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TheMrGUnit t1_iu1ykgm wrote

"AMERICA FIRST" plastered on a German car that was assembled in Mexico.

It's kind of like the Volvo S60 wrapped completely with Trump paraphernalia tip to stern that I've seen before. A car that was made in Sweden by a Chinese-owned company.


metalandmeeples t1_iu3xujk wrote

Hey now, I own both a Mexican made VW and a Swedish made Volvo. Great cars! I don't have any stupid stickers on them though.


Guygan t1_iu1gukr wrote

That’s a very confusing set of stickers.


AdjNounNumbers t1_iu1q3sy wrote

Nature is cheaper than therapy, but I'm this case I'm sure therapy would be worth the extra expense


Halifax199 t1_iu442cj wrote

In his case, "nature" likely means killing animals and logging.


z-eldapin t1_iu1hu26 wrote

The amount of confederate-flag waving people that don't understand the first amendment at all is, well, not that surprising.


Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iu2zhz1 wrote

Im sorry...where is the confederate flag? The guy is a second amendment nut. Nothing on his/her car refers in any way to the confederacy.


lateja t1_iu2a5z3 wrote

Where the fuck do you see a confederate flag? 😂🤦‍♂️


z-eldapin t1_iu2bfcy wrote

I don't.

Why are you so angry?

I can infer from te bottom left bumper sticker...


lateja t1_iu2ktdd wrote

Angry? I was laughing, because I find a subset of Americans such as yourself hilarious :)

The middle-class, eternally bored, high-strung type to jump to a conclusion that someone is an eco-terrorist because they have a vegan bumper sticker 😅

Or are "literally hitler" because they are driving a German car lol


sequosion t1_iu5ja3f wrote

Bro what are you on about? Literally no one has made any of these assumptions


KingTut44 t1_iu1xapz wrote

My rights don’t end where your feelings begin - unless of course my feelings are the one being hurt


Flame_E_O_HotmaN t1_iu28dbi wrote

Too true


cathpah t1_iu2gba7 wrote

I bet they feel like Trump won the election. They'd be wrong, of course...but it's all laughable.


bugdude666 t1_iu4kmnq wrote

For real. It really seems like people who have the “no step on snek” motif are super sensitive these days.


KingTut44 t1_iu4kyu8 wrote

Those guys love to call everyone “snowflakes” but it’s them that are the snowflakes. It’s all a projection


Hot_Salad9000 t1_iu1s8tj wrote

I recognize that car, construction worker lady. I think the same person who got hit on Summer St Kennebunk a few years ago


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33h6t wrote

Really? Maybe I passed by her on Gorham Road in Scarborough the other day...blonde hair?


SagesseBleue t1_iu1pzy1 wrote

Car registration is up to date.

What a libtard.


eljefino t1_iu2fr9y wrote

Probably has some of that "in-sure-ants" I heard about on TV...


c30mob t1_iu1rs44 wrote



Affectionate_Dog2781 t1_iu1u4ur wrote

What’s a fuckmill? Is that like a fuck-ton?


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33ka9 wrote

It's a special kind of mill that manufacturers fucks. A lot of them left in the world even though not a whole lots of folks are biting.


Pirate_Nurse15 t1_iu29qwq wrote

As a trailer park boys fan....I would love to have that license plate 🤣


raynedanser t1_iu1x3sd wrote

This is a very scary, very angry person. Stay away from them.


riefpirate t1_iu21cg8 wrote

I wish people like that would seek education, they are in clearly desperate need.


Unable-Bison-272 t1_iu3bm25 wrote

People tried to educate them. All the teachers and professors in the world can’t make dumb fucks pay attention


doctorbimbu t1_iu25rsl wrote

Why would you hate the Biddeford mills that much


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu261i2 wrote

Probably because they've been turned into non-affordable housing, boutiques and a hotel.


WangnanJahad t1_iu2a9e9 wrote

"My rights don't end where your feelings begin"

Just so long as you don't hurt MY feelings, is what it wants to continue to say.


Persimmon-General t1_iu1uv3f wrote

It’s a shame he’s losing that license plate under the new law


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu1v879 wrote

Depending on how smart they are... Frig is short for Frigga, of Norse mythology...

