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Smokin77 t1_j6yylxa wrote

All the heatpump owners want to know where you bought your woodstove.


MainiacJoe t1_j70bkx3 wrote

Supermarket blueberries look HUGE


sgdulac t1_j71hsmf wrote

Omg, I thought I was the only one thinking this. So funny


BackItUpWithLinks t1_j70q4bb wrote

You’ve worn a Halloween costume over a snow suit


fakecrookedjaw t1_j6z04gs wrote

…you’re playing in a pond hockey tournament on Saturday


yesplease6979 t1_j6z3qz2 wrote

It was rescheduled to next Saturday.


fakecrookedjaw t1_j6z5va5 wrote

Rangeley? I did hear about the Pond Hockey Classic in Sidney getting canceled


yesplease6979 t1_j6z74os wrote

I stand corrected. I thought there was only the Sydney one this weekend.


True-Mood-439 t1_j71tcid wrote

To the best of my knowledge the one in Rangeley is still on.


Lerch737 t1_j70580v wrote

I have friends playing disc golf Saturday! Stay warm and hydrated bub


MaineChowder71 t1_j6zdto0 wrote

you button up your vest tomorrow for the first time this winter, due to the -40 wind-chill.


Dr_Lexus_Tobaggan t1_j70nb2v wrote

I don't know about you but I'm going to get ice cream tomorrow in a hoodie, mesh shorts and flops


Reckless85 t1_j70nz0y wrote

I heard there's an ice cream place in Portland that gives you a discount for every degree it is below 0.


AnonymousUnderpants t1_j71fl1h wrote

You’re thinking of Gelato Fiasco and their “frozen code,” which runs through March 19.

From a FB post: “You save one percent on gelato dishes for each degree below freezing outside at the time of purchase, if you’re a Red Spoon Society member and you use the passphrase “Frozen Code” at the cash register before making payment.”


guedelha t1_j73cybi wrote

Cold weather is the best for ice cream because it won’t melt.


Rxn2016 t1_j736pn8 wrote

Literally just today broke out the jacket for the winter lol


[deleted] t1_j6yypy8 wrote



Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j70mmbd wrote

Idk man. Might wanna go to the store, buy up all the bread, milk and toilet paper. Then remove your battery from your car and sleep with it to ensure it starts. Then panic that it's cold outside in winter while you're inside with working heat and power. Don't forget to go outside and bitch about it being cold in winter in Maine too, at least once during this totally normal cold snap we experience every year.


kjimdandy t1_j731k4y wrote

won't be the first time I've snuggled up with my battery, damn sure enough won't be the last, tell u what


Lama1971 t1_j739t0b wrote

We don't kink shame here. You're in a safe space.


kjimdandy t1_j73dle9 wrote

Thanks, it has it's positives and negatives


ToesocksandFlipflops t1_j71bj9j wrote

I gotta tell you for some reason I am irrationally angry about the coverage about this cold snap. Like it's 36 hours of below zero, this is no big deal. Slow news week or something.

Wear a coat don't stay outside. Are people that stupid we need to talk about frost bite for 5 damn days. Ugh I gotta chill about this.


ecco-domenica t1_j72sbm6 wrote

When I was 13, I got tired of waiting for the bus in the Caribou middle school auditorium after early dismissal one day for a blizzard. It was a bad winter, we'd already had several blizzards, and it had all gotten pretty old, just so boring. So I decided to walk home about 8/10ths of a mile. NBD. Did it all the time. Oh yeah, and I'd forgot my mittens & hat that day.

I froze the tops of my ears and all my finger tips in the 10 minutes it took to run in the blowing snow to my father's office that was a little less than half way. He was closing up to go home but luckily was still there to let me in, and he got me thawed out. It was . . . painful. It took a week for all the black bits to peel off and they're still sensitive to cold 55 years later.

I think us all putting up with hearing about frostbite for 5 damn days is worth it if one dumb kid like me doesn't have that experience.


