
zgembo1337 t1_jcoh9u3 wrote

I live in ljubljana, which used to be an old roman town many years ago.

Half a city is built on roman remains, which means that every construction project will be delayed for many months. Major road closed for a few weeks to replace the sewer pipes below it? Nope, three+ months of archeologists with brushes looking at stones first. Was the road and the pipes replaced 20, 30 years ago? Yep. And 30 years before that? Also yep. Did they brush every stone back then? Yes they did. Will they do it again? Sure.


zgembo1337 t1_j65vtr7 wrote

Because I can schedule the wash to be done when i get home, and then hang the clothes to dry immediately and be free for the rest of the day

The alternative is an ordinary timer, but if i stay longer at work, the clothes will stay in the drum and get crinckled, if a meeting is cancelled, I'll be home already before the wash even starts, and I'll have to wait for it to finish, before i can go somewhere else.

You dont need-need it, but it's nice to have, and doesn't really cost a lot... I can get a connected washer for ~300eur here, maybe even less if it's on a sale. If you reall dont need it, just don't connect it to wifi, and it'll still be a dumb offline washer


zgembo1337 t1_j0uwxef wrote

Yep... And they're far from being the only one... You have Israel and Saudi Arabia, but both are US-friendly, so "it's OK", and lets not forget a bunch of stuff in africa, where noone cares, then you hear that some local leader wants the (eg.) french to go home from their country, then silence, some shooting, a coup, change of government and everything is quiet again.


zgembo1337 t1_j0tqcaw wrote

>The amount of immediate and long term suffering in everything the US touches is immeasurable.

Yep... Most of the world already hates the US (and many americans aren't aware of that), while at the same time, they share propaganda, how their soldiers are "fighting for american freedom" by killing people half a planet away.

Now, someone else is also waging a war, and we have a bunch of propaganda, flags in profiles, sanctions, and general hate, while ignoring that US (and quite a few other countries) are occupying other sovereign countries too, right now.