So Frig Of Ass-guard.


Generations18 t1_iu2cawi wrote

My cat is named Frig, and so many folks think its rude. She disagrees


eljefino t1_iu2g3xu wrote

Sheena says put your feelings on a bumper sticker, so this driver's prepped.


GreenNimbus59 t1_iu47dj9 wrote

New law is stupid. People can put stickers with profanity on them idk what's the big deal about a dumb license plate lol


fuxgivenzero t1_iu262rr wrote

Someone should inform this driver that the mills in Biddeford closed years ago. They seem to have very strong opinions about those mills.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33s8b wrote

Yeah, but now it's being turned into housing and a hotel. Plus the parking garage and the other housing and shops going right by it...


atxJohnR t1_iu3ur7y wrote

Insurrectionist drives a Volkswagen, because, of course


pahnzoh t1_iu4blpu wrote

Classy =/= the opposite of my political views


amccune t1_iu3tl4w wrote

Why is it the “don’t tread on me” people always have the thinnest skin?


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu4c911 wrote

It's because they have thin skin they don't want people to tread on them. It'll hurt their feelings.


amccune t1_iu4pw1k wrote

Case in point: someone downvoted my comment. lol. There it is. There's the proof.


11feetWestofEast t1_iu3zqix wrote

Oh lawd this group has turned into a bunch of "waaahh someone has opinions I don't like, waahhh"

Here's one word trick to help you get through life.. Laugh it off, and move along.


Impooter t1_iu423iy wrote

Nobody here is crying. We're laughing.

2/10, do better next time.


breath-of-the-bong t1_iu46mec wrote

“The first amendment grants freedom of speech, the second guarantees it“ so you’re telling me this guy is gonna shoot me if I don’t let him speak his mind? Damn


pab_guy t1_iu4g7j6 wrote

Rick? The guy who kept encountering fascists while traversing the multiverse and clearly hates them?


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu57xib wrote

I know of "Rick And Morty" (as in, it's a thing I know exists) but I have never seen it.


aluredus t1_iu4pnsv wrote

Disappointing showing from the Scarborough Fish and Game Association.


sarahlu82 t1_iu4sxcz wrote

I saw this car the other day too, and almost took a picture!


[deleted] t1_iu1vcdp wrote

What does the flag with the circle stars mean? I've been seeing it around lately


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu1wphv wrote

It's the "Betsy Ross Flag". Thirteen stripes, thirteen stars.

Some people are using it as a racist dog-whistle after back in 2019 Kaepernick said it was offensive due to its connection to slavery-era America.


DeyCallMeTimmy2shoes t1_iu32gs2 wrote

Hoooooold on that’s the first I’ve ever heard of that specific use for it. That’s not automatically disgusting because there’s one obscure offensive reason for it. The most common understanding is the first flag of the United States, representing the 13 colonies.


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu334u3 wrote

First hit on Google "US flag with 13 stars":

> "... The Betsy Ross flag has been used by many different groups over the years, including extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan, said Mark Pitcavage, senior research fellow with the Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism. He said the association is weak compared to other symbols, though. > > "Most white supremacists would not know what the Betsy Ross flag was if you asked them about it, compared to all the other symbols that they constantly use," Pitcavage said. > > The anti-government "militia movement" also uses the Betsy Ross flag. Pitcavage said that tie wasn't strong enough for the average person to immediately connect the two...."


DeyCallMeTimmy2shoes t1_iu36c5d wrote

Wow way to be objective and unbiased. From that article you link the very first commentary on it I quote “Is it used as a symbol for hate groups?

That depends who you ask, though generally it is not viewed that way.”


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu4bda8 wrote

I merely said that was the first hit. Every single article I found from my search had the same/similar information. I directly liked/quoted that one because it was the first hit and it was the most easily read.

Think of it like "the secret handshake". Those who know, know.


mouldyrumble t1_iu3n8sf wrote

I mean, did you read the rest of the stickers? Pretty good odds this person is a racist.


