not_that_guy05 t1_j6bcsjg wrote
The balls of neutered dogs?
WovenWoodGuy t1_j6c4a4w wrote
We're talking about the tooth fairy not my Uncle Dave
[deleted] t1_j6e1df2 wrote
sonicjesus t1_j6g97oo wrote
Not every nation, only the ones that are wealthy enough to run on fake paper money.
For the poorest nations on Earth, it's pay for play like it used to be for all of us.
Jokers_Testikles t1_j6fsh7l wrote
Why is your uncle Dave full of rattling dog testicles
WovenWoodGuy t1_j6g4ruf wrote
He paid good money for them
I_Seen_Some_Stuff OP t1_j6bczh8 wrote
I thought they get ground up to become hot dogs 😏
not_that_guy05 t1_j6bezgv wrote
No those are the cat balls.
Dont_pet_the_cat t1_j6chbz4 wrote
Reddit has made me wish I didn't have eyes more times than I can count
I_Seen_Some_Stuff OP t1_j6bd1ye wrote
TIL, thanks stranger
MurderDoneRight t1_j6d7up2 wrote
Nice try. They are grinded down into a fine powder and sold as "protein powders" to douche bags
AppleToasterr t1_j6dpax7 wrote
Actually she could make a business of selling calcium supplement
_KONKOLA_ t1_j6gyiiy wrote
Fellas, does it make you a douchebag to take protein powder…
sparkplug_23 t1_j6d82lx wrote
She? Interestingly never once thought of a female tooth fairy.
could_use_a_snack t1_j6dqbqv wrote
Really? Never thought of a male fairy of any kind. Weird.
shastaxc t1_j6e11us wrote
Yeah in all mythological lore I know, fairies are either female or non-binary
sonicjesus t1_j6g9hbv wrote
I have always thought of her as a female, perhaps because that's what I want to think the complete stranger hovering over my sleeping child body is.
RelentlessChicken t1_j6evm8p wrote
A glass marble
sonicjesus t1_j6g9z02 wrote
A baroque marble in fact, completely unrelated to any Tennessee Williams play.
Marbles run down a long ramp, any that are misshapen will go off course and fall off. These are the ones destined to drown in oil based paint.
Marbles have weird, tortured lives devoid of forgiveness for their inherent flaws that aren't the fault of their personal actions.
sonicjesus t1_j6g914p wrote
For anyone wondering the true answer, they are misshapen marbles that didn't pass the balance test.
RooneyD t1_j6bgp9t wrote
I thought this theory had been disproven by an economic paper out of the University of Chicago. The tooth fairy has a dampening effect on inflation due to the slow increase in tooth prices over time.
yapoyt t1_j6cjgn7 wrote
RooneyD t1_j6cmcjs wrote
It was either Friedman or Fogel who wrote the paper.
ScientificGamer321 t1_j6cz7sf wrote
Love those guys
aft3rthought t1_j6bupyl wrote
Okay, we gotta do the numbers! It looks like about 3.6 million children are born every year in the USA. Each child has 20 baby teeth. That amounts to roughly 72 million baby teeth being created every year. Now the payouts happen later, but I think that can be ignored since children are born at a pretty steady clip and teeth fall out over a series of years. It looks like the average payout per tooth is close to $5 these days, so that’s $360 million/year. The USA GDP is 23 trillion dollars. Inflation of 1% then amounts to 230 billion dollars per year. That would mean an additional 0.16% in teeth alone. Large, but not catastrophic. As a comparison, it looks like the IRS estimates $380 billion in taxes go unpaid per year.
Existing_Pop3918 t1_j6cnkv1 wrote
shastaxc t1_j6e1czy wrote
You are forgetting that not all children participate in the tooth trade.
aft3rthought t1_j6eecew wrote
You’re right! Continuing the highly scientific practice of using the first page of google results, it looks like the participation rate is about 80%. Personally, $5 seems high to me, and 1% inflation is obviously a little low, so I think we can probably assume the real Fairy inflation rate must be somewhere below 0.16% of GDP.
great_auks t1_j6b9hx4 wrote
It balances out because of what the added scarcity does to drive up demand in the used tooth market
eegocentrik t1_j6baanc wrote
Balances out as Santa injects free consumer goods.
I_Seen_Some_Stuff OP t1_j6bdm4d wrote
He's already killed Toys R Us. He's got a planetwide monopoly and must be stopped. HES A MENACE!
rageagainstnaps t1_j6e8j6l wrote
I wonder if he even pays the elves anything. They should probably unionize, that is sweatshop-tier exploitation.
faderus t1_j6bct9o wrote
This raises questions about whether the tooth fairy has a direct connection to the central bank fiat currency creation system of every nation on the planet, or conjures the new currency out of thin air, or obtains the currency from the existing money supply and then redistributes it to dumbass kids. If the first, then the tooth fairy is basically an honorary central banker with powers on par with a mini-Fed Chair. If the second, and the tooth fairy can independently perform QE operations in every nation on earth with magic, then she is the most powerful financial force on the face of the planet. If the third, she’s basically Robert DeNiro in Casino.
I_Seen_Some_Stuff OP t1_j6bd7rq wrote
Giving money directly to kids is honestly a genius way to do a stimulus package because you know every one of them is gonna blow it at the toy store on some dumb shit
faderus t1_j6behuu wrote
And if the little asshole puts it in a pink ceramic piggy bank, you come back and reappropriate that shit to a kid in the lower quartile of the Marshmallow Test. Bitch don’t mess with my velocity of money equation.
anexiledone t1_j6cdt4f wrote
No, she turns them into NFTeeth then sells them giving you a share of the profits
DeadOnRival t1_j6bl5a1 wrote
Alright people, you heard it, from today if your kid breaks a tooth, glue it back on.
