
Prestigious_Laugh300 t1_j6wu9db wrote

Reply to comment by postnut_FUDbutter in Facts! by jeffcren

Hating China doesn’t mean you hate all Asians. I would say China gives Asians a bad name and they should be called out.

You can hate China for producing and exporting fentanyl without care as Americans keep dying from it. Likewise you could hate Colombia for the crack cocaine epidemic.

COVID lab theory - who the hell knows, I doubt we will ever know the truth.

Tik tok - impact TBD. A huge portion of Americans have been ruled out of political office from it for blackmails sake.


Prestigious_Laugh300 t1_j1hvxt4 wrote

I had it years ago on my L4/L5

  • Try to recover naturally

  • Get steroid shots first and try to recover naturally

  • Do PT first and try to recover naturally

  • Understand you may not be pain free after and will always have a soft spot when lifting boxes/furniture/car crashes. You are down 1/2 a disc permanently. It doesn't regenerate. Hence the natural recovery.

  • I lived with the gradually worse pain for 8 months and now have residual nerve damage, I should have seen a doc way sooner

  • I had mine done by Raj Mehta of Neurological Associates and he was great.

  • If you have radiating pain down your legs, make an apt now or goto Ortho On Call to get an MRI scheduled STAT

  • If at any point you lose feeling in your genitals, you have an emergency, go to the ER

  • And finally if at all possible try to recover naturally, it will take months of taking it easy to fully heal. But then again, after surgery I couldn't lift anything over 10 lbs for 3 months and it was about 2 years to 100%

Injury was in my late 20s, non smoker, athletic build (being obese apparently just constantly pulls your spine forward due to large stomach, making injury/recovery worse whenever you are standing)