
Solid_Snark t1_j84hffm wrote

She treats Fred like shit, then there’s an episode that shows how fucked Fred’s family is, and instead of being compassionate towards Fred after learning this new info, she still treats him like shit after.

Notice how I specifically mentioned how she treats her victims when I spoke of growth. She wasn’t really that mean to Shaggy, Fred was her main victim throughout the show since the opening few seconds. Her punching bag.


Solid_Snark t1_j82seo1 wrote

I saw a YouTube review that covers this well.

If you have a character that is a rude jerk, you need a moment of growth where they learn and realize the error of their ways and, if they don’t change, they at least show a moment of empathy to their mocked victims… Velma’s character has no growth. She starts out a rude jerk and continues being a rude jerk throughout.