
ichigo841 t1_jd11soc wrote

The DEA did not raise production caps for 2023 despite knowing demand has skyrocketed. It's also very convenient that they engineered this shortage right before Vyvanse is about to go generic, forcing a lot of patients to switch to a very expensive alternative so Big Pharma can get one last hit of record profits.

I honestly don't give a fuck if telemedicine is giving scripts to dead people. When's the last time a fucking cop got into med school? Being a fucking moron is a job requirement to become a cop. Show me the DEA agents' medical license. These unelected thugs need to be brought to heel. Drugs won the war on drugs. Send the soldiers packing. Abolish the DEA, they contribute absolutely nothing to society.

It just goes to show how deep the stigma on mental health runs, that y'all think it's acceptable for us to be collateral damage. Imagine if they did this for insulin, or any other medicine that doctors consider medically necessary. These unelected pigs have no right to decide any of this. They are lawless and unaccountable. It took them four months to bother responding to Rep. Spanberger's letters on this topic. They even refused the president's direct orders to reschedule cannabis. Who the fuck do they think they are?


ichigo841 t1_jcwspns wrote

Reply to comment by Trajikbpm in I see a pattern... by Trajikbpm

Bold of you to assume they're even gonna offer you the job. They'll just import a bunch of slaves on J1 visas and "house" them with a bunk bed in a broom closet. You'll own nothing and be happy.