ToesocksandFlipflops t1_j74ar7h wrote

I had an experience where I frost bit my toes snowboarding in 1995, stupid stupid me, got home at 10 pm ran a hot bath and stuck my feet in.. and felt the worst pain of my life.. what an idiot I am.


dabeeman t1_j71zj27 wrote

it is irrational since it’s possible we break some records. it’s not the end of the world but it’s certainly news worthy.


Mist_deBall t1_j71jfox wrote

It was only 4 years ago when we had a cold snap that lasted two weeks. Sheesh


ToesocksandFlipflops t1_j71k6f3 wrote


Got a message from my kids superintendent last night, they can wait in the house the bus will still stop. This morning it was 22 degrees at 4am. Yesterday however it was 4. I get that this afternoon the Temps will drop like a rock but come on..


Zyra00 t1_j71yjqu wrote

22 degrees and-60 are 82 degrees apart just fyi


ToesocksandFlipflops t1_j71znr1 wrote

Sure wind chill in my area it's -32 to -40 with wind chill. Cold sure. But for 36 hours no need to have a panic.

I understand the stress on the unhoused population I really do, and there are a multitude of resources out there for them.


Zyra00 t1_j7215d1 wrote

I mean, it makes sense that the news is covering it - people need to know to not leave their animals outside and try not to be caught in the weather. You can get frostbite in less than 10m.


RedBinome t1_j73lprl wrote

Nice! My school district won't do that, instead they messaged asking us to wait outside for the kids to be dropped off 🤔


WalkerBRiley t1_j72nq6e wrote

I'm actually pretty relieved that the news cycle is so slow that all they have to report on is it's a bit chillier than normal.


lsanborn t1_j7064fz wrote

You actually like turnip.


YolksOnU t1_j71w5t5 wrote

Ah shit, guilty as charged. Turnip's fucking delicious.


sunnylisa1 t1_j777fhn wrote

Can't stand turnip but I'll put molasses on most anything


Desnee3 t1_j72udbx wrote

I never even tried turnips before I moved to Maine and they're really good. Am I a Mainer yet?


rofopp t1_j72w2wv wrote

No. Only rutabagas for you.


Desnee3 t1_j72whxd wrote

Dang. They're also good, though, so I'm ok with that. That's another good I didn't try until I came here. Maine had really expanded my culinary experiences.


conflictedbosun t1_j7048zf wrote

You beat the rush on Allen's before the big storm.


jgwentworth-877 t1_j714qh1 wrote

You know the easiest way to piss off a Masshole is to drive the speed limit.


ecco-domenica t1_j71bof5 wrote

You skimp on heat in November when it's 40 degrees so you won't have to in February when it's -15.


eircheard t1_j718rvw wrote

You have a multi-tarp shelter for your junky collectables and parts


urlocaldesi t1_j72fhtw wrote

And you never throw anything salvageable away. The scrap pile has treasures in it.


QuiGonLogan t1_j6zzpjb wrote

It’s not broken until you can’t fix it anymore


Pikachupacabra69 t1_j7032ye wrote

when your idea of a good time is chillin in your car on the phone in your driveway while it's idling for way too long. just go in the damn house when you get home! there's snacks and a bathroom. I do not understand.


SilverSlither t1_j70uqb8 wrote

As a mom who is always needed, I get this. Being in the car by myself is the closest thing to a get away that I get to take alone. People may need me to stop fights, find a charge cord, make dinner, but I can't hear you, I'm in the car.


FragilousSpectunkery t1_j6zjbw2 wrote're in Florida watching the television weather and decide to call up your caretaker to make sure the house was "really" winterized.


YolksOnU t1_j71wau9 wrote

If your camp is actually a camp and not a summer home.


tesaril t1_j70tgug wrote

you can hang skidder chains off your god damn nipples!


skypirate1989 t1_j71ltne wrote

you try to leave for work, but there is a swamp donkey with a baby standing in your dooryahd.


IamSauerKraut t1_j6zi1b7 wrote

Seems like a good time to take a dip at Cobscook to warm up a bit...


theharddog1 t1_j71wd9x wrote

Your house is never quite finished…always working on it


lostdad75 t1_j71xgte wrote

You plow the entire dooryard.


