Spike-Tail-Turtle t1_ixzntg8 wrote
I thought he had a killer mustache and now I'm disappointed
Poohbizzle79 t1_ixzom64 wrote
Jacob is a smooth criminal.
jordantask t1_ixzplqn wrote
That’s the face of a man with no regrets.
kevnmartin t1_ixzvt7l wrote
"Mmmm, pizza bones!"
LeatherMost2757 t1_ixzxf00 wrote
Your wife is missing out on the best part of the pizza. I’m with the kitty here!
Truthisnotallowed t1_iy05kjj wrote
"What I do wrong? She was done with 'em!"
DiamondSoft4126 t1_iy0fsev wrote
What's up with the bald belly?
skinnyman87 t1_iy0h5b6 wrote
Smooth criminal
thejoker954 t1_iy0nhcn wrote
My mom's cat is the same way - she loves bread and crackers.
Estrellathestarfish t1_iy0vo9n wrote
Jacob is selflessly tackling food waste, one crust at a time. That's not a thief, that's an environmentalist.
Commercial_Fee_6120 t1_iy0w166 wrote
CthuluTheGrand t1_iy0wdau wrote
Yeah what's up with that?
3Heathens_Mom t1_iy0xaj5 wrote
Waste not want not said every cat and dog ever.
Agomir t1_iy0xs8i wrote
Usually a response to stress. Nervous cats tend to groom too much as it's comforting, which causes bald spots.
SwitcherooU t1_iy0zznn wrote
Which is weird, because there’s nothing about this cat that would make me think he’s stressed. He’s immaculately clean and at a healthy weight, and clearly feels bold enough to gank food.
Agomir t1_iy10v6f wrote
I have one like that. He's very sociable, everyone comments on how beautiful and cuddly he is. His fur looks great. Except his belly. It took me a while to accept that it could be stress. But there's a really aggressive cat that appeared in the neighbourhood. The vet prescribed some pills for his nerves that helped. We're still trying to figure out a long term solution for that cat...
ScratchyVests t1_iy10ycj wrote
Could be shaved for an ultrasound too. Happened to my cat and took a while to grow in.
VisceralMonkey t1_iy11r8m wrote
Pizza stealing cats see the best!
Aurora1702 t1_iy11uqu wrote
One of mine does this as well. Pizza crusts will be stolen when I'm not looking, stashed somewhere for later and then used as a toy.
They have plenty of toys already, he just really loves batting about crusts. I'll be sitting on the sofa minding my own business when in comes the mischief machine playing with a pizza crust, when I had pizza 3 days ago.
Cheeky shit.
keestie t1_iy12vry wrote
It happens. I've seen very well-taken-care-of cats with this issue.
mochacub22 t1_iy1amui wrote
Praise be to Jacob
hotmasalachai t1_iy1at41 wrote
That explains the doughboy
He must be a cloud to hug and cuddle right? Looks soft
shadowsandfirelight t1_iy1cbp6 wrote
I used to always let my cat sniff the food I was eating if I was certain he wouldn't want it, so he would leave me alone. I let him sniff my pizza one day. BIG MISTAKE. He has become the Garfield of pizza and has literally snatched a whole piece out of my hand and tried to run off with it!
witchknights t1_iy1hd2z wrote
This man is clearly innocent of theft and has been falsely accused!
orion_nomad t1_iy1i4ss wrote
One of my girls started licking all the fur off of her tum-tum shortly after we got some new kittens. The vet said it could either be allergies or stress, so she gave me some Zyrtec/cetirizine and a Feliway diffuser. One or the other got her to stop and she's finally growing out the fur out there.
SternLecture t1_iy1jpba wrote
Is it normal for cats to be bare in that belly spot? My cat is bare there and was worried something is up.
