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Pink_Slyvie t1_jcyiqxw wrote

They are horribly understaffed and underfunded. It's a real problem we need to address.

The go-to answer I've seen is to contact your representatives office.


STLLC2019 t1_jd0p5xc wrote

Deliberately understaffed and underfunded.

Pennsylvania's "job creators" (/S) firmly believe that if YOU are not slaving away earning them profit, then YOU should do the right thing and disappear.

PA's "job creators" (/S) tend to vote Republican....and support anyone who promises to strip away worker protections.


hippata2023 t1_jd0n0jl wrote

> They are horribly understaffed and underfunded. It's a real problem we need to address. > >

The department, sadly, never recovered from the massive 2016 layoffs at L&I. Not only that, but they're using antiquated systems because the last time they tried to update them, it blew up in their face and all over pennlive.

I don't know what people expect when the legislature doesn't want to fund people to answer phone calls.


ironozzy18 t1_jcznfgz wrote

Last I knew, which has been nearly a year now, the reps offices were pushing people away on this saying there was nothing they could do


PickledEggs420 t1_jczrwdc wrote

Depends on your rep most likely. And probably their politics. Some reps are happy to make unemployment as difficult as possible. Some of the reps actively did make unemployment as difficult as possible.


ronreadingpa t1_jd0fxnt wrote

On purpose. They used to have a callback option, which actually worked. Presuming they discontinued that. See mention of chat. If that's actually useful, the OP should give it a try. EDIT: I see they did. Glad something works.


thaiatom t1_jcyumai wrote

This happens to me all of the time. Take a deep breathe and keep trying. You might have to try again tomorrow. It’s a complete pain in the ass but persistence is your best tool against UC.


RUIN_NATION_ OP t1_jcyvkld wrote

I was able to get ahold of someone through chat agent. but god damn what do we pay taxes for if our state agencies suck this much and they wanna raise our local taxes more smh


Pink_Slyvie t1_jczmvuh wrote

Oh, we pay so much in taxes to find military bases in virtually every other country.

Guess how many countries have military bases in the US


thaiatom t1_jcyvnk5 wrote

I could not agree more.


RUIN_NATION_ OP t1_jcywzba wrote

At least we could do most things online now I remember a time when they didn't have any online website to log in or file claim covid really pushed their handle that one I don't know maybe they should hire people pay them 30 an hour to do it I don't know


thaiatom t1_jcz51sk wrote

All that money for a new, safer system. My identity was stolen in June of 22 and someone claimed a month of UC and changed my direct deposit.


Grimm2785 t1_jd098zt wrote

Me too. They changed my bank info and my email. This was after I got laid off in early January and called in. They didn't get back to me till the middle of March. That's when I found out what happened. Unemployment told me I had to file a police report and give it to the treasury department but he had no idea how I'd be able to do that. Also said I could never claim unemployment again unless I did this. Local police department charged me 15$ to file a basically useless report because I had zero information to give them. I spent two weeks trying to get through to them before I finally did. They told me they have nothing to do with that and I need to give the police report to the unemployment office. The treasury depart lady also checked my account and saw that they unemployment guy never changed my bank and email info back like he claimed he did. They still had the scammers info on my account.

The unemployment guy also wanted me to upload scans of my social security card and birth certificate to the website to prove my identity but we never figured out how the scammers got into my account so I didn't want to basically hand over more of my information to them. Fortunately a friend saw something online about unemployment sending reps out to the local career link offices so you could make appointments and fix issues with them. I spent 5 hours in that office that day but the guy was great. Got all my problems resolved and even was able to get me back payments from when I tried to file the fall before when I was off work but the website didn't work.


Grasshopper419 t1_jd7zdic wrote

How do you find chat agent?


RUIN_NATION_ OP t1_jd81ge6 wrote

go to contact us area then it says live chat on the page.


Grasshopper419 t1_jd8zxat wrote

Thank you. Evidently husband needs reviewed by an examiner and they said they are short staffed and don’t know when it’ll be reviewed. Just to keep filing and if he’s denied we have 21 days to appeal. So a month in and no payment. And still counting the weeks. What are people supposed to do. This is for basic living. It’s so frustrating!


RUIN_NATION_ OP t1_jd92los wrote

just wish for it to fall through the cracks not be reviewed and keep getting paid lol


Bellaboo221 t1_jdke88c wrote

How long until the release your funds ?


thaiatom t1_jdks50b wrote

When I finally got through, the funds were released within a week. A few days I think.


