Submitted by dustysaxophone t3_124fyps in Futurology

I'm having a hard time deciding what degree/career to pursue since everything is changing so rapidly. What do you think, what degrees are going to stay valuable in the age of AI? My interests are all over the place, I've considered economics, dentistry, philosophy and health/sport sciences.



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TheSensibleTurk t1_jdz7kkb wrote

Did polisci/sociology for BA and international relations/intelligence studies for MA and I couldn't be happier. Currently a fed contractor but have a variety of doors open to be a fed or remain in private sector or become a military officer now that they raised age limits. IMO whether the degree improves your intellectual skills is as important as the subject matter itself.


Dziadzios t1_jdzahid wrote

Dentistry is good for now. First you will be a normal dentist and earn a lot of money. Then tou will just buy progressively better dentistry equipment and one day you will earn by simply owning AI dentist robots.


Rogermcfarley t1_jdzdkls wrote

Do whatever you want. I've retrained 4 or 5 times in the last 30 years. I don't have a set idea of what job I must do all my life. AI is just a tool don't be frightened by it. Learn to use the tools at hand.


Evipicc t1_jdze8ei wrote

Mechatronics/Automation tech has a 100% job placement in my area, also the degree I'm pursuing. Look at placement numbers from your local universities.

I think you already know philosophy isn't going to pay the bills.


Charming-Coconut-234 t1_jdztuco wrote

People will give you different advices, but no one knows what happens exactly. Even I’m in the same boat as you. Do some research and see which domains take more time for models to take up. Let me know too. 😉


PEexam2022 t1_je00rin wrote

Assuming your in USA, pursue something that requires government granted professional licensing. The AI may do a lot of the work, but a professional will still need to stamp off:

Trades Dentist Doctors Engineers (PE licensed careers) Lawyers (this one is iffy because stating your career will be next to impossible once GPTlegal replaces all entry level associate jobs in the next 5-10 years)

Careers to avoid as AI replacement is immenent:

Teachers Middle management Draftsmen Admin Assistants Supply chain managers Anything solely performed on a computer that doesn’t require a license or very abstract thought


bettermentofman t1_je02ykd wrote

Looking into getting my undergrad in intelligence and National Security with a minor in political science. Would you say it’s worth it if I plan to pursue a masters or go to law school? Can’t find much info on the internet


pdthielen t1_je05m8p wrote

First off finish whatever degree you pick. Second pick something with some math and science in it. Third, do not follow the trends, everyone will do this, and it will be a problem. For example: environmental anything and computer science are not great choices. Know that what you pick will at some point turn out to be a wrong choice and you will want to take a wide range of electives, consider taking an extra year to build a minor or two. Best wishes.


No-Wallaby-5568 t1_je1dg3f wrote

What I've noticed is that the Chat GPT "AI" doesn't really think. It regurgitates. That's what it is designed to do. It ingests all the digital data and text that is out there and can spit it out on demand. It's a repository of knowledge not an intelligence. As such it will never be able to solve novel problems or answer hypotheticals. It will never be able to answer questions that have never been asked and written about before. So if you can answer such questions by virtue of having real intelligence your job is safe.


Iffykindofguy t1_je1fbyi wrote

People facing stuff. Health and sport sciences are your best bet. Do NOT for the love of god do economics or philosophy.


dustysaxophone OP t1_je1m2sz wrote

I'd really like to study economics but i guess you are right. Using mathematical and statistical models to produce information is for my understanding what economists mostly do, and thats something that AI is already very capable of.

Some people have made an argument (including Mark Cuban and Yuval Noah Harari) that although philosophy has been one of the worst degrees thus far, it might be valuable in the future since AI raises a lot of questions about ethics, and people need answers about how to live meaningful life without work. here's some random article someone wrote.

I actually have a long background in team sports so sport sciences and coaching could very well be quite a good AI-proof option for the future


valkyria1111 t1_je22q6i wrote

Go into Healthcare. Thar area is pretty safe and always needs hands on workers.

The new technologies going on right now are exciting & the pay is getting better each year because there's always shortages.


zoxxian t1_je2u0gm wrote

Abstraction is king. Math, applied math, statistics, physics and theoretical CS majors will be designing the AIs that the rest of us serve/interface with for some time to come.


Mercurionio t1_je48pn9 wrote

It will be improved towards what is needed.

The question is not about "I lost my job, where to go". The question is to plan ahead for a year at least.

Frankly, AI already did kill our future. We can't plan for it, we can't prepare for it, we don't what will happen tomorrow. It's like knowing the date of your death, but from the opposite angle. The same frustration and fear.


Rogermcfarley t1_je48rld wrote

It's early days with AI I don't know how much will be paywalled. However if it's part of your job then your workplace will pay for it. If you're learning then there will be student access. It is just a tool and there's much hype about it. I don't see any immediate threat that humans won't overcome and adapt to. The progress is startling but that's where we've got a little tripped up. I don't as of yet associate fear with AI just more possibilities. It really depends if powerful people get to gatekeep the power of future AI. That's something we don't yet know.


Mercurionio t1_je49iyt wrote

The access is locked behind countries, not paywall. I don't mind paying 20$ to be able to study it. But I have to move to a specific country for that.

How it's gonna be solved? (Spoiler, it won't be solved)


Rogermcfarley t1_je49uqh wrote

Is ChatGPT available in Afghanistan?

Ans : No, ChatGPT Not Available For Users In Afghanistan.

Is ChatGPT available in other Countries Also?

Ans : Yes, ChatGPT is Available In Other Countries also. But Due To Some Issues ChatGPT Not Available In These Countries North Korea, Iran, China, Cuba, and Syria etc. Full List Of all Countries Given Above

Can you use ChatGPT with VPN? Yes, you can use ChatGPT with a VPN. This is especially useful if the technology is blocked in your home country or school. A VPN, such as NordVPN, helps easily bypass restrictions and use the chatbot no matter where you are.

This is obviously applicable to ChatGPT. I haven't looked at Google Bard. I have tried it briefly but don't know about the georestrictions in relation to Bard.


Rogermcfarley t1_je4aysg wrote

I don't know your location and georestrictions to this technology and Humans will always monetise technology. Whether your fears will be truly realised I don't know. We do need to seek open and honest access to this technology. The genie is released and there is no going back anyway. I'm not sure we really know how this is going to go but we can make educated guesses. We do weaponise technology so undoubtedly this will be used for both good and bad that is a side effect of technological progress.

I don't see any major issues with access to this technology currently. Then again I don't live in a country with any georestrictions and I use free access rather than any paid plans currently.


Mercurionio t1_je4clfy wrote

I'm the embodiment of what will happen.

Some will have access to it and will be able to adapt somehow. Others won't and, basically, will die. Like me.

Finally, there will be those, who control the access. Guess what they will have.


Rogermcfarley t1_je4gzn0 wrote

That's catastrophic thinking though. You are predicting something that you will make come true and the key word is you. I can't make promises for everyone but you already set your fate by your thinking. You need to be responsible for your future wherever possible. Your belief is what will ultimately hold you back or set you free.