
cyberdeath666 t1_jaas7lv wrote

It’s more for authentication (FB/Google login), purchases, tracking installs, DAU, other metrics, and in case we need to push a hotfix that forces players to restart or install a forced update before they can keep playing, but yes, that is a major part of it for games that monetize using ads.


cyberdeath666 t1_jaaezii wrote

Apparently any beef with cheese in bread is a Philly cheesesteak now. No onions or peppers, and the bread is wrong, should be a hoagie. You made a random beef sandwich, not a “Philly Cheesesteak.” I’m sure it was good but you didn’t make an anglicized PC.


cyberdeath666 t1_ja1qeu9 wrote

If you think that blatantly manipulating people to get a conversation started is equivalent to being honest and introducing yourself, regardless of the outcome, you might want to re-evaluate. One is lying, the other isn’t. Not sure why that’s so hard to understand. Either way, how about just let them enjoy their night without trying to get your dick wet? They’re not there for you that night, or maybe any other night, especially with the way you feel it’s fine to manipulate them for your own gain.


cyberdeath666 t1_ja1j4iy wrote

10/10 would think OP is an absolute idiot or clearly trying to manipulate. Either way, this is a dumb opinion from a frat bro, and definitely not a LPT any respectful person should consider. If OP had balls they wouldn’t need to lie their way into a conversation, they’d just talk to the group as if he actually respected them and didn’t just want to fuck them. And if you do happen to attract the girl that just wants to fuck and doesn’t care about being lied to, well, have fun I guess. Still gross advice that no one should follow.


cyberdeath666 t1_ja1iuug wrote

Manipulating a group of people to get an in is not a respectable way to approach anyone. Does it work sometimes, sure. Is it still a d-bag move? Yes. And I’m getting married in a few months so I’ve obviously approached someone, and not with tacky shit like this.


cyberdeath666 t1_ja0lape wrote

I couldn’t care less what you get with your gift card. I got you a gift card because I literally don’t care what you get. There should be ZERO strings attached to gift giving, otherwise it’s not a gift, it’s you wanting to feel better about yourself for “giving” someone something. That’s like expecting to be thanked for donating money to charity. Do it because it’s good, not because you need a pat on the back. If someone does thank you, then that’s great, but expecting a thank you, or a list of what they bought with their gift card, is narcissistic and intrusive. This is a stupid “LPT” and it sounds like OP needs validation for gifts they get people or for receiving gifts. No thanks.


cyberdeath666 t1_j8wxrdh wrote

Please ignore my ignorance, you’re correct that you’re pretty well protected unless you do something with gross negligence or intent to cause injury. I guess just make sure you know what you’re doing, because if you stab a major artery and they bleed out, or you just randomly pound on the person’s chest, that might be considered gross negligence, but I’m not a lawyer obviously