Submitted by realbusabusa t3_11xf7to in Connecticut
Testy_MacTestry t1_jd2pjmu wrote
Ain't nothing safe in Hartford anymore!
No-Ant9517 t1_jd2qs4k wrote
Oh no why’d they take it
AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_jd2rcav wrote
I think it's because it said "Dunkin' Donuts" and now it's just "Dunkin'"
AfterMoonSet t1_jd2rjkp wrote
I hope they replace it with a new cup.
ThatsALotOfOranges t1_jd2rnlc wrote
Cancel culture has gone too far. We need to protect these statues that preserve our history and culture.
Onefortwo t1_jd2sbfi wrote
Bring back the cup
nsfdrag t1_jd2srd2 wrote
Damn I love some DD cups, what a tragedy.
ItsZippy23 t1_jd2ubqu wrote
This is bad news for the economy
TheSmokingLoon t1_jd2unmd wrote
I've been driving by signpro on 84 for work. And I've seen a giant cup in their building. Where it's going I have no idea
Bruins125 t1_jd2vkfp wrote
Nah all Massachusetts based businesses should be canceled until the notch is rightfully returned to Connecticut.
realbusabusa OP t1_jd2vr5a wrote
Free award to whoever finds out the ultimate disposition of this artifact. Trash pile, eBay, 100,000 Dunkin rewards points redemption?
[deleted] t1_jd2x5oo wrote
[deleted] t1_jd2x8go wrote
[deleted] t1_jd2xaj7 wrote
Ftheyankeei t1_jd2xv5h wrote
There was another one on the other side of the park this morning - my bet is that they’re replacing them - but it would be nice to get some advance heads up so I don’t have to take a detour in the morning because of a giant coffee cup
jules13131382 t1_jd2xwm3 wrote
Sonakstyle t1_jd2y527 wrote
Ice coffee is better anyways
zed42 t1_jd2y8ks wrote
that cup is at least a EEE
Individual-Celery944 t1_jd2ywi1 wrote
No worries, there's still the giant Dunkin cup in New Haven
GunnieGraves t1_jd318ep wrote
Cant have shit around here!
D_Squiz t1_jd31awe wrote
That's actually "Hello giant Dunkin cup".
They are rebranding the stadium "Dunkin Stadium" and that's the new cup (zoom in, it says Dunkin).
QueenOfQuok t1_jd31ih7 wrote
Can't have shit in Hartford
LittleJohnStone t1_jd32qd1 wrote
And an urgent one, at that
1o1Smileyface t1_jd335u2 wrote
How long until it's on FB Marketplace
brownstone79 t1_jd337yc wrote
The promo video on their website shows a DD cup, so you’re probably right.
Choppinitup31 t1_jd33881 wrote
That's actually the new cup pictured there. Notice it only says "Dunkin". It's coming not going.
Jaymez82 t1_jd341jc wrote
They made a new one. Saw it on a trailer at Sign Pros.
danathecount t1_jd3420e wrote
don't stop there - lets reclaim the CT western reserve. Northern Ohio is our god given right.
simplsurvival t1_jd37v1t wrote
I think SignPro in southington made it, it assume it's going back to them, maybe for rework?
realbusabusa OP t1_jd38pb4 wrote
That probably makes the most sense.
PhilipLiptonSchrute t1_jd39nw0 wrote
This happened weeks ago, no? I saw it sitting in Sign Pro's lot/garage some time ago. Is this the new version being brought to the stadium?
rediot t1_jd3b3cz wrote
It was already painted and re-mounted 🤪
BDMayhem t1_jd3bdfo wrote
plastigoop t1_jd3beu5 wrote
Streets need to be lined with people standing with their hats off in respect.
Toroceratops t1_jd3c44g wrote
I think God wisely let someone else deal with Ohio.
the-crotch t1_jd3gbsz wrote
Nah, cold brew
Sonakstyle t1_jd3gx1z wrote
Let’s not get all fancy now
the-crotch t1_jd3hlyc wrote
It is legit a lot tastier than iced coffee though, at least when they're black I can't speak towards which one is better with cream and sugar
solocupjazz t1_jd3is6g wrote
Let's just shove our way through the entire country until we touch the Pacific.
summersofftoride t1_jd3jbmf wrote
This, you can see it off 84
realbusabusa OP t1_jd3jg93 wrote
Pretty sure it is the old one being taken away
KingofLore t1_jd3oh5v wrote
Charter of 1662 has entered the chat.
DicmoVolant t1_jd3r3o6 wrote
We already stole our god given right from the natives.
Embarrassed-Island-7 t1_jd3uli9 wrote
No athlete in CT has ballz big enough for that cup.
CanProgrammatically9 t1_jd3vfuo wrote
At least they'll save money on gas. America and now that semi run on Dunkin...
FirmlyThatGuy t1_jd3vz5n wrote
The catalytic converter thieves are getting even bolder!
tequilamockingbird37 t1_jd3zfp0 wrote
Yeah looks like this is the new cup
Gold-Resource-5231 t1_jd42nc3 wrote
Can…can I have it?
