
heroicgamer44 t1_j4wiwfy wrote

Many people. Their parents, their friends etc. In some cases, people perform for people they have have yet to know, people they aspire to be aquatinted with.

The “fake it til you make it” sentiment comes to mind. Many will construct an exterior image of the person they’d like to be and gradually apply more personalised touches to that image until it feels truly real to them.

I think a lot of people have issue with this. They persue a job that will ordained by a parent, they find a wife based on the wishes of their parent or the recommendations of someone else, they have a child and fashion their house as convention would dictate.

Something like the fountainhead led me to question the nature of originality and what , of the many things we take pride in and label as uniquely “us”, merely comes from the mind and governance of someone else


heroicgamer44 OP t1_iwb7t3b wrote

Basically this rising musician, Steve Lacy, has had some pretty bored or angry performances lately and is blaming it on disrespectful fans. The most interesting part of the drama is how many of his fans attended a performance but only knew the chorus. I wonder why that's a bad thing considering it's not the audience's job to know the songs; it's the performers


heroicgamer44 OP t1_it7mb6a wrote

I only wish reading could be my balm but it's the complete opposite for me. I started reading very actively around 2019 (I was 19) and it wasn't a smooth process but I assumed it would cease to be an issue the more I read.

Then 2020 I had same issues but still assumed it wasn't major. similar issues here with my mind and the words just not flowing smoothly

2021 was when my tics started when I read and I started to become more active with mending this issue and stopped assuming it would no longer be an issue

I have adhd, ocd and anxiety and I presume these contribute to the problem