Ok-Eggplant-1649 t1_j72or5u wrote

You wear shorts and slippers to shovel in 20-degree weather. You've gone out barefoot in the snow to get something off the porch.


Smitch250 t1_j700xo6 wrote

I’ll have to put a shirt on finally.


rizub_n_tizug t1_j718wmh wrote

You wanna hear how my friggen can sounds?? Brap! Braaaaaap!!


Mist_deBall t1_j71jo62 wrote

You know the difference between tight, wicked tight, and hummin' tight.


TheRogIsHere t1_j71nads wrote

When you look at the forecast, shrug, and say "Could be worse."

Frankly, stoicism has always been a Yankee trait, especially with Mainers, but it seems to be becoming a thing of the past as I see more and more posts on this thread.


WDelta4Zer0 t1_j729h5f wrote

You spray it down with a lil WD40 before you put the boots to Er cause you’s a gentleman.


bizmike88 t1_j72d8tz wrote

They sell Kerosene at your gas station.


schreckenghast666 t1_j6zvg21 wrote

You have 5 brothers and sisters and they all have different last names.


Chutson909 t1_j71cwsi wrote

….you’re more worried about your beard getting caught in your jacket zipper then some stinkin cold.


rectumlike t1_j71p35c wrote

you look forward to extreme cold so the people from away stay in the lodge creating no line for the lifts!!


purplekeyboard92 t1_j71s7x6 wrote

You're still drinking ice coffee with negative temps.


Carolina-Hurricanes1 t1_j72855n wrote

You are a diesel technician and you work outside no matter what


bigdummy53 t1_j737b40 wrote

You’ve run your AC and your Heat on the same day.


notqwhiteright t1_j73hiw6 wrote

Tyvek house wrap is a permanent exterior solution...


cracan1 t1_j743jxp wrote

When it's 18 below and you tell friends down south"it's a little chilly out today."


CyberJay03 t1_j71c42u wrote

Yes, the ice will thicken. Ice fishing will last a bit longer.


Daniboi1977 t1_j71tmgw wrote

you're not looking for a Mainer if you're expecting complete sentences.


seeclick8 t1_j71vzw7 wrote

You are 15. It’s 20 degrees and you are walking to school wearing just a hoodie. No gloves or hat.


Seaweed-Basic t1_j71zpaw wrote

32 degrees or above it’s shorts weather.


arycyc t1_j724w5l wrote

You are from Maine


BackItUpWithLinks t1_j72a2ae wrote

Your camp is on skids because it’s on leased land and you have to move it every few years.


janbrunt t1_j73fhqy wrote

You only buy lobsters from “a guy”.


ErnieBochII t1_j70sl6g wrote

You blame people from massachussets for the weather.


aluredus t1_j71dorg wrote

You pay Maine taxes.


WalkerBRiley t1_j72niu3 wrote

...the wind chill is -40 and you think "probably should put on a sweater...maybe."


JonesGirl4 t1_j72tttl wrote

Time to roll the cahr windows up...


Striking_Ad4986 t1_j73ozzk wrote

You are completely disgusted by the general panic over a few below zero days in February.


dreamsthebigdreams t1_j7504dx wrote

You need confirmation from other Mainers that you're similar....



InfamousCelery4438 t1_j7gaovy wrote

Complaining about the price of fiddleheads at the Hannaford, and some random guy says, "Stop by my trailer, I've got 'em for $3 a bag."

They were fresh and delicious!


doctorbimbu t1_j72jirg wrote

This a fuckin Jeff Foxworthy bit


Consistent_Ease828 t1_j6zu8v9 wrote

You were born in Maine


chef_charcoal t1_j707t98 wrote

Or you have heritage here, even more rare. So many come and go with the seasons.


WalkerBRiley t1_j72ocbg wrote

Luckily for me, one branch has been in the midcoast since the mid 1700s, another around machias since about the same.


Unfair_Holiday_3549 t1_j6z1rmc wrote

You buy your maple syrup from Vermont.


Ladamedebete12 t1_j6zp3h4 wrote

It's true i worked at a maine local farmers market and we sold a lot of Vermont stuff. Lol. Itd make my own syrup though and my brothers make my honey.