[deleted] t1_iu3t343 wrote

Oh duh, I should remember that from middle school. I have to say I see it alongside Trumpy stickers so the racism angle makes sense


theshoegazer t1_iu2s1is wrote

"My other car is the local news site comments section"


SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_iu2zsbw wrote

No one has addressed the stuffed animals in the window


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu32tmz wrote

We can't, they're not in envelopes.


pl8ster t1_iu4237x wrote

That made me laugh, but I think stickers would work. You'd probably want to run some tape around the outside to make sure the stickers stayed on. But then there might be tape residue...

Yeah, you're right. Envelopes.


Dseltzer1212 t1_iu3p2yz wrote

How can I say I’m Ignorant without actually saying I’m Ignorant?


sexy__waluigi t1_iu4d0a4 wrote

A lot of big feelings here from someone who makes fun of people having feelings.


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu4f2t3 wrote

If it wasn't for the "#f***mills" sticker and the license plate, I would have just thought they're a right-winger and moved on. It's those two things specifically that prompted me to post it, in line with the other "Keep it classy {name of town}" posts I've seen in this sub recently.


Llilbuddha422 t1_iu4hchg wrote

Ive come to believe it’s one of three places in Maine that are equal in shittiness to providence RI, and those three are A. Biddeford - B. Augusta - C. Portland


DameSpeaks t1_iu4vfc9 wrote

If only he had a second plate for MR LAHEY 😂


MojesticMorty t1_iu4yfl3 wrote

Yup you can always tell the ones that were dropped at a young age.


LRA94 t1_iu52a09 wrote

I see this car everywhere. The woman that drives it is a total fuckhead on the road.


sequosion t1_iu5i63s wrote

Why am I not surprised this person likes Rick & Morty?


bastardosybastitdos t1_iu5og1s wrote

Less trump than I would have imagined. And it kinda looks like he tried to peel the one trump sticker off and then gave up on it after giving it a half hearted attempt.


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu5sfxj wrote

Neither here nor there, but it doesn't look like an attempt to peel it off, rather just wear and tear from putting it in a bad position six or seven years ago.


Independent-Ruin-185 t1_iu9iouc wrote

For anyone who doesn't already know... The constitution doesn't grant anything. It's a shield not a sword. Our rights are inalienable and the constitution protects them from our government.


DiscoRichard t1_iu1zccp wrote

If you were to google the original Volkswagen logo, it makes more sense.


monsterscallinghome t1_iu2jhuj wrote

Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or the Volkswagen corporation what they were doing between 1939-1945...


sp00pySquiddle t1_iu223cv wrote

the longer you stare the worse it gets >_<


Leigh257 t1_iu25fi5 wrote

If I had a dog, I definitely wouldn’t be telling it that this sentient pile of dried manure says hi.


Weird-Tomorrow-9829 t1_iu26rfl wrote

I’m not a huge fan of her. But what is this supposed to accomplish?


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu297x8 wrote

Lets everyone else know they're a racist (see other stickers) MAGANut?


pahnzoh t1_iu4bu8g wrote

Which stickers are racist? Very curious.


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu4ejwr wrote

The Betsy Ross flag is apparently a low-key one. Trump, of course. And there is so much overlap of sexism, racism, ableism, classism, etc, on the right that when I see one, I kinda assume the rest.


pahnzoh t1_iu4ew05 wrote

The Betsy Ross flag was displayed behind Obama at his inauguration. You're just taking an a hostile interpretation of it because this person overall probably goes against what you believe in.


Papagriffy t1_iu5ahir wrote

the Betsy Ross flag is not a racist flag… a quick google search will explain. I understand the confederate flag being racist but. If anything the Betsy Ross flag is more nationalism than racist seeming how it was made just shortly after the Revolutionary War in 1777 to unify America, and if that’s a problem, I guess what I said is null.


Simon_Jester88 t1_iu2dh26 wrote

"Frig Off Lobster"

What did the lobster do?


kgoodine08 t1_iu3qk9x wrote

I appreciate the fukk Mills sticker! 👍🏽 Won my vote


kgoodine08 t1_iu3tjc8 wrote

Actually..... I never received any stimulus money, weird right 🫶


OriginalGordol OP t1_iu4c0r4 wrote

Maybe you're above the income cap? I got it, my brother did not. He makes about twice as much as I do.


kgoodine08 t1_iu4cm7k wrote

Someone voiced their opinion about mills, as well as I did.... Their comment has since disappeared, but it was about the stimulus money.