
ScenicPineapple t1_j2d1qvh wrote

I make tons of mistakes at my jobs. Most are very small abd can be fixed easily. Ive never gotten anywhere lying about it or blaming someone else. I always just say I screwed up and how can I prevent this in the future.

You can't learn if you dont make mistakes.


ScenicPineapple t1_j20sv57 wrote

This LPT is all dependent on the job. At my old job, no one could take any PTO during the blackout dates from mid november to early January. My current job, 80% of my office is out of vacation, it's only a few of us here and it's really slow. I don't mind this at all compared to my last job which was retail.

These slow days do feel like a holiday for me. I get paid to just keep the office open and answer the phones, i'm cool with that.


ScenicPineapple t1_iu15g0q wrote

If it's anything like my mom, it's because she is a hoarder of sentimental items. We tell her to throw them away multiple times, but they mean so much to her, she keeps them. I'm not going to deny her happiness and she brought me into this world. That being said, we wont be keeping 90% of the stuff she kept, cause it just doesn't have that same meaning to us.


ScenicPineapple t1_iu142cn wrote

I started doing this more and more the last couple years. Accidents in my area have more than doubled, and most of them are due to distracted driving. Heck, if people didn't lie so much, i'd venture to say 98% of them are due to distracted driving.

Also my state is a no fault state and if your insurance company deems you even slightly responsible, you gotta pay or your premiums go up. So it's best to just keep that extra 5-8 feet in front of you for cushion.