
ScienceOverNonsense t1_j61c1q0 wrote

When I restarted at the gym after years of not going, I made a point of being clear about my motives. Essentially, I resumed this time because I want the health, mobility and functional fitness benefits. This contrasts with the ego and body image concerns, that prompted going to the gym when I was much younger. I also make a point of enjoying the gym experience each time, not simply tolerating it. I amuse myself on the elliptical machine by surveying the crowd and picking my daily favorite hottie, and taking note of the progress made by others. I try to learn good technique by observing the trainers and the most dedicated and successful members. I always feel good afterward.


ScienceOverNonsense t1_j44n63l wrote

Reply to comment by TodayTimeDeux in Warren Township by [deleted]

More toward the angry whacko bumper stickers and nra crowd traditionally, but parts of the county are changing with more Hispanic residents, more gentrification, and more restaurant choices, to name a few.


ScienceOverNonsense t1_izzz235 wrote

I put up a bachelor bat house, painted it gray and pointed it southeast as directed. It’s on a tall pole in the middle of a large expanse of lawn. No bats have taken up lodging there yet I see bats in the area at dusk. I live in a rural area of northwestern New Jersey. What am I doing wrong?


ScienceOverNonsense t1_iwyy6tj wrote

Now I understand why the best relationship I ever had was with someone who regularly thanked me for cooking dinner. It was genuine appreciation that showed in his eyes. I never got tired of that. He wasn’t much of a cook, but I enjoy it. We each did what we could for the other, according to our abilities, it was never a tit for tat. I still mourn his death after 24 years.

When my ndad told me for the first time that he loved me, he added, “so don’t ever say I never told you.” He made it about him. I was 60 and he was 86! We closed our phone calls with “I love you” after that, and he was very pleased the first time I said it before he did, but I never really believed him and I had to choke out the words because I didn’t love or like him, I was simply doing what I felt was my duty as the only child, to look after him in his old age, even though he was abusive. It’s been peaceful since he died, though his hurtful words and deeds continue to haunt me sometimes. Life is much better now.


ScienceOverNonsense t1_ivn3va8 wrote

Also, it’s harder to buy alcohol in Utah because of restrictive sales practices. This (and a desire not to be seen buying alcohol in one’s community, creates an incentive to purchase out of state and bring it back, lowering in-state sales, the opposite of New Hampshire.


ScienceOverNonsense t1_iupms0b wrote

Exactly, it takes much longer for cancer to develop than food poisoning, and many people didn’t live long enough to get the cancers now commonly seen in many older people. Food processing has become more complex than traditional salting, smoking, drying, etc, with relatively new additives, both synthetic and “natural.” Cancer is not the only consequence from long term consumption of processed meat products. They are high in sodium, which can affect blood pressure, an important factor in many diseases of aging. High consumption of processed meat leaves less room in the diet for more beneficial foods, and they are often consumed with alcohol or other foods that are relatively unhealthy. People choosing this kind of diet are likely less knowledgeable about healthy eating and less likely to prioritize it and other healthy lifestyle practices.


ScienceOverNonsense t1_iupki8f wrote

Both religion and gambling involve magical beliefs and irrational optimism about one’s own personal future. People younger than about 26 have not yet completed full brain development, particularly in the region responsible for judgment. They expect to win more often than the actual odds dictate. Young men are more prone to risk-taking and are likely to have more opportunities for, and interest in, sports betting than other forms of gambling. High income allows them to indulge in these activities more readily as well.


ScienceOverNonsense t1_iu2rjpf wrote

Many more people are intellectually capable than are admitted. Legacy admissions are a tradition at all schools and this almost always favors affluent white families by putting legacy ahead of intellectual criteria. As a practical matter, legacy admissions help pay the bills by generating generous donations and fund raising that less well endowed schools depend on to operate. Affirmative action is necessary to provide more opportunities for underserved people of color who are also intellectually capable of doing the work required to graduate. SAT scores have never been the sole criteria for admission, nor should they be.
