
nkdeck07 t1_j9ro0vo wrote

Look at where the Connecticut river goes. All manufacturing in New England was almost always setup near a river for power and transportation (look further North in MA and you'll see the manufacturing trend continues further north into Springfield)

Once an area is established for manufacturing people tend to stay and continue using the area for the same reason.


nkdeck07 t1_j9arldt wrote

My husband does close to the Belchertown to Cambridge commute a few times a week and it really isn't that bad. If it dropped to once a week we'd be sitting pretty. Honestly commuting around Boston is such a shit show you don't actually loose that much more time, he's only getting home like 30 min later then he was when we lived in Acton and our money is going siginificantly further. The biggest thing is having a workplace that is flexible on when you arrive/leave to avoid the worst of the traffic.


nkdeck07 t1_j8zuz71 wrote

Seconding, my brother actually teaches in Springfield and loves it. He and his wife have a way higher standard of living then they did in Revere just cause it's so much cheaper out there. There's honestly also a pretty decent amount to do, the 5 colleges area is fantastic.


nkdeck07 t1_j3ea29x wrote

To give an idea what Newton is like I used to live there in a literal mansion. The reason I was in said literal mansion was because my roommates dad had bought the place cause he didn't want a builder impacting his Mom's view and decided to rent it out to keep the place occupied.


nkdeck07 t1_iu4lfr9 wrote

>Doesn’t do much good if you can’t even accept that improvements can be made.

Oh please good sir, tell us how us unwashed masses can improve our hospitals! I'm dying to hear how you oh random redditor who can't even figure out that Boston hospitals CLEARLY serve a population area larger then 1 million is gonna magically fix this issue.

Seriously there's a nation wide PCP shortage and we have some of the best specialists in the country. To give you an idea I just moved further West in MA and the soonest I could get a PCP booked with literally ANYONE with a particular hospital was September and there's been a lot of complaints about that PCP. Based on that standard 6 weeks is amazingly fast.


nkdeck07 t1_iu4kv74 wrote

>but the whole region and even country when it comes to specialized treatment

Seriously, my FIL visits us 2-3 times a year to see a Parkinson specialist at MGH. I live out in Western MA now and will be bringing my baby into Childrens in a few weeks to see a plastics specialist and specifically made sure my PCP out here was MGH affiliated so if i need a specialist I can see one in Boston and not in Springfield. When we lived in NH Dad got his hip replaced in Boston. Everyone is making the same decisions my family does.

I'd say it's even larger then the standard Boston metro region. Essentially the entirety of Vermont, Maine, NH, MA, RI and parts of CT and NY are gonna end up in Boston for "big" stuff.


nkdeck07 t1_iu4k8hn wrote

Their "evidence" against it was also showing that California also has 2 of the top 10 hospitals in the country, neither of which is in San Francisco and which are huge distances from one another. (I mean you could sorta claim it with Standford but still). Boston has 2 in that list within walking distance from one another.