rsplatpc t1_jdrh3kx wrote
rsplatpc t1_jawfaft wrote
Reply to comment by Noir_Ocelot in Terry Pratchett: Facing Extinction (2013) - Author Terry Pratchett, having been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, returns to Borneo, where 18 years earlier, he encountered wild orangutans for the first time [01:01:50] by BigJimNorton
> I found the "Choosing to Die" especially poignant.
Warning on that one, you will cry.
rsplatpc t1_jadjv93 wrote
Going to guess something big and heavy use to be on the left side and you needed to step up to / like a control panel or a bunch of electricity meter readers
rsplatpc t1_j9z2r8x wrote
Reply to This weather is screaming to stay inside by Amagnus
IPA at noon?
Looks outside
rsplatpc t1_j9ugg3j wrote
Reply to comment by holamiis in This weather is screaming to quit your job and drink inside by ABrooksBrother
Hey it's gonna be 61 degrees today!
And it's going to snow tomorrow!
DC in Feb rules!
rsplatpc t1_j6olvyk wrote
Reply to comment by anachronissmo in 'Dolly is part of the answer': Advocates spread Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library free-book program throughout Virginia by pot_of_hot_koolaid
> i don't think that is the obstacle
k, let's pretend it is, how do you do that?
rsplatpc t1_j6nqvep wrote
Reply to comment by anachronissmo in 'Dolly is part of the answer': Advocates spread Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library free-book program throughout Virginia by pot_of_hot_koolaid
> but the answer is funding more public educational services
Cool, how do you get the people to show up for the services and take advantage of them?
rsplatpc t1_j6i0dch wrote
Reply to comment by Thin_Bug_6405 in There won't be any snow this winter and I'm really mad about that. by bingol_boii
> Just wait til mid late February
We will have 4 days of mid 60's weather, and then second winter will hit
rsplatpc t1_j2dzxxp wrote
Reply to comment by smallteam in Problems at City Winery Went Beyond ‘The Neighborhood’ - City Paper by EmmaPaws
> "We’re a pretty woke, cool music company
I mean they are actually / if someone can actually back it up I don't have a problem with them saying it
rsplatpc t1_j248tvz wrote
because no event planner is going to do a massive outdoor event in January in DC due to unpredictable weather / you know how much money you could lose with cold temps and rain / sleet?
rsplatpc t1_j1xbomu wrote
Reply to comment by SpencerTheGreater in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> They bought new lights to replace the old ones. Because the old ones were problematic for animals.
You know that is a FRACTION of the zoos budget right?
rsplatpc t1_j1x82r0 wrote
Reply to comment by SpencerTheGreater in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> Why would they spend thousands of dollars on brand new lights instead of simply using the ones they already had?
rsplatpc t1_j1x7rmj wrote
Reply to comment by embracethepale in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> I don’t understand this.
That is something we can agree on.
rsplatpc t1_j1x75ag wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> Mkay well zoo still sucked this year, enjoy your unpaid shilling?
"I know the zoo can afford to make it better"
"I worked at another Smithsonian building that is not related to the zoo at all and they fired me so I'm mad at them"
"Ok, what does that have to do with the zoo?"
"Enjoy your unpaid shilling"
Yeah, you come off great.
rsplatpc t1_j1x6me2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> I made the massive mistake of working for a Smithsonian institute early in my career. The best I can hope is someone will see this comment and RUN in the opposite direction with their career.
Ah gotcha, so you are just some jaded employee with zero knowledge of the zoo and how it runs, just checking thanks!
rsplatpc t1_j1x5z27 wrote
Reply to comment by embracethepale in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> I’m sorry but no, the Smithsonian had plenty of money, volunteers, and underpaid contractors to cover this.
Oh, you know what the zoos budget was before the pandemic and post?
You know what the ENTIRE Smithsonian's budget is also, after people stopped going to all the museums during the pandemic?
Cool, what is it?
rsplatpc t1_j1x3vpo wrote
Reply to comment by imTony in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> Pay for what?
People to put up lights or anything extra, do security, sell things, take decorations down, do PR, etc
They are on a shoestring budget since the pandemic just to keep everything running with NO special events.
rsplatpc t1_j1x3lq1 wrote
Reply to comment by SpencerTheGreater in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> Nah. It has to do with them trying to minimize impact to the animals
Nope, it's 100% because they don't have the budget to pay people and can't even afford to pay a trainer to train volunteers to put up lights.
Source = good friend works at the zoo in the budget department, their entire budget got totally annihilated during the pandemic and they have been scraping by since.
rsplatpc t1_j1x3e8z wrote
Reply to comment by Dukester1007 in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> I have no idea why they created the system
Limited staff = limited visitors / no people going to the zoo during covid = limited staff = why the system was created
rsplatpc t1_j1x3aj0 wrote
Reply to comment by irishguy617 in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> The limited capacity is also a complete mess because it feels kind of empty and sad.
The amount of people they can afford to pay currently vs pre-covid is DRASTICALLY different so you can expect that for the next 2-3 years while the budget evens out
rsplatpc t1_j1x2z0g wrote
Reply to comment by displacedredneck in Was ZooLights worse this year than in the past? by Dukester1007
> Without FONZ, events at the zoo have been complete misses.
just fyi the Zoo parted ways with FONZ because they could not afford to pay FONZ anymore after covid / not because they wanted to or thought they could do a better job or anything like that / FONZ people needed a salary and the zoo literally could not afford it / or come close to being able to afford it because their budget got decimated by covid and the lack of people coming to the zoo and spending money / the zoo is doing what it can with it's current budget and staff
rsplatpc t1_iycw6vg wrote
Reply to comment by ICEMAN13 in Best bus to get from DC to Richmond? by ICEMAN13
> I was hoping for insight from DC residents who may make that trip semi regularly about things that Google can’t tell you like which buses tend to actually run on time and which don’t.
Watch this:
"Does anyone have any tips on a good bus that runs ON TIME from DC to RVA, or any other thing they have used that they like?"
"Is there a bus this Saturday AM that would go from DC to Richmond"
rsplatpc t1_ixudyum wrote
Here is guide to make a slightly better one
rsplatpc t1_it6ujlq wrote
Reply to comment by Throwaway2theplate in RIP Rusty by IvyGold
Apparently the move was for breeding, which he did, little pimp panda!
rsplatpc t1_jdrqc3p wrote
Reply to comment by GiganticBlackHole in Mozart is in your Room and he wants you to show him what Music has evolved into. What Song/Theme/Band/Album/OST/Score do you show him? by ah0xg0
> Undertow is an average album by a great band.
You gotta ease him into it :-P
Also I was at my most impressionable when Undertow came out, I have a soft spot in my heart for it