
thesnuggyone t1_j1gjgzo wrote

I don’t want to know the stories, I’ve read/watched so many of them over the years…but I always read/watch anyway. To me it feels like, the people in these stories, who lived through such deep deep darkness, were powerless in the face of a truly gigantic evil that stripped everything away from them. The least I can do is not look away. Hear it, be a witness for them.

I wasn’t there, but I am horrified by what happened. We should carry our horror, so we can reject any hint of that kind of dehumanization wherever, wherever we are able.


thesnuggyone t1_j1gisif wrote

I honestly don’t get it. Do these people understand what Nazis were, and not care? Or are they ridiculous idiots who honestly don’t know what they did???

Fascism experiencing a resurgence in recent years hurts my brain. I can’t wrap my head around people preaching this evil.

For god sake, every year of my life from 4th grade on I had a Holocaust unit in school, read the personal accounts, saw the haunting photographs and videos….who makes it through childhood in the USA and winds up thinking they want to be a Nazi??