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Ma1eficent t1_j4a2b77 wrote

Port Orchard is tiny, I'm shocked there's a job looking out of state. Parts are super cute and nice, other parts you lose your catalytic converter a week after replacing it.


westmaxia OP t1_j4a2ef3 wrote

Wsdot has an office in that area and they have posted me there


BareLeggedCook t1_j4c08kb wrote

I work for the state, they are pretty good employers! That area is nice, a bit rainy though.


Interestmoneymaker t1_j4cdv64 wrote

Question , I am hoping to work with the state.. any idea how to start and find a job. It's been very hard lately. I finished computer science and have over ten years experience.


Ottoman_American t1_j4cf4jh wrote



Interestmoneymaker t1_j4cgf0w wrote

Do you know how long is the interview process?


BareLeggedCook t1_j4ciyln wrote

Really depends on the job. I know there are a lot of entry positions open with a lot of departments right now and they are pretty eager to hire.

I only had one interview. Went pretty smoothly!


Ottoman_American t1_j4cho7f wrote

I would imagine it depends on the position and agency. For my current job I had only one interview and I think after the offer was made I had to send some paperwork and get a drug test. After that I asked for a couple weeks as I was moving from Texas to here. Not a bad process.


Bamcfp t1_j4db7yr wrote

The access drivers are always desperate for help. Probably because of their ridiculous on call schedule.


TVDinner360 t1_j4cx2tf wrote

That’s awesome! Congrats! It might be useful to know that relative to other parts of the country, I guess we don’t have a super friendly culture. We’re pretty self contained, in general. If it’s hard to make friends, it’s probably not personal. It’s called the “cascade freeze.”

Port Orchard is pretty white. If you’d feel more comfortable with more diverse neighbors, Tacoma or many other parts of the Puget Sound region are the place to start. I’ll let others weigh in on the commute to Port Orchard.

However! WSDOT is super telework friendly, if you’re getting an office job. Plus there are lots of openings around the state as the boomers retire, so once you have your foot in the door you might be able to transfer to another position that’s in another part of Washington, if Port Orchard doesn’t turn out to be your jam.

Welcome! And good luck at WSDOT! I have several friends who work there, and they really like it.


amohr t1_j4a010l wrote

Maybe try over in r/Kitsap .


ClaimedBeauty t1_j4a65b4 wrote

If you’re working and living in Port Orchard, you’ll be great. If you live in Port Orchard and commute to Bremerton, you’re gonna have a hard time with the traffic. The Naval shipyard can cause quite the back ups and there’s only a two-lane hiway going from Bremerton to Port Orchard and Back.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j4cdmqv wrote

Start watching google maps to see if it is worth the commute or not. I'd highly suggest a home within about 1 hr of work to make it tolerable. WA state is strong in employment and you won't have problems finding jobs. You just have to be willing to do them. If you don't mind living in a nanny state you'll be fine. Most people are so use to it it doesn't even bother them. The ones that are rule fighters or don't like any government figure have a hard time with it. You could always try moving out here try it for a year or two and see if you want to stay or not.

I live in king county and it has a strong job market. Redfin is a good place to look at housing. WA state is a wee bit expensive but if you can find a place where you can live in your budget you're fine. Minimum wage in WA state is about $15/hr. If you can take in $35-50k annually you'll manage just fine.

Housing is a bit expensive but if you can room mate with someone you trust to cut the costs in half. I'm fortunate and own my own home so my finances are very different. I only work for health insurance now and use funds from my job to pay the bills instead of using my nest egg in investments. As we all know society crashes now and then and yes I've had to set up my investments to be income producing for a few years. I use bill pay through my bank to auto send off to my bills each month. All I need but do is make sure there's enough in checking and all is good. I only mail 2 checks a year because I don't do direct withdrawal as it's not safe and I've had bad experiences with it.


cannacanna t1_j4cxvjh wrote

It's nice you're trying to be helpful but this comment is such a weird collection of strange opinions and non sequiturs.


Splixalpha t1_j4ax3a6 wrote

Having lived in GA and WA, I can tell you they are vastly different in culture and climate. It really depends on what your personal preferences are. WA is temperate and rainy with a rather liberal culture. It is a great state to live in, but you won't find sweet tea, grits, or good BBQ.

Edit: One thing to consider is that the pay may be a little better at a WA job, but the cost of living is pretty high in WA state compared to GA. Make sure it actually pencils out to be a better financial move for you.


