
You_Are_All_Diseased t1_jdxzs3a wrote

They’re horrendous. A couple of years ago the feds came in and arrested 8 or so officers for crazy shit. They just went around pulling over young people and robbing them, among other things. A couple of weeks ago they were called to a mental health crisis, refused to let community members who knew him talk to him and then shot and killed the guy.

I work in Paterson and they’re really the worst. Most of things you’d call a normal PD for, don’t even bother with them because they’re useless.


You_Are_All_Diseased t1_iug0auv wrote

I’ve seen this kind of thing on r/legaladvice several times and generally the original owner is fucked. Seems like they never get their animals back and at most they can sue for the “value” of the animal which is basically nothing, especially compared to the value of a beloved pet.

This shit makes me furious.


You_Are_All_Diseased t1_itwa7nc wrote

Fuck your litter. It’s fucking gross seeing cigarette butts all over the street and even worse in nature. Just selfish assholes making a mess and throwing their trash all over the ground.