Dr_Bitchcraft8 t1_iy1jw0n wrote
Dammit, Jacob! Lol
Arthur2_shedsJackson t1_iy1l09b wrote
Jacob for city council
[deleted] t1_iy1mi44 wrote
I_might_be_weasel t1_iy1orql wrote
StarMindedCatGirl t1_iy1pozv wrote
I know hes being a naughty boi but just look at that face, how could anyone be mad at Jacob?
CaptainCuddles t1_iy1pp89 wrote
I have a happy but high strung 13 yo who has been doing this for about three years. I’ve tried everything besides making her miserable by forcing pills down her throat every day. I feel like a bad pet parent but the vets have looked at her multiple times and she is healthy.
CaptainCuddles t1_iy1pu38 wrote
It’s usually stress or allergies. Best to have a vet check your cat out
BlackJeepW1 t1_iy1pwcn wrote
What is it with certain cats and carbs? We had to buy a bread box because our kitten was tearing up whole loaves of bread.
Agomir t1_iy1sqqk wrote
We just tried a course of Alphazium for 2 months and that helped but I can't keep him on that forever, even if he's really good at taking pills. So for now we're trying Feliway. Fingers crossed.
momomoca t1_iy1xryn wrote
Has your vet suggested Zylkene? It was the first thing that my vet offered us for my high strung cat, and it definitely helps her to be much more relaxed! It's just a supplement that's made from something extracted from milk which has been shown to have a calming affect in small mammals (and yes, iirc they are currently testing to see if the same applies to humans lol).
We tried actual anxiety medication and that did help slightly more than Zylkene, but unfortunately my cat had the urine retention side affect so we stopped after a month.
ExiledinElysium t1_iy1yuth wrote
Yes we can see that. And not just from the crust currently in his mouth.
Dumpster_Sauce t1_iy23bxm wrote
I didn't eat pizza crusts until stuffed crust became a thing. Now that's the only kind I'll buy
copperpurple t1_iy24igy wrote
With the straight sides, it looks shaved, and there appears to be a healing incision.
Roman_____Holiday t1_iy24uoj wrote
If I can take it. It is mine. This is all the cat knows.
chicklette t1_iy251jh wrote
My well cared for cat over groomed the fur on her tum because I put my two obese cats on a diet. :/. Vet told me to let the others be fat, so that's the plan for now. She's elderly and they're young, so I think we'll be ok long term.
Agomir t1_iy278en wrote
Not yet, but thanks for the suggestion! I'll bring it up with the vet if the Feliway doesn't work.
Lazy-Drink-277 t1_iy2frvu wrote
Jacob is a master of psychological manipulation
thatsthefactsjack t1_iy2gg7o wrote
Not gonna lie...I thought cute bow tie bro...then read the title. So yeah...not a bow tie.
IloveBANANAS34 t1_iy2jpnk wrote
He chonk and pretty
goliathfasa t1_iy2kipp wrote
I’m not seeing little Jacob.
grimmrhythm t1_iy2m3b7 wrote
Depression: cured
goodgirlfrankie t1_iy2ujey wrote
He looks like he’s never letting that go hahaha
MaximusZacharias t1_iy2xbz8 wrote
I wish I didn’t see it but I can’t unsee it now. It looks like cat is taking a massive crap of just hair.
MacTelnet t1_iy3798i wrote
Cat weight doesn't affect speed stats
lessregretsnextyear t1_iy3chpc wrote
I like to think that Jacob has repurposed them.
Quixotegut t1_iy3d9r0 wrote
textbookrevolution t1_iy3fcmz wrote
Unrepentant criminal.
stardewsweetheart t1_iy3fx2h wrote
My childhood cat would do this with unsupervised garlic bread 😩😆
Steam-powered-pickle t1_iy3meca wrote
eachna t1_iy3qpc5 wrote
Could be urinary tract/bladder issues. Male cats can have a lot of urinary issues.
smashingrocks04 t1_iy3rjpt wrote
Your cat is so pretty 🥰
mrprincepercy t1_ixzn8w4 wrote
Looks built for speed