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Not_Legal_Advice_Pod t1_iyzgajx wrote

It is easy to imagine a point in the near future when you call tech support and are relieved when its a computer that answers.


vtssge1968 t1_iyzi594 wrote

I think I am there, considering you usually have to move up several tiers when dealing with tech support before you actually get a person that knows anything. The first several tiers are designed to handle the customers that literally are so stupid that they didn't plug in or turn on the device, because sadly there are a lot of those people calling...


runswithcoyotes t1_iyztq40 wrote

>Thank you for calling Product Support. I see you are a new caller. First, let’s administer a basic IQ test to help get to the root of the problem.


piTehT_tsuJ t1_iz3h2bt wrote

Actually called a company today that manufacturers some of our outdoor buildings. They make literally every part other than insulation and bolts fastners. All metal panels, frames, floors and doors. Have been working with them for 8 years. Supervised their company comtractors install them. Today I called their tech support to find out how much their 10x20 units weigh empty as to figure out what size equipment I needed to move one. The tech support lady insisted over and over they only make doors. I even pointed out the website even shows they produce the entire structure. Long story short... I found the installers number and got the info.


Tip_Odde t1_iz0lwvp wrote

The fact that you think people are "stupid" because they make simple mistakes with technology they may be new to just shows you're "stupid" when it comes to our social world...


ShittyBeatlesFCPres t1_iz0x8ia wrote

I used to feel that way but it’s been a decade since the last important change in consumer tech. We’re in the learned helplessness phase of the digital revolution now.

Except for printers, obviously. Those only get less intuitive and reliable over time for some reason. Or any reasonably new tech. So, I’ll always happily fix those for people but if my mom asks me for help with a laptop or smartphone this Christmas and it isn’t a real issue, she better just get used to talking to chatbots.

Edit: I’m getting feedback that’s already explained by my “I’m with stupid ➡️” t-shirt. I know people can’t see my shirt through the the internet but who knows how people offended I implied some humans are willfully ignorant think the internet works?


Digital_loop t1_iz2rkbk wrote

I agree and disagree with you and the previous poster!

I agree because we have people all the time who can't use a debit machine... It's not like the tech is new, we've had it since roughly the mid 70's!

And cell phones? We've been using them in the mass market since the late 90's early 2000's!


soupforzombies t1_iz18axf wrote

“I used to think it was the tech that was wrong, but now I think it’s the humans that are stupid

Except for the tech I can’t figure out. That tech is wrong.”



Tip_Odde t1_iz13c4q wrote

It's okay that you're wrong. Hope you can see the light some day


vtssge1968 t1_iz1netr wrote

I specifically cited not plugging in or turning on, unless you are from somewhere without electricity, if you can't figure out to plug in or turn on a device, you border on brain dead.


Tip_Odde t1_iz224h9 wrote

Ever been to Appalachia?


vtssge1968 t1_iz25iut wrote

The people I've met there (I have family in that region) have electricity and most of them are more intelligent than many of the city dwellers where I live.


Tip_Odde t1_iz27kwc wrote

Ah, sorry. We're talking about the real world. "Family in that region" means some shit like ashville nc lol


vtssge1968 t1_iz2y4wk wrote

Just because you make things up doesn't mean I do.


Tip_Odde t1_iz53yn3 wrote

I didnt accuse you of making anything up lol, way to out yourself.


[deleted] t1_iz0uj7o wrote



TomSwirly t1_iz12jks wrote

> Most people are below average, that's how averages tend to distribute.

Mathematician here. No, this is not how averages work.

It depends entirely on the shape of the distribution. In a perfect normal curve, half the population is below and half above the average, otherwise it depends on which direction the distribution is skewed.


savedposts456 t1_iz0ytup wrote

Yes and half of people are below the median and half are above. You just defined one cherry picked statistics related word. That means nothing.


danellender t1_iyzivay wrote

Good observation. I would say that the multiple choice pick a number type of technical support is almost over and it will be a relief when it's gone forever.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_iyzv5rs wrote

I got caught in a loop for over 90 minutes being bounced between human and automated phone systems.

Call main number. Get a human. Tell them need to schedule lab test. They direct me to another line. This one automated. There's no choice for lab tests. I choose nothing. Routes me to main number again. Repeat, this time choose appointments response from automated teller. Routes me to main number again. Repeat, choose "talk to staff" this time. Routes me to main number. Hang up. Email doctor's office directly. Tells me to call main number.

Forget about the lab test and hope I don't die.


Yvaelle t1_iz0y50r wrote

The thing i hate most about this is it would take like 30 minutes to setup a webform that would send emails to their clerk with all the requested information, and a callback number if a callback is needed.

It could be made to show up in their email with an approve/deny button, and now your clerk isn't sitting on phone lines all day, potentially gaining your company a couple FTE's.


Purpoisely_Anoying_U t1_iz08ii1 wrote

To me a bad AI is frustrating

A very good AI is creepy


the-grim t1_iz17vtv wrote

If humanity is the training data, it won't take long before the AI is already tricking and deceiving people to its own ends.


GenoHuman t1_j0p7iw5 wrote

It already does in the game DIPLOMACY, look up Meta's AI on it.


Steelyp t1_iz0ej1l wrote

Lol in the future the pity job for humans will be directing the call. “Which AI do you need? The billing AI, the upgrade AI, the tech support AI…”


james28909 t1_iz02y78 wrote

as long as that computer give me my goddan payment extension ill be fin