
cashonlyplz t1_j9guq5l wrote

I hate this because I am, through and through, on the side of ecological justice but this is misleading and wrong.

Norfolk Southern suuucks and this is very bad, but it is not nearly as bad as folks on the left (and right) want this to be.

Yes, press is being boxed out and we don't know shit. So... Guess what folks, we still hardly know shit about the overall impact. That's very bad, but that doesn't mean we need to be Chicken Little-ing all the live long day. Either get on the ground and test yourself, or wait for the data.


cashonlyplz t1_j9gtw93 wrote

You are literally reposting truth social adjacent BS like it's any better.

Rumble is an online video platform and cloud services business[[2]]([[3]]( headquartered in Toronto, Ontario with its U.S. headquarters in Longboat Key, Florida.[[4]]( It was founded in October 2013 by Chris Pavlovski, a Canadian technology entrepreneur.[[5]]( The cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American right and far-right users. The platform has been described as part of "alt-tech".

So... Maybe no media is without bias and you should shut the truck up


cashonlyplz t1_j9gtszc wrote

FYI to folks, cuz I had to check on one of the clown here's "sources". Rumble is an online video platform and cloud services business[2][3] headquartered in Toronto, Ontario with its U.S. headquarters in Longboat Key, Florida.[4] It was founded in October 2013 by Chris Pavlovski, a Canadian technology entrepreneur.[5] The cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American right and far-right users. The platform has been described as part of "alt-tech".


cashonlyplz t1_j7luq35 wrote

Oh, baby, you're in the right state if you like trains and train history.

As others have said, the rails are not nationalized--Amtrak, unfortunately, only exists in its present form because of the freight rail industry. ~70% of Amtrak service runs on industrial rail.

If you believe it should be different, as many train nerds like myself do, we must bother our elected officials to no end, regardless of party.


cashonlyplz t1_j6okbpo wrote

  1. I never rode* against traffic. Never. And I glare at cyclists that do.
  2. Yeah I know I'm not waiting at a red light at 5:00 a.m. to cross Girard when there is nary a vehicle on the road. It's not going to happen. You better believe I wait at that red light on the way back, when the road is FULL of traffic. I know what the law is. I know we are treated as vehicles. Do (most) automobile drivers know that? Hell no. I'm getting home safely at the end of the day.

cashonlyplz t1_j6n5zrq wrote

I ride my $3K e-bike to work everyday, pre-dawn, through a notso nice neighborhood. I'm not waiting for a red light when the roads are completely empty just because cars have to. Rush hour is another thing entirely, but every rule for cars should not apply equally to bicycles. That makes no sense. We don't have an engine block taking away 3 feet of (all-too-often obstructed) vision from intersections.

They are not the same thing, at all. Idaho stops make sense as law, here.


cashonlyplz t1_j6i0cwm wrote

Access to safe and sound healthcare lowers the rate of abortions. Deny that care, and abortions go up (along with complications therein). Supplementally, good sex education helps decrease teen pregnancies.

The same moral panics bear the same regressive results, and people needlessly suffer as a result. We need to embrace science, not Bibles.


cashonlyplz t1_j5qopio wrote

The apps don't work if the vehicles aren't actively tracked. The bus tracking is far more reliable than "scheduled" trolleys or subway trains. If you see 'scheduled' on the app? Assume you're waiting for the next one--it's really a coin flip.

Ones displayed as "Untracked" ones might actually show up.


cashonlyplz t1_j3jul1a wrote

Just FYI:

Polling is not official counting. Everything you hear prior to election day, is from emotional data garnered primarily from people who still have landline telephones.

Media does not have access to actual vote counts until election day. Corporate media is bad. I really encourage people to support their local newspapers!!


cashonlyplz t1_j3glyb3 wrote

Trust the Committee of 70, the non-partisan election integrity commission.

They've been doing their darndest since 1927 at keeping PA's election system in good standing.

PA only had 3 instances of voter fraud in 2022, and that's even according to the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation

Also what flip-flopping has the media been doing? I don't necessarily disagree with you, but it helps your argument if you'd cite, uhm, anything. Otherwise, you're just hyperbolic noise, which I think people of all political stripes can agree is a large part of our current problems re: echo chambers.


cashonlyplz t1_j3glaqc wrote

Yeah, I'm confused. People seem to be misunderstanding the technical side of things versus being rightly critical of Republicans back-pedaling on procedures they themselves initiated at the start of the pandemic.

The votes were improper, and that's unfortunately on the voters, not the PA GOP.

What is on the PA GOP (and the RNC, fwiw) is making it harder for everyone's vote to be counted.


cashonlyplz t1_j3gl0fn wrote

>It's ballot harvesting.

According to you. Ballot harvesting is when a third party is collecting a bulk of ballots, which I believe is illegal.

For example: A major municipality's own board of elections can do almost whatever re: drop-boxes, so long as it does not violate existing State laws/rules. That's not ballot harvesting. Going to a senior center and collecting everyone's ballots would and since senior centers often end up being a designated polling place, I'm not sure we have instances of this happening, at least not in PA, but I don't think it's necessarily nefarious if the people whose votes are getting delivered are all walker or wheelchair bound. Old folks like voting. it's not stopping nor circumventing the election process to aid them.

I think you're a little confused about the facts