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EmergencySundae t1_jama5z1 wrote

Heaven forbid children learn tolerance and how to operate in a diverse and ever-changing world.


RoyOfCon t1_jamabwi wrote

If you want your children’s education rooted in christian values and don’t agree with the current curriculum, send them to a private school.


Ok-Library247 t1_jamajy0 wrote

"REEEEEEEEE" -Some dumb bitch

Just homeschool your kid or pay for a private school. What happens when other religions that she doesn't agree with want the same curriculum?


berraberragood t1_jamarg2 wrote

If there’s any justice at all, Plaintiff’s attorneys will be sanctioned for bringing a frivolous lawsuit.


fenuxjde t1_jambbsl wrote

I've been working in schools for 11 years at this point and honestly these Karens are the worst. They think they are helping and all they do is hurt their kids. Even though I, as a BCBA, have some, uhhh, disagreements... with SEL, it is still a valid and effective means of teaching kids fundamentals that parents simply do not do anymore. If your kid comes to school as a turd, prepare for them to get an education. Teaching your kid that they are entitled and a victim only sets them up to fail later in life when they arrive in a relationship or job unable to relate or function in a real world environment.

Parents like this are the reason schools aren't allowed to do anything fun anymore.


Keynova81 t1_jamd8au wrote

I read it but must have missed the shocking part.


PoorFraxinus t1_jamdkmd wrote

So in other words, you want to indoctrinate your kids, rather than give them an opportunity to learn social skills


momlin t1_jamdrl2 wrote

Please stay in Cumberland County Ms. Shipp.


Unlikely-Hawk416 t1_jamew3x wrote

Praying on your downfall. Lost me when the fox news articles posted here starts by “parents are responsible for teaching” … that’s where you’re so wrong. Please grow up and seek help.


-js23 t1_jamfqvc wrote

How dare we teach kids to be kind to others regardless of race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc…

the horror…



drunkmonkey176 t1_jamgg9p wrote

Jesus: "You love them, like I loved you. Make sure you take care of them and don't judge them."

Y'all Qaeda Trash: "But wat if der gay and wurship otter gods?"

Jesus: "Did I fucking stutter?"


Adept-Ad-661 t1_jamgxyp wrote

Lemme do a janky unroll here.

Um, you’ll all be shocked but this op-ed is a bit misleading, starting with the headline. Allison’s child is in high school & this curriculum is only for k-6.

NTM @CharacterStrong is overwhelmingly supported by parents in our district, besides Allison’s small group of friends

Allison has spoken at school board meetings about how she wants to keep content away from other people’s kids as well as her own - her high schooler isn’t permitted to watch PG-13 movies.

She’s also compared being LGBTQIA+ to being mentally ill.

And she’s clutching her pearls over a recent history lesson in the district. (Image of Allison freaking out over a Black History Month project, urging WSSD residents to “wake up”

Again, these parents do NOT represent the thoughts of the majority of parents in the west shore.

Please don’t think they are.

She’s also posting about the PA school librarians association conference in Harrisburg later this month, with a Black author and a Trans author as the keynote speakers.


HomicidalHushPuppy t1_jamj3ck wrote

You lost me at "rooted in Christian faith." The religious right is pushing Christian beliefs on people via the government, IDGAF what happens to you at this point.


LostInTime_1895 t1_jamll69 wrote

Article says parents believe "The West Shore School District should be focused on teaching rigorous academics and training our children to think critically.." No they don't. I'f these kids learn and apply actual critical thinking, they will likely realize what a load of crap their parents are pushing.

This article is from Fox. OP Mom, did you catch the recent release of Fox emails in which their top talent makes it clear they are well aware that the content they provide is a load of bs but they need to do it in order to satisfy their loon audience? They explicitly said if they provided actual facts, they would lose audience share?


HappilyPartnered t1_jamooce wrote

Quit acting like this before you fuck your kid up even more. Seriously, get a hold of yourself.


somberblurb t1_jamr43x wrote

The mom is just trying to opt out of part of the curriculum. You don't have to agree with this parent, but that's the point. Every parent has this right, and it makes it so you can trust the schools won't teach your kids things you disagree with either way. If the school was pushing "Judeo-Christian morals," parents could and should opt out of that too.


RoyOfCon t1_jamuwmo wrote

As someone else in this thread has already shown, her child is in high school, well past the K-6 stage where this curriculum is being taught. She isn’t fighting for her child at all, she’s causing a stink for something that has no effect on her or her child’s life.


somberblurb t1_jamvaum wrote

Despite all the fluff/nonsense in the article, it seems that this is the only action the parent is taking:

> Thankfully, parents have strong parental rights here in Pennsylvania. Chapter four of the Pennsylvania School Code authorizes parents or guardians to "have their children excused from specific instruction that conflicts with their religious beliefs." 

