
StupidizeMe t1_j1o7n2x wrote

Everybody was going 70mph on a slick rainy pitch-dark road with a blind curve? Each driver has the legal responsibility of driving safely under whatever conditions are present, so I doubt that excuse will fly.

When I was a 15 year old girl, my Dad and I were driving on I-5. He told me to look around at the individual people in all the other vehicles. Then he said, "It's YOUR responsibility that they each get home safely to their loved ones."

It's been decades, and I've never forgotten that lesson. I think of it often.


StupidizeMe t1_j0zj5v1 wrote

This reminds me of a bit of historic trivia: In 1582 the length of a year was recalculated to be more accurate. The inaccuracy had grown to be 5 days and had led to all kinds of screwed up dates for events like Soltices, but had also made it hard to calulate Easter. Pope Gregory introduced the reformed calendar, now called the Gregorian Calendar.

Most of the world adopted it, but in some places the peasants rioted because they believed they were being cheated of their "days"!!

Russia kept the Julian Calendar, and by early 1900s they were 11 DAYS off. After the Russian Revolution their calendar was changed to match the rest of the world, but the Russian Orthodox Church still calculates Easter the old way, so it's usually a week or 2 weeks later than the rest of the world.


StupidizeMe t1_j0j64xa wrote

Are you serious? Criminals are adding Fentanyl to other drugs to make them much more addictive, guaranteeing there are enough desperate addicts to make them very rich. Right now they add just a speck of Fentanyl (which of course is plenty deadly.)

But if drug dealers no longer have to worry about accidentally KILLING THEIR OWN CUSTOMERS - thus killing their own long-term profits - they'll be free to add MORE FENTANYL TO MORE PRODUCTS. All they care about is 💰💰💰💰💰.


StupidizeMe t1_ix70isg wrote

This is one of those trippy views of strange clouds over Mount Rainier, where for a second you wonder if the volcano is finally erupting!