Lch207560 t1_j4b2rqx wrote

Regarding your comment about bbq, I hear where you are coming from as I lived in DFW and NC.

However there is one caveat. You are talking about traditional American bbq. Here in WA there is some excellent, as in world class, Asian bbq that compares to anything I found in the South. Apples and oranges for sure but really, really good bbq and pretty available.


Splixalpha t1_j4b3509 wrote

Yeah, definitely not talking something like Korean BBQ, which Washington has plenty of good examples of.


[deleted] t1_j4ck9j2 wrote

That exists in WA, but definitely not in Port Orchard.


Loisalene t1_j4d239m wrote

We have teriyaki everywhere, apparently it's a regional thing.


wc347 t1_j4bdccs wrote

I think the cost of living depends on when you were in GA last and what area you lived in. Over the last few years like most places the cost here has gone up. I’m in Gainesville and have visited Washington a few times in the past two years. The only difference I could tell in cost was sales tax being a little higher, 2% difference. The cost of gas was about a dollar higher. However Washington has no state income tax while GA still does.


Plethman60 t1_j4bj3df wrote

You can get Milo's sweet tea here, were not completely savages.


SpaceTurtles t1_j4c10dv wrote

Pretty easy to make one's own good sweet tea, grits, and barbecue, at least. I was going through brisket withdrawals, and over the last year I taught myself how to do one up when the mood strikes.


Splixalpha t1_j4c5lo3 wrote

Yeah, not the same as going to your favorite spot during a summer night while someone plays music on the patio and the fireflies flicker. The main thing I miss about the south is the food.


Dedpoolpicachew t1_j4db85v wrote

Yea, you’ll pretty much have to make your own. You order an iced tea at a restaurant it’s going to come unsweetened most likely. You’ll have to use every pack of sugar on the table and stir for a LONG time to get it right. I grew up in GA. All my friends look at me funny when I dump 6 packs of sugar in the tea. What can I say, it ain’t good until sugar won’t dissolve anymore.


ElTardoDente t1_j4bvla6 wrote

Not all of this state is temperate and rainy with a rather liberal culture. That’s mostly just the west side of the state


wyecoyote2 t1_j4bpfys wrote

One thing I miss about the South. The sweet tea.


apis_cerana t1_j4cn05j wrote

Port orchard is working class and more conservative than the rest of Kitsap co!


Pogo138 t1_j4e9v63 wrote

Man, I'm originally from Memphis. I could kill for a pulled pork sandwich. One thing I really miss living in Port Orchard is the food options. Its pretty limited here.


flyfruit t1_j4eisok wrote

I would not say Port Orchard is liberal. Seattle might be, but I wouldn’t say PO is.


Splixalpha t1_j4f9ycs wrote

Port Orchard might lean conservative, but The State of Washington and its policies are very liberal compared to what someone from Georgia would be accustomed to. That could be seen as a good or a bad thing depending on a person's political leanings.


Faroutman1234 t1_j4a3bel wrote

Get a nice boat and you will love it. Lots of hiking and fishing too. 6 months of rain gets old though.


Viviwas t1_j4a65py wrote

When I moved here I braced for this 6 months of rain I would hear about. However, I have found over 3 years, there are always sunny days/part of days. I just learned to appreciate the breaks more and told myself you don't have to shovel rain! I did find it a little tough last year how long it took for spring/summer to show up, though.


Jpete88 t1_j4aa1k1 wrote

Yep that’s the thing about Western Washington. There is rain most days but it doesn’t rain all day. You can always find breaks


Old-AF t1_j4bmjcj wrote

We have had several years here where we really didn’t get summer at all, maybe a couple weeks of sunny weather. However, in the past 15 years, summer has been better and longer than ever, and hotter. Climate change is going to make Washington one of the better states to live in long term. As long as Rainier doesn’t blow!


pinewind108 t1_j4av2om wrote

Family lived in Silverdale, and they went to Seattle when they wanted some sunshine, lol.


Loisalene t1_j4d2bgw wrote

No bad weather, only bad clothing. Gotta love gore-tex.


Viviwas t1_j4a0cyv wrote

That really depends what you are looking for. We moved to PO from Georgia about 3 years ago and love it. But we hated the weather and politics in Georgia so if you love these things in Georgia, you won't like it in Washi gton.


westmaxia OP t1_j4a1j63 wrote

What part of GA if you don't mind me asking?


