
plz1 t1_jbjdccn wrote

Reply to comment by teladero1 in Job postings by teladero1

"Benefits adding $10K" isn't really a thing. Cash in hand is the salary, everything else is to clinch the deal. You could have the best health insurance in the country, but if the salary isn't livable, it doesn't matter.

Experienced network admin salary should be at least $60K in NH, without travel. That's before you get into certifications and specializations. Same job in Boston is easily $100K, for example.


plz1 t1_j62m5md wrote

I got a decent deal with Revision Energy. As others noted, the federal tax credit is there, but state program is not available in every town.


plz1 t1_iz0y35v wrote

The fact that he isn't in jail already for the previous offenses says a lot. Compare that to the lady that cast an erroneous provisional ballot (Texas I think?) that the GOP is trying to turn into a national example for their perpetual voter fraud witch hunt, it's just insane. It's only fraud to them when it's the other party doing it.


plz1 t1_iyklqgg wrote

I super duper don't care. The political grandstanding that occurs in NH ahead of each major election is actually enough to where I would prefer we weren't first. Once that roadshow is over, all the federal candidates forget NH exists, anyways.


plz1 t1_iww6qm7 wrote

I doubt it's the actual State Police doing this, it's likely an affiliated organization (charity maybe?). I have no idea what the end game is (other than getting our money), but I do know it's not actually the state agency cold calling people asking for the money. I'll start donating money to them just as soon as they abolish civil asset forfeiture...

I still won't donate, that was a lie.