MorganWick t1_jefo0k7 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] "You humans sure have a strange sense of humor. Sure, your planet totally has huge bodies of water that cover most of the surface. As if something so scarce would just be found falling from the sky. I guess when we reach your home world tomorrow you can show us all these fantasies in person!" by ultimateunbannable
...surely this person would know how dependent humans are on water and could figure out that they must have come from a world where water either is abundant or was at some point?
MorganWick t1_jee1gok wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] Due to a paperwork filing error you, a terrifying demonic creature, are now trapped in contract with a small little girl. She is constantly summoning you to play tag, check for monsters in the closet, look at her drawings... It's truly torture. by RoboJoe9000
This could be a good twist on Calvin and Hobbes with some tweaking.
MorganWick t1_je9xrrj wrote
Reply to comment by Looxond in [WP] The eldritch god stood before the girl, in almost human form. "Your parents sold you to be my bride. I accepted, knowing that if I didn’t, they will just try another deity, but I will not force this on you. Have this credit card and live as you wish. If you want something else instead, just ask by Rattrap2474
If it's word for word, though, especially one as long and involved as this, there's a good chance it's a karma-farming bot.
MorganWick t1_jdbz41q wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] The heroes encounter a unicorn, a creature that will only take orders from a virgin. To everyone's surprise, the hero and the cleric were rejected. To everyone's bigger surprise, the unicorn trots over to the barbarian and puts its head on his lap. by Time_Significance
"Yeah, the legend got it backwards. I only take orders from someone who's not a virgin."
MorganWick t1_jdbwwli wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] The Rock of Transmogrification allows you change shape into the animate or inanimate, magically retaining all of your senses. To work, part of you must be touching the rock. The best advice is to transmogrify with it inside you. Otherwise, someone might take it, leaving you transformed, forever by chacham2
Someone's just playtesting their homebrew D&D artifact. All right, I'll bite. Is there a way to get it out afterwards, and can you control when you get it out or do you just take a dump at some point and find yourself stuck in the form you were in unless you can grab the rock?
MorganWick t1_jar93xx wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] You are a werewolf trying your best to live peacefully among humans, but your SO has just proposed to you with a ring of pure silver. You genuinely love and want to marry them, but you also have to somehow get out of accepting this ring. by Kitty_Fuchs
Unless a silver ring would instantly kill them or cut their finger off, accept and the SO will apologize and agree to get a new one as soon as you start doubling over in pain.
Also: "TIFU by proposing to my werewolf SO... with a pure silver ring."
MorganWick t1_jaa7x44 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] A fantasy army with its generic Hollywood tactics meets a small group of Medieval Infantry who understand things like "formations" and "discipline". by Bunnytob
"They're all moving in unison! They must be faceless mooks that our well-developed characters will mow down en route to the bad guy!"
the Hollywood army gets slaughtered
"Oh, I get it. This movie must be Communist propaganda, where we're the decadent Westerners and they're the righteous communists!"
MorganWick t1_jaa6hln wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] Tradition dictates that each sentient species is given one seat in the Galactic Parliament. When humanity made contact with the galactic community, it was decided that planet earth deserves to have four senators. by Spozieracz
Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.
MorganWick t1_ja73kgc wrote
Reply to comment by wathcman in [WP] Demons escaping hell and creating businesses on Earth is more common than you’d think. Most create bars, casinos, and other dens of sin. You were different. You were tired of sin. You built as 50’s style ice cream parlour. by HonestAbe1809
It's just a common target to make fun of.
MorganWick t1_ja5f4bm wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] Demons escaping hell and creating businesses on Earth is more common than you’d think. Most create bars, casinos, and other dens of sin. You were different. You were tired of sin. You built as 50’s style ice cream parlour. by HonestAbe1809
Now me, I went a different route than even that.
I opened this place called Arby's.
The other demons say they wonder why they didn't think of that.
MorganWick t1_j9w9ola wrote
MorganWick t1_j9w42qz wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] A dragon decides to claim a human settlement for itself. As the dragon arrives at the small town and announces its demands, it is perplexed to be met by the people's eagerness to accept. by Kaymazo
Cue that one comic about the aliens' "oppressive" work conditions turning out to be better than what humans impose on each other...