Viviwas t1_j4a2rds wrote

We moved from the Alpharetta area. We lived there for almost 25 years

I really like how easy it is to get to anything from here: the airport, the.mountains, the ocean, Seattle. We looked around many different parts of WA before deciding on this area and we have never been sorry. Housing is more expensive than Georgia but we found this.area much cheaper than many other areas in WA. We love the cooler weather and have not found the rainy days too bad. Fyi: annual rainfall in Atlanta is higher than Seattle. Seattle just spreads it out more. PO is definitely a small town but there is pretty much everything you need on the peninsula.


plk31 t1_j4b5vwq wrote

For WA state in general: Vote by mail is one consistent thing I've heard transplants mention as a pleasant surprise. It's so convenient I would probably have a hard time relocating to another state if it wasn't available.


SM1955 t1_j4brxfq wrote

I’ve lived in South Carolina, Idaho, and Montana and visited many other states—Washington is by far my favorite! Of course, it all depends on what you enjoy. Port Orchard is a sweet little town, much more ‘real’ than Silverdale or Gig Harbor, but close enough to both if you want big box stores. The location couldn’t be better—an hour from Port Townsend, 2 hrs to get to the west side of the Olympic Peninsula, ferry ride from Bremerton and then another ferry to Seattle. The people aren’t outgoing but neither are southerners in my experience. Weather is WONDERFUL—rainy and cool in fall-spring, warm and sunny (too sunny!) in summer. No poisonous snakes, no water bugs, few mosquitoes, even! Growing zone is similar but things like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants struggle. Beautiful gardens, lots to do. Port Orchard is a great place! And property values are lower than other places nearby, though may still be higher than in GA. We absolutely love it here!!!


d542east t1_j4bb3km wrote

I grew up in a small town next to Augusta and moved to western WA about 20 years ago. The culture and surroundings really couldn't be more different. I hated the south and love living near the mountains though so it was a great move for me.


jonboalex t1_j4a8mle wrote

I moved from Phoenix to Port Orchard over a year ago. It is a great place to live ! I find it to be a nice mix of rural yet accessible since it is the county seat the infrastructure is good. The downtown is nice and people are generally nice overall, in the winter everyone doesn’t want to talk but summers is amazing. The parks and schools are good for the area and the outdoors is one of the best concentrations of everything you can find. We haven’t even left kitsap and haven’t seen every amazing outdoor nature trail and state park. DM for any questions but overall it’s a good little town that’s close to most things


Formerphoenician1960 t1_j4abpiq wrote

I moved here from the phx area 17 yrs ago. Seems like yesterday. I still love it. Hope you continue to enjoy it as well.


boofcakin171 t1_j4agcul wrote

Eyyy the peninsula is super nice port orchard is small but if you have a car you are pretty close to Olympic national park and maybe an hour and a half from Seattle


chillychillybitchboy t1_j4a0yza wrote

Kitsap is great, haven’t lived in PO but it is pretty cute, plenty of stuff to do between nature and the little downtown. Port orchard isn’t the most progressive area, if that’s important to you. But it is really nice on this side of the sound.


Catgeek08 t1_j4bc7ad wrote

When you say, “I am AA,” did you mean African American? If so, that will drastically change your experience in Port Orchard. While Seattle are has some black communities and culture, one of my black friends found it very sparse and was very lonely. They left after only a couple of years. Port Orchard will likely be even worse.

I moved to Washington State from NW Florida a long time ago. For the first few years, I couldn’t believe how cold and it was for so much of the year. It was also a huge cultural change. People keep to themselves a lot more.


agutema t1_j4bcfza wrote

(Also AA) Port orchard is lovely. Kitsap is whiter than Pierce (where Tacoma is ~30 mins away) but I still have a great time. If you’re used to slightly smaller town vibes you should find something to do, if not there’s stuff (ish) to do in Bremerton and Tacoma.


beerbeerbeerbeerbee t1_j4aodfl wrote

Does the job pay enough so you can potentially purchase property? If so… yeah, you should think about it. At least then you have a guaranteed spot to park your boat.


uberpop t1_j4bpcj5 wrote

Port orchard has a cute little downtown on the water. I could see building a great life within walking distance of the downtown in a little place with water views. It’s easy to pop over to Seattle using the southworth ferry. Tacoma is about half an hour away.


pastelbutcherknife t1_j4c4es4 wrote

I moved from Georgia, not to Kitsap, but to NW Washington and only wish I did it sooner. Get a good coat once you get here.


grw2020 t1_j4h9sg3 wrote

PO has a Hobbit House.


