
RevHenryMagoo t1_iuiy0q7 wrote

I rather enjoy the recommendations and lists on this sub. Some more than others, but if you find another reader with similar tastes for one book or author it’s good way to discover other works you might enjoy. I’m not sure what’s wrong inside of you that you would take time to post a response like this, but I’m sure whatever it is flies below your radar of self-reflection, so I’m afraid all I can spare is a bit of pity for a soul as sad as yours.


RevHenryMagoo t1_isyqyqv wrote

So they won’t arrest because the DA isn’t prosecuting enough? Do they need guarantees that everyone they arrest will be charged, prosecuted, adjudicated and incarcerated? Or maybe their job is to arrest, and regardless of the outcome they should do their jobs. I’m amazed that the police and their apologists have no problem casting themselves as the biggest fucking piss-puddle crybabies in the city. The lack of shame is astounding.


RevHenryMagoo t1_isynp73 wrote

How would you incentivize them, aside from their paychecks and pensions? Also, why do they need to be incentivized when the rest of the world just goes to work and does their jobs? Because if we don’t do our jobs, we get fired. But they don’t. Maybe that’s a problem? Maybe that’s incentive not to work, since there are no repercussions and they collect their money anyway.