MorganWick t1_j9w38wb wrote
Reply to comment by HaniiPuppy in [WP] The aliens, it seems, do not consider us a sentient species because we are unable to 'keeneetaa'. We still haven't figured out what that means. by limbodog
It's a perfectly cromulent word.
MorganWick t1_j92lkge wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] A stereotypical High School Anime, but the main character is a loud and proud American girl from Texas who just moved to Japan. by Prompt_Dude
If it were an actual anime it would be full of cringey American stereotypes as perceived by the Japanese.
MorganWick t1_j5mfdd4 wrote
Reply to comment by Kitty_Fuchs in [PM] Give me an apocalypse scenario and I will write you a short story about people from that situation. by Lamborgani96
If Adventure Time had catgirls...
MorganWick t1_j1yk8v8 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] The human lifespan is the lowest in the galaxy. That alone is why they are the most dangerous. by SeaCaptainJack
"Humans are spechul" prompt #583737
MorganWick t1_j1wqlh9 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] You feel your powers flood back to you as the dampeners in your cell shut off. A man in a business suit steps into it and asks a simple question. by ankh3125
Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste.
MorganWick t1_j1tj0jt wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] "You are a villain who got beaten by a magical girl. You prepare for the worst when she bonks you on the head with her staff. "There! Now don't do bad things anymore!"" by ArbitraryChaos13
Plot twist: the staff actually rewired his brain.
MorganWick t1_ixj9okb wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] Out of the blue, your spouse asked you if you would still love them if they turned into a worm. Thinking it was a little odd, you said that yes, of course you would. It was a short time later when you realized that they actually meant “wyrm.” by Maximum_Pootis
"Now that I know what you meant, my answer is that I love you even more."
MorganWick t1_iwmdyj0 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] The reality show 'The Secret Straight' begins. 11 gay guys and 1 straight guy pretending to be gay are put in a house, the gay guys have to find the straight guy to win, the straight guy has to not be found out. The fiendish twist, they are all straight and think that they are the mole. by DJToblerone
Premiering Fall 2002 on Fox
MorganWick t1_iuj20cl wrote
Reply to comment by Ryan_Alving in [WP] As it turns out a few years ago you were killed in your sleep and replaced with an alien parasite. Considering you have not exhibited anything unusual all this time this news came as a shock to all, most of all yourself by PotentialSmell
And then Alex was a zombie.
MorganWick t1_iu28elo wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP]No one know how the zombie virus began, but humanity is on the ropes. A powerful stranger cuts through the horde one night and reaches your compound's wall with a deal. Vampires are starving. Help feed them in exchange for protection from the other undead menace. by cesly1987
This prompt probably could have been written in one or two fewer sentences. Or even in just one sentence: "The vampires have come to your compound with a deal: help feed them in exchange for protection from the zombie horde."
MorganWick t1_itllzxo wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] You are suddenly transported to the oldest time of your country's history, and you discover that you are immortal, indestructible, infinitely patient and strong, have access to all of humanity's future knowledge, and can summon any object from your timeline. You set out to change the world. by socron_gaelith
Ah yes, the ol' "glorified Askreddit question" variety of prompt.
MorganWick t1_itllxh9 wrote
Reply to comment by Zerphses in [WP] You are suddenly transported to the oldest time of your country's history, and you discover that you are immortal, indestructible, infinitely patient and strong, have access to all of humanity's future knowledge, and can summon any object from your timeline. You set out to change the world. by socron_gaelith
If I'm going back to 1776 I'm finding my way into the Constitutional Convention to see if I can convince the Founding Fathers to either actually discourage the formation of parties, or structure the government to mitigate their effects, without letting on that I'm from the future.
MorganWick t1_jegcm89 wrote
Reply to comment by theletterQfivetimes in [WP] "You humans sure have a strange sense of humor. Sure, your planet totally has huge bodies of water that cover most of the surface. As if something so scarce would just be found falling from the sky. I guess when we reach your home world tomorrow you can show us all these fantasies in person!" by ultimateunbannable
And yet look at how difficult it is for us to get hydrogen.
Then again, it's difficult for us to isolate hydrogen because most of it on earth is bound up in water molecules...