Pumpkinshrooms t1_j4b29mr wrote

Port Orchard is like, the last not-as-expensive city in Kitsap and it's less crowded than Silverdale or Poulsbo, and less gross than Bremerton proper. It's a good starting point. I get jealous of the weather further north though. PO is pretty gloomy while the sun likes to peak out more in Silverdale and Poulsbo. If you want to go out to eat though, lot more options elsewhere. Worth it if you don't like the crowds. A million percent better than living in Bremerton imo.


DrunkPanda t1_j4b3037 wrote

Consider living in Bremerton unless you like small towns. Lots of great Breweries in Kitsap County!


the_is_this t1_j4ctp6e wrote

I love that general area. My uncle lives nearby in the hidden gem of Olalla


GirlsNightOnly t1_j4cwc4x wrote

I am from Port Orchard, I am now 30 and live in Tacoma. Pros of Port Orchard are it’s a bit more affordable compared to the Seattle metro, but that is quickly changing with the fast ferry access to Seattle and more people leaving the Seattle area for surrounding towns and cities. I think the vibe of the area is somewhat rural, and it is more conservative than many parts of Western Washington. Not very culturally diverse imo. But if you have kids I don’t think there’s much for them to do there and that’s my biggest issue with it. The one movie theatre closed recently, most things to do are either in gig harbor or Bremerton/Silverdale.


Hopsblues t1_j4czoyg wrote

You might consider living in Gig Harbor.


Konbattou-Onbattou t1_j4dya10 wrote

You’ll be close to all the beautiful hikes of the Olympics so that’s pretty sweet.


ak47oz t1_j4e2q1x wrote

Port Orchard is pretty quiet, not a lot going on but you can fairly reasonably (very easily, forgot about the ferry) get to Seattle on the weekends for more things to do city wise. There is a lot of accessible nature if that is your jam (head over the hood canal bridge and it is beautiful).


JDR253 t1_j4entyb wrote

Port orchard is small but cool. If you want a nice area to explore you can go to gig harbor and walk around, shop, get some food. A little further is Tacoma which has everything you need. If you want to explore Seattle or have a little vacation on vashon island you’re close to the south worth ferry which is 30-60 min ride.


cwwmillwork t1_j4pjoeq wrote

You will love Port Orchard. I envy you.


PacificIsMyHome t1_j4a4y2e wrote

DM me if you want... I am a bit of a hermit, but live in the vicinity.


2leewhohot t1_j4bdu6n wrote

You're a ferry ride away from Seattle. Silverdale is nearby, as well. They have a ferry to the San Juan area.

If you're not bothered by driving a bit, it's a good location, although WA state is a more expensive state.


Old-AF t1_j4blz4r wrote

You should fit right in, coming from Georgia.


DietyMarc0 t1_j4bzyrf wrote

Don’t come here it’s ducked


bubbamike1 t1_j4al20t wrote

Watch episodes of Twin Peaks and you’ll know all you need to know about living in Washington.


fatcockjesus t1_j4c2cs6 wrote

Despite the fact that most of the show was filmed in LA? Or that the show was originally supposed to take place in North Dakota? How about the story being based off an unsolved murder case in early 20th century New York?


bubbamike1 t1_j4cu6yf wrote

The vibe is perfect. I wonder how many moved here due to Here Comes The Brides?


freckledtabby t1_j4c8i40 wrote

I think two scenes were filmed in North Bend WA. At a gas station and a cafe.


Sweet_Following5044 t1_j4benns wrote

Please don't! Washington is full! .


westmaxia OP t1_j4bfcvu wrote

I will come in with a full force! Brace for the impact 😆


-Velvet-Bat- t1_j4d0e00 wrote

You people are so fucking annoying. If it's so full, all of you should move and give it back to the people it was stolen from.


Sweet_Following5044 t1_j4e07b2 wrote

I was born here raised here and was probably here before you. So you can F off


-Velvet-Bat- t1_j4g2nnf wrote

So that means it wasn't stolen? You don't own Washington. YOU fuck off.


Taikiteazy t1_j4aayzh wrote

Depends. Do you own firearms and want to bring them with you? The weapons ban about to pass will make that impossible.


findinganonemos t1_j4ilo02 wrote

Believe it or not this isn’t the be all end all for everyone. I know it’s hard to take in, actually i don’t, but you’re going to be just fine.


Taikiteazy t1_j4imap7 wrote

No I'm fine I just made a true statement. The laws being proposed will make pistols with magazines illegal to bring into the state as well as any semiautomatic firearm of any style. I've read it, have you?