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1ngsoc t1_j64rl89 wrote

Pretty sure you’re SOL. Too bad they don’t penalize you and use that money to provide HI for you. Sorry dude/dudette/dood.

Edit: typos


huh_phd t1_j64sony wrote

Try neighborhood health plan of RI. I know they have cheaper options or provide basic coverage if you're disabled or unemployed


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j64sw34 wrote

i think the opposition to universal healthcare has a lot of factors, but a LOT of the people opposed to that idea were opposed to this one.

like, this was the most hated provision of obamacare by a wide margin when it was federal


growupandblowawayy t1_j64w3zo wrote

That really sucks. For what it’s worth, you can sign up for a plan for as low as 15 cents a month depending on your income. I feel like that price point is for people who can’t afford and don’t really need healthcare (like you don’t have chronic illlnessses or medications). Regardless, we’re forced to get health insurance.


buddhamanjpb t1_j64x368 wrote

I'm certainly not giving out advice, or condoning this, however....

Hypothetically a person could just say they had health insurance last year to avoid the fee if you are in a pinch. Unless you are making well over six figures a year the odds that it would be checked are slim and none.


notprivatepyle1 t1_j64x9ty wrote

Maybe not the ethical answer, but Just click the radio button in turbo tax (or your choice of tax software). that says "yes, I have health insurance" They don't ask any follow up questions (does not ask what health insurance, IDs or anything like that, its literally just a yes or no question) and I'm pretty sure no one is checking or cares.


omjy18 t1_j654x6z wrote

I've had them and the low cost ones are essentially useless if you actually need to use it. Funny enough if you don't actually use the Healthcare or you're a low enough income you qualify for most of the grants through newport hospital it's cheaper to just not have health insurance in the first place


SuddenlySimple t1_j65ahxv wrote

I would look up IRS pardons for tax owed. They have a form I did this form for someone's taxes 3 years ago.

There's criteria you have to meet for forgiveness.


_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j65bxb3 wrote

Claim that you’re exempt due to plans being unaffordable? I’ve done that. It was true, and it worked. I only paid in once, and it wasn’t nearly that high. Sorry, OP. It’s frustrating as hell that RI of all states is one of the few that didn’t opt out of the penalty. Good luck!


glennjersey t1_j65m12q wrote

How dare you not be able to afford health insurance! Pay this fine that you also likely cannot afford! -The State


AhChingados t1_j65uh1e wrote

If you are unemployed or don’t make much money you likely qualify for Medicaid. And honestly, except for the mental health providers that don’t take it, it was the best health plan I’ve ever had. HHS in RI is a fucking shit show, and the application is hell, so I would just make an appointment with the financial people at a Providence Health center or similar place to sign you up.

And also, $700 is a lot of money, but it is very little compared to an emergency room visit or even a months worth of some medications. Right now I would have to pay $600/month if I was to pay for my own plan. The penalty is still less than buying insurance.


Nicksucksathiking t1_j65valu wrote

If you are hoping to get rid of the penalty for last years you are most likely out of luck. Maybe get health insurance? First get off reddit If you dont have a full time job, get one. And if the place isnt a sham show they will offer you an affordable plan. While i do believe in universal healthcare the fact is the majority of people that bitch about not having it also dont have jobs and just want everyone else to foot their bill


radioflea t1_j663htl wrote

People around the state for some reason keep thinking they did away with the penalty in R.I. but they unfortunately haven’t.

If you should lose insurance abruptly you can join the health exchange during non enrollment season without penalty.


Anthrax4breakfast t1_j665u2v wrote

I used to say I was a Christian scientist and claim religious exemption, as long as I hadn’t gone to the hospital that year


Zones86 t1_j667pbr wrote

pretty sure they don't check. I always just said yes, they never asked for proof.


itslareng t1_j66h3ra wrote

You could also choose the option for the premium being higher than whatever this year’s percentage of your income they’ve decided on. They don’t check on that.


trevbrehh t1_j66p401 wrote

Unfortunately you’re shit out of luck. They hit me with that every year I lived in Rhode Island and it’s complete bullshit. Can’t afford it so they fine you more.


EnOhVeHey t1_j66qde9 wrote

I’m not saying this is what YOU should do but if one just says yes I have insurance you don’t get asked for more details and no one asks questions. Source: I may or may not having been doing this in recent years.


2xth t1_j67my05 wrote

I think that, deep down, most people don't actually oppose UHC...but most politicians with the power to take it beyond talking points realize that implementation will be the biggest shit show seen, and will probably get axed by the next administration. And Obama's team had insurance lobbyists to help them crib Romneycare into a national mandate, but there's not really a working US model of UHC to expand like that.


RIGuy420512 t1_j685zxn wrote

I have neighborhood and my coverage when I've needed it has been fine. I only choose neighborhood cause it was the cheapest option even while I work 50 hours a week at a good paying job I wanted the cheapest option. It's a case by case basis cause most people I know that have it think it's fine and have similar experiences with the coverage being offered and a few people theres horror stories


sirgoofs t1_j687soa wrote

Why would the irs waste time going after a few hundred dollars when they are understaffed and the return on investment for that is so low? How many poor people do you know who have been audited? Or a better question- who do rich people fear and despise the most? (The IRS, of course) They look for taxpayers who generate red flags like excessive or unlikely deductions to reduce very high dollar tax liabilities, they aren’t wasting time on poor people.


Gwapmonsta t1_j68oafy wrote

Unfortunately it’s cheaper to pay it than most of the healthsource RI plans. For most people they are at least $100 a month and your copays and co insurance are the same as being uninsured many times. Unless you have a major medical event, it’s such a scam.


RIGuy420512 t1_j68pn6z wrote

Weird cause I had rabies testing and shots after a bat got into my house and paid nothing. I had to see a knee specialist and paid a copay, I see my primary twice a year and pay a copay, my meds (4 meds daily) are only $28 a month which is nothing