Ok-Daikon1519 t1_jd430a9 wrote
I just saw it on the trailer the other day at a sign shop right off 84 in Southington
zackdag83 t1_jd45pip wrote
Eww, as a proud Michigander-turned-Nutmeger, you don’t want the stink of Ohio anywhere near ya.
hillscasino t1_jd46a29 wrote
not the double d’s😭
JustADudeBeingADood t1_jd47654 wrote
I will never be on board with dropping donuts from the name :(
doritosalt t1_jd4bwc8 wrote
It is!! I saw it off 84 heading home from work just the other day!!
DuchessOfKvetch t1_jd4ehqv wrote
I too thought this post was going to be about boobs, and was sorely disappointed.
turboda t1_jd4h2w1 wrote
Let's make connecticut red again lol
karmint1 t1_jd4hzyn wrote
One of my students showed me the new one his dad's company made for the stadium. Unfortunately it will no longer release steam.
Educational-Tomato58 t1_jd4if4b wrote
Not wrong
nepatsfan1974 t1_jd4ih7s wrote
Don't worry we already kicked CT out of New England. You can be a part of the Tri-State Area from this point on :P
burnthamt t1_jd4iykf wrote
Yeah OK. We're taking Rhode Island then!
Bruins125 t1_jd4j8gx wrote
Shhh, if you can keep a secret I'm a Medford raised masshole double agent assigned to live in Connecticut. Trying not to have my cover blown and fit in with the New Yorkers... and thwart this attempt to steal land from the glorious utopia of Massachusetts.
ClosetCrossfitter t1_jd4lw7w wrote
Thought this was a notification from r/reduction.
julyjjoe88 t1_jd4od65 wrote
Same here but I’m very much so not disappointed. I love the people in this state
Xcasinonightzone t1_jd4ozek wrote
Does every /r/Connecticut thread just turn into an argument about the notch now? I’m not mad I’m just sayin
Bruins125 t1_jd4p5l8 wrote
No, but every thread that somehow relates to Massachusetts yes
coastal_girl14 t1_jd4rqax wrote
Yes, I've seen some older insurance maps that showed the Connecticut River Valley stretched all the way to Newport News, VA.
Normal_Platypus_5300 t1_jd4t8x5 wrote
They did.
b33r_engineer t1_jd4u525 wrote
No. Ohio can keep Ohio, thanks.
ctbeagle18 t1_jd4wxo1 wrote
Chris Rock was right!
PsyrusTheGreat t1_jd4zyog wrote
Now what will gently steam when the Yard Goats hit a home run?
Crazy-Cartoonist9709 t1_jd52zgp wrote
Great! I hope they have better coffee this season. That watery swill, and their pathetic donuts will not be missed.
[deleted] t1_jd58x4u wrote
mkt853 t1_jd5awqe wrote
DD cups are the best cups.
Nigel_IncubatorJones t1_jd5ccbi wrote
I saw on the news it was removed to be cleaned, maybe repainted?
Nigel_IncubatorJones t1_jd5ccuz wrote
I saw on the news it was removed to be cleaned, maybe repainted?
No-Ant9517 t1_jd5earu wrote
nervyrocks t1_jd5ieo8 wrote
Correct, it got changed from hot coffee cup to Iced and went back up today
godkevgod t1_jd5kzd2 wrote
Vermont was chartered as New Connecticut. It’s ours.
weaponizedlinux t1_jd5l1rn wrote
I thought Daredevil.
I really need to get my priorities in orders.
weaponizedlinux t1_jd5l5wr wrote
Ewww... they changed it and now it sucks. Put the old one back! /s
RakelDakel t1_jd5tegp wrote
The old hot cup was taken down, cleaned up, remade into an iced coffee with LED screens at the top and logo changed to DUNKIN. The Yard Goats stadium lettering was changed as well.
thisdudemightgetit t1_jd69co6 wrote
Hello uglier cup
JaKr8 t1_jd69qfe wrote
Did Ben buy it?
JaKr8 t1_jd69sx6 wrote
We want the cup!!
HRzNightmare t1_jd6fpjj wrote
Shhhhh... I bought it to ef with my HOA.
All_The_Nolloway t1_jd6g6ro wrote
[deleted] t1_jd6mrhd wrote
Low_Vermicelli_1835 t1_jd6o4np wrote
I work across the street. Old cup was taken down. New cup installed. There is a new sign in the front as well.
TheDudeMaintains t1_jd6siae wrote
My brain isn't accepting this for several reasons, but if you look at a topo map of the east coast and squint, it kinda works
TheDudeMaintains t1_jd6smd8 wrote
That's the new cup on the truck though
GreenBoy9000 t1_jd6tj4i wrote
nepatsfan1974 t1_jd76o9d wrote
Go for it, it is the armpit (and pit) of New England.
charcuterie_bored t1_jd8bf8x wrote
I’d love to just park this in my front lawn and decorate it for every holiday
coastal_girl14 t1_jd9w1aq wrote
The maps were in the Old State House.
AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_jd2onha wrote
With that much coffee, it's bound to be.