I_Seen_Some_Stuff OP t1_j6bnry9 wrote
That's right. We can't afford no tooth fairy right now
Homelessnomore t1_j6cnbfo wrote
The Tooth Fairy in Terry Pratchett's Discworld has investments that yield sufficient funds to keep the business going. It also outsources the actual work to independent contractors.
Champomi t1_j6cux40 wrote
Instructions unclear, watched an inflation tooth fairy hentai instead
Violated-Tristen t1_j6fvlo7 wrote
Our “granddaughter” had a really loose tooth (her first) and came to visit from another country. We had a really deep conversation about the various tooth fairies of the world. She was convinced that the American tooth fairy would have called the Canadian tooth fairy… but in case she hadn’t; Our little one figured she could take the tooth back to the States with her and get her money then. It worked out the tooth fairy not only left her money but a tiny little envelope with three page letter in it signed just for her.
RenterGotNoNBN t1_j6cflxt wrote
Also ancient pharaohs helped reduce inflation by burying all the riches with them. (To be honest they probably caused it also, by all the pyramid building)
in summary we should ask Bezos to build a giant tomb where he can be interred with his riches.
D3monVolt t1_j6cfr5w wrote
It's just 50 cents or so for first world kids for one tooth. So it'd not that much
I_Seen_Some_Stuff OP t1_j6d2m4i wrote
I've known rich kids that got $5.
Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j6b9b48 wrote
This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.
Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"
(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)
Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.
[deleted] t1_j6bcqf0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6beuxc wrote
[deleted] t1_j6bixpm wrote
[deleted] t1_j6bler6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6bo78h wrote
[deleted] t1_j6c1de6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6c8sgp wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ca32a wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cg2ce wrote
APC2_19 t1_j6chxrw wrote
Santa increases the supply of goods (mostly toys), without creating new money, so has a deflationary pressure on the economy
[deleted] t1_j6ciqvo wrote
AzureDreamer t1_j6ck9vm wrote
I thought the tooth fairy melted all the teeth down and sold them to neonatal departments and dental veneer companies.
[deleted] t1_j6cobrt wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cobuc wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cpej7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6currq wrote
[deleted] t1_j6cvx5y wrote
[deleted] t1_j6d0hln wrote
wojtekpolska t1_j6d4o2h wrote
nah, she's directly funded by the goverment, all the money she leaves come from your taxes
[deleted] t1_j6da67m wrote
[deleted] t1_j6dwpe3 wrote
jefflovesyou t1_j6ejd5k wrote
If everyone on the planet lost five teeth a year and the going rate for a tooth is 5 dollars that's only like 1.6 Trillion dollars worldwide.
[deleted] t1_j6el3l8 wrote
Ok-Lock-2274 t1_j6emoqf wrote
Where are you getting the “newly-created” all the I ever got was dirty as hell
[deleted] t1_j6eylht wrote
Sentsuizan t1_j6fdube wrote
Money is made from thin air all the time, and that's by design. The entire lending system is built on it.
lbiggy t1_j6fhbfo wrote
Not really. You provided a product and traded for that product.
[deleted] t1_j6fn88q wrote
Dadto7Tech t1_j6fqgrr wrote
Just think how high profit margins during the holidays would be if Santa wasn't handing out free gifts.
CyanConatus t1_j6g255e wrote
I am curious what would be the impact to the economy if let's say a child gets $5 per teeth. And these bills are both new and legal
sonicjesus t1_j6g8vvj wrote
It's not newly created. When you shell out $250 for a ten minute cleaning, who do you think that protection money goes to?
stdoubtloud t1_j6bfdag wrote
Thus demonstrating that if your economy is faltering it is better to inject money for the poorest to spend (getting it into circulation immediately) than to give tax cuts to megacorps to pretend that the value will trickle down into the economy.
APC2_19 t1_j6ci75u wrote
More consumer spending isn't the best way to counter inflation though
stdoubtloud t1_j6f9q37 wrote
No. But i am talking about the other end of the cycle. At this point we need the tooth fairy to stop paying for teeth and start charging for her services...
Soraeon t1_j6bujfu wrote
More money in the economy would only cause inflation on inelastic goods and most goods are elastic. The trope that more money in the economy causes inflation is questionable at best and arguably all together inaccurate. Just another lie to give power to central banks. So keep bringing that sweet, sweet tooth money Tooth Fairy!
cursedbones t1_j6d1eal wrote
The idea that more money alone cause inflation have been disproved a long time ago. Yes more money can cause inflation but it's no the main source of it.
Just look at Japan' Yen. In 20 years the amount of Yen more than doubled but the inflation grew only 3%.
Soraeon t1_j6f0ci0 wrote
artofthepie t1_j6e0bcf wrote
Putting money into kids’ hands for it to end up in a piggy bank takes it out of circulation and should dampen inflation
fpv_Preitje t1_j6fz6i2 wrote
You thought of this under the shower. Dried yourself off. Went on the computer. Typed this shit up. and posted it on Reddit!? Why??
PM_ME_YOUR_LAWNCHAIR t1_j6cgycu wrote
According to Reddit socialist lefty idiots, inflation is just corporate greed from corporations because it's not like the one-man sub-shop has had to raise prices or that "greedy corporations" have had previous losses. Were they not greedy when prices were stable and inflation was low?! lmfao. People are so dense.
APC2_19 t1_j6ci4eq wrote
By this logic, the deflation of 1930s might have been caused by corporations being to selfless haha
PM_ME_YOUR_LAWNCHAIR t1_j6co7ro wrote
When the gas price goes down...thank god for big government...when the gas price goes up...greedy corporations.
could_use_a_snack t1_j6bcmxv wrote
No. The tooth fairy sells the teeth she collects. What do you think is rattling around in a can of spray paint?