
allonsyyy t1_je39w82 wrote

I wanted to add, they're also a B corp, all local, sustainable, pasture raised. No feed lots, no factory farming, no children working in processing plants why the fuck do I have to say that now ugh.

You pick which animals, chicken beef pork and lamb. You pick your 'level', cheapest is just ground meat. I get the second one, just grinds plus, that comes with whole chickens, roast cuts and sausages on top of grinds. There's the fancy one, where you get primo steaks and stuff too. Then there's the fully customizable, 'order what you want' one.

You also pick your quantity, it starts at five pounds per month or you can do more in increments of five.

You can do recurring add ons, they have milk, butter, eggs, bacon and fish.

I like to get the lower tiers and add on what I want from their specials. The specials are seasonal, there's all kinds of stuff. Fresh local pasta, cheeses, breads (the sliced sourdough is killer), fish, meats, offal, dog food. They do holiday specials, like, you can order a turkey for Thanksgiving.

Everything shows up frozen, vacuum packed, in a reusable cooler, delivered by them. You put last month's cooler out the night before and they take it back. Easy peasy.


allonsyyy t1_jclcopo wrote

I swore off oil heat after renting a floor of an old, drafty three-family building in around, I want to say, 2008ish? Oil was crazy high, gas was like $4/gallon. I spent over a thousand on a tank of oil and it ran out in less than a month. We kept the house hella cold and used electric space heaters, we weren't cranking the thermostat or anything.

I thought there must be something wrong, maybe the tank is leaking or something, asked the landlord to have it checked out. He sent some maintenance jerk who said nothing was wrong and sent me a $100 bill for the service call. Moved out as soon as my lease was up.

My gas bill to heat my house and water was $138 last month. It's an 80 year old house, but I added insulation and new windows because I maintain my house, unlike slumlords who rent out the same building forever and never do efficiency upgrades cuz fuck it, tenant pays utilities why should they care?

It does seem like it should be illegal. We've got some old-ass housing stock that is owned by people with no monetary incentive to do any energy efficiency anything. There's rebates, tax incentives, financing available to switch to gas. But they can't be bothered, carrot don't work. Get the stick.


allonsyyy t1_j8mvfnh wrote

Someone filed a claim on one of my coworkers, I had assumed it was identity theft.

I don't understand how this is supposed to work, the unemployment office calls the business to verify. We obviously said no, he still works here.


allonsyyy t1_j5qxmsg wrote

I also have Frontier fiber, and it's the darndest thing: The advertised price is what I pay? Every month? Like, they said it would be $59.99, and that's what the bill is. Total. I was mildly flabbergasted.

Turns out, it is possible to not have hidden fees and taxes.


allonsyyy t1_iu15ou9 wrote

I used to find these hiking when I was a kid! My dad said they were blue-tailed skinks tho, guess he got the name a bit wrong. I was always excited to find them, and salamanders. Never see either of them anymore. I guess I don't spend as much time looking under rocks anymore, either.