I agree with this law and would support a lawsuit if it was violated. I don't know what else this parent would have to complain about.


2ndEmpireBaroque t1_jan3m5a wrote

There are so many misrepresentations, misconstrued ideas, and warped facts in the article as to defy belief. Because some people read the headline and bullet points, they’ll miss all of it.


SmokeBreakSmokeShop t1_jan77od wrote

The article is on a tabloid site (fox) that is known for admitting many times that nothing on their channel is true.

Its also a stupid premise, there is a reason that religion is not taught in schools and even worse when its coming from such an obviously immoral source


akennelley t1_janiqby wrote

Bear in mind when voting on this post: The article name is used as the Topic, OP isn't the writer.


Outrageous-Scene4751 t1_janvv5h wrote

right after the school refunds all the taxes it took from the family. education is obviously something we can no longer do together. people have a right to their own beliefs and it is beyond unjust to take someone's property and then use it in a way that is against that persons belief system. the split is a reality. we should formalize it and go our seprate ways. the union is failed.


PACubsFan23 t1_jaoqbq8 wrote

I work in a school, so let me get that out there from the start.

  1. SEL has always been in schools in some way, just more specific these days because of several reasons A. Kids are emotionally and socially “different” as a result of the pandemic. B. Some Parents are not holding kids accountable for their actions in school, and have consistently bashed schools & teachers with ridiculous claims & misinformation they’ve heard on Fox & others
  2. Schools do not indoctrinate kids. We discuss issues that kids bring to us, and try to help them navigate their thoughts, feelings and emotions. It’s a slippery slope, but in some cases…we’re the only ones they can trust.
  3. Per latter part of #2 above, some kids want to discuss topics with us because they feel they can’t discuss those topics with their parents.
  4. Public Schools are not Religious-based, so if your child or you as a parent want that, check yourself into a parochial school.
  5. We want to partner with you because if there’s a disconnect…the kids get confused & we have mass chaos.

It’s not about us Vs. them…it truly isn’t. But if we have kids who don’t value others, treat each other with respect & kindness, follow rules & respect the adults…we’ll have no chance of teaching them anything.

PS - I find it odd that most people who claim schools are indoctrinating kids & pushing all of these “scary” things haven’t stepped foot in a school for years. Instead of going on the news, suing districts, ranting on social media…go get your teaching degree & sub or get a teaching job. You can “fix it” from within if it’s truly broken - There is a teaching shortage in PA! But we all know that doesn’t fit their narrative so 🤷


[deleted] t1_jaoqgzl wrote

Sounds like Allison has a lot of time on her hands to criticize other people just doing the best they can to help as many kids as they can.

Maybe she should go back to college and become a teacher. Maybe do a little “mile in their shoes” kind of thing.


drumberg t1_jaor3l5 wrote

Yeah yeah, I'm a dad 2 school districts away. Shut up.


DryToe7283 t1_jappgf6 wrote

then go to a private christian school…it’s a PUBLIC school and frankly if i gotta say the pledge of allegiance with god then i should be able to practice any other religion. stop pushing your christian values onto others who don’t want anything to do with it.


RoyOfCon t1_jar1kw7 wrote

You don’t get to cherry pick which taxes to pay. Millions of families of private school students have paid their taxes, why should that all of a sudden change? If you don’t like the public school curriculum, send your kids to private school or move to a school district that has an education system you support.


thatsasaladfork t1_jar2iap wrote

What? Everyone pays school taxes. Not just people with kids that go to that school. Why should anyone get a refund because they decide to go elsewhere? That makes no sense. I don’t have a school aged child and we still pay school tax. School tax paid by everyone guarantees everyone gets access to an education. If you don’t believe with the curriculum, pay more for a private school. I know of 5 Christian private schools around me as it is.

This mom’s kid isn’t even in the class with the curriculum she has a problem with.


th_22 t1_jb1ui75 wrote

You (hopefully) spend more time with your children than their teachers do. If your kids are as easy to "brainwash" as you say, maybe you just suck at parenting. Just a thought.


Revolutionary-Swim28 t1_jbsnx6p wrote

If you think respecting people regardless of race, sexuality, disability etc is wrong than you are a terrible person and need to get help. Most of us in the USA don’t tolerate Christofascism Karen