
XEssentialCryIceIs t1_je065j1 wrote

You have no idea. This dude first cropped up with his caricature of a lawyer at a planning meeting last year trying to push this shit.

The owner insists that the smell isn't bad and that he lives near his other asphalt plant in Massachusetts. The residents there also fought him on that plant, lost, and litigation is ongoing because the whole town fucking reeks of that shit. He keeps insisting the fumes are all within "safe levels".

They flat out lied to the planning board about community pushback in Mass.


XEssentialCryIceIs t1_jdjgqvk wrote

I think this is actually the best definition. Once it can maintain homeostasis organically, and I would argue without extreme interventions, it's a living individual. Until then, a fetus is no more a "person" than your liver is. Sure, it's living tissue, but it can't function or survive independent of the body it's attached to.


XEssentialCryIceIs t1_jdjf6ak wrote

The question just exposes his ignorance. The sperm that inseminates the ovum is "alive", as is the ovum itself. Living things come from other living things; there's no spontaneous generation going on anywhere in this process.

What he's really trying to ask is 'when is it a person', and that's a significantly more difficult question to answer.


XEssentialCryIceIs t1_jcfxu2r wrote

It's gonna be really hard without a global ban on PFAS and even if that was accomplished, these are substances that don't breakdown in the environment. They're known as "forever chemicals".
