand the concept of juxtaposition, but OP could have just as easily proposed visiting the sanitation department or something similar while still having that contrasting shock value, but no, he chose to suggest baby trapping college students. What about that subject is funny?


Kbts87 t1_jdiwbjm wrote

Listen, I have no problem with crass humor, but I just don't see how a 40 year old dude proposing that he get a 20 year old college student pregnant and baby trap her just to, what, prove a point, is funny, juxtaposition or not. Have you considered that there are some subjects that just aren't funny? Perhaps you should be more outraged. OP is writing about creepy, predatory behavior, and going "ha ha, it's a joke" doesn't change that fact. Sorry my principals ruined your sick comedy hour, but no one asked you to debate me. I'm allowed to be outraged just as you're allowed to have your own opinion, so kindly fuck off.


Kbts87 t1_jde6y0x wrote

"Get out there. Visit a non-Yale bar. Attend a Night Market, or Arts & Ideas. Go hang out in Elm City Games. Get a membership to MakeHaven. Go to the beach. Get a townie pregnant. Visit the local Planned Parenthood!"

Ummm. What? Since when is getting someone pregnant part of seeing the local scenery?


Kbts87 t1_j67s9yu wrote

Can confirm. A close friend of a family member was run over while riding his bicycle by a drunk cop, and his cop father helped to try and cover it up.

Source: https://www.nhregister.com/news/article/Former-Windsor-Locks-cop-to-serve-5-years-in-11500458.php

Putting out this kind of press release when CT cops have their own skeletons does nothing but demonstrate a lack of self awareness. And it's in really poor taste in my opinion.