Bellaboo221 t1_jdoluwi wrote

Thanks for your reply !


thaiatom t1_jdom9p1 wrote

Aint no thang but a Burger King chicken wing. Good luck with UC. Be patient, eventually it will work out.


queenoftheidiots t1_jczgu9o wrote

Contact your state senators office they can contact UE directly. They are the best resource.


Fearless-Metal5727 t1_jcyyv85 wrote

Download an auto re dialer. There were times it redialed over 250 times before it was able to connect.


RUIN_NATION_ OP t1_jcz3fxk wrote

Oh I did I hit up to 2000 times then i stopped and got the chat help


Stanley462 t1_jcyzbrn wrote

I have had days where I call over 300 time with out getting through.

You just need to keep trying.


TSUTigers95 t1_jcz900z wrote

I called over 1500 times over two days and got through but had to wait an hour on hold. It also depends what time you are calling them.


mmbg78 t1_jczj6t3 wrote

Contact your state rep and someone will call you in a few days…


tinymonesters t1_jcybh3r wrote

I'd look up your local office and try calling them or going there in person.


RUIN_NATION_ OP t1_jcyh2un wrote

Thank you after about an hour I was able to get someone on that live chat thing on their website


TheJediJoker t1_jcz02i6 wrote

My brother has been waiting for 4 months for an email response

I've been waiting for about 6 weeks for an email response


MomsSpecialFriend t1_jcz5uwn wrote

You can go to a career link office and just wait to speak to someone in person on the spot.


sandmanrdv t1_jd12p4j wrote

UC reps are in the CareerLink are by appointment only. Not trying to be a wise guy just don’t want someone to see that and drive there for nothing


ktp806 t1_jczwsuj wrote

Call the Governor.


OkConsideration7192 t1_jczydsn wrote

All Career Links have a direct dedicated line to to unemployment. Go in there


sandmanrdv t1_jd12rrn wrote

Shut off in March 2020 and will never be turned back on.


Grasshopper419 t1_jd04pit wrote

My husband filed week 4 of unemployment and still hasn’t gotten a deposit yet. No final determination. Nothing. Called and called and called and nothing. This is maddening. When people pay into something that they then need to use we shouldn’t have to jump through so damn many hoops to get what is deserved. It’s insanity. We don’t live anywhere NEAR a careerlink office.


PickelPaint t1_jd04xce wrote

Go to a careerlink office and make an appointment


dancing_elephant0903 t1_jd05rw3 wrote

The only way I was able to speak to someone was to physically go to the office in Taylor (I think Taylor) but wasn't allowed to go in. Literally had to leave a note at the door. Got a call back the next day which was nice. What wasn't nice was that I never received my unemployment until the first week of January of this year. I called the local representatives and called the state and still got nowhere. No one would take my calls, respond to my emails or call me back. I applied in April of last year. I exhausted most of my savings by the time I finally found a job. It was a shit show and I hope I never have to do that again. We are in desperate need of reform


defusted t1_jd0eng2 wrote

It's been like that since the pandemic.


dyngalive t1_jd0fanr wrote

I see that you were able to get help and I'm glad, for anyone else who runs into this problem - from very recent experience, contact your local representative's office. Mine was EXTREMELY helpful. I spent over a month trying to contact the UE office and got nothing but a busy signal. I probably called 2500 times. I spoke with my rep's office on a Friday afternoon and by Monday afternoon someone from the UE office had called me and gotten my problem sorted out (they owed me four months of backdated UE due to a problem that took less than 30 seconds to fix). They also called to follow up with me to make sure that my issue had been addressed.


KeyAmazing3814 t1_jd0iqpn wrote

I start calling at 7am I usually manage to get through first thing in the morning


LookinToHomestead t1_jd0lw50 wrote

PA Careerlink should be able to help you out. I spent 4-5 weeks calling and emailing the UE office with no response. I was on the phone with a Careerlink counselor and I just passively mentioned I can’t get in touch with the UE office and I need to get paid. They informed me that a UE rep spends a day in their office every so many weeks. The Careerlink counselor schedules a phone call for me and the UE rep then called me and got everything taken care of.


NameSolidGold t1_jd26csk wrote

I pressed call and it beeps busy I hang up and immediately call back sometimes I use two phones and I always get through that way But an even Better option is calling Your State Senator Office Malcom Kenyatta and Reporting your issue they will put you on a Fast Track My Issue was resolved in 2/3 weeks with a Payment Date im right now up waiting for all my Back Pay


xoSynful t1_jdzvfjj wrote

Still shitty btw. Called 200+ in a row myself with no auto dialer and the same dull beep beep beep. I wonder where this procrastination is at when they take this shit out my check every week…