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megalomike t1_j6xzgn3 wrote

Drive correctly and savor the mystery.


cleanshoes30 t1_j6y0jsn wrote

Right?! I don't understand the mindset of people who are actively advocating for breaking laws. Especially ones designed to save lives.

We live in a society, there are rules! SLOW DOWN MOTHERFUCKERS!


bookoocash t1_j6y14ad wrote

Just go the speed limit and don’t run red lights and you’ll be good.


instantcoffee69 t1_j6y1y25 wrote

The people of Baltimore politely ask you to NOT speed and run red lights.

Not a single person as ever seen a car speed, run a red light, or rev their engine and said: "what a cool person", not once.


codyvir t1_j6y2azb wrote

I see you getting a little bit of flak for this, and I think the charitable way of looking at the question is not as you wondering if you can ignore them, but wondering if they are actually having any impact on the atrocious driving around here. I wonder, too.... In a town where people will pass you in the bus lane to run a red light that you're stopped at, and blow down residential streets at 40-50MPH regardless of speed bumps, who knows if some camera ticketing is gonna have any impact.


Autumn_Sweater t1_j6y4zpi wrote

speed cameras typically nail you for going 12 or more over. so stick to no more than 10 over and you’re fine.


superdreamcast64 t1_j6y6fol wrote

yes!! and some cameras have the opposite problem of being overly sensitive. i swear i see the red light cam on Cold Spring at Morgan State flashing at people who are literally not moving (or are coming to a stop just a few inches past the white line).


someguyontheintrnet t1_j6y7kld wrote

The cameras are very real. And you cannot really appeal the ticket that is sent to the address on your registration. Stop at red lights and stay within 10mph of the speed limit and you’ll be fine.


YorickTheCat t1_j6y8ec3 wrote

I went from Pigtown to Charles village and back and watched three people either blow through red lights, or stop for a second then take off through the intersection. Ridiculous and dangerous. I'd like to see traffic stops. And a speed camera on the MLK dragstrip between Pratt and I395.


DONNIENARC0 t1_j6y8fc4 wrote

At select parts of i-83 and around any schools, yeah.


winnower8 t1_j6y8xbw wrote

You’ll 100% get a speeding ticket or a running red light from the cameras. If you have a daily commute and they add a camera and you’re unaware (like on Charles by the Cathedral of Mary our Queen) then you could get several tickets before the 1st one is mailed.

You can look up your tag on the website.


someguyontheintrnet t1_j6y9036 wrote

True. Its not worth it and rarely overturned anyway as I recall. Unless there is an emergency vehicle behind you, you are fucked (pretty much). Also note someone else could he driving your car, and you are still fucked. Its tied to your registration, not the driver.


DONNIENARC0 t1_j6ybyi5 wrote

Yeah. I think your best shot would likely be to just admit fault and provide a reason why you were speeding in hopes of having the ticket waived. If your driving record isn't a complete abomination that strategy usually works pretty well with normal tickets, atleast. I think they referred to it as "guilty with circumstance".

A while ago while I was there for a normal speeding ticket I saw a couple guys try to argue the camera was wrong and the judge just wasn't having any of that.

But like you said it's just not worth it to take off work and sit in traffic court all day for a chance at $40. You could go drive Uber Eats or some shit and make double that amount in half the time you spent in court... or just relax on your day off.


karensbakedziti t1_j6yd3z4 wrote

Yes, they will mail you a speeding ticket. Best not to test it and drive safely.


DONNIENARC0 t1_j6ye766 wrote

100%, I'd imagine the fact it's an effective waste of time isn't lost on them, either.

I said something similar below, but you could probably go drive Uber Eats or some shit and make double that amount in half the time you spent in court.


dizzy_centrifuge t1_j6ygfc7 wrote

They're everywhere. In a few years, everyones cars will link to the internet, and you're gonna get a ticket anytime you're speeding camera or not


runrunrun800 t1_j6ynzkm wrote

The red light camera flashes all the time at people running late lights or just blowing a red. I assume they get the tickets.


Mrwrongthinker t1_j6yv34p wrote

Don't speed, don't run red lights, and you don't even have to worry about it.


superdreamcast64 t1_j6yy6oc wrote

i feel like it’s kinda cheap when it’s just like, someone’s bumper extending a few inches past the white line. i’m not talking about the rubes who stick their car halfway into the intersection before coming to a full stop.


BmoreCityDOT t1_j6z3g4y wrote

We do not suggest the FAAFO method of driving.


lebronowitz t1_j6z3h37 wrote

They typically don’t take a picture of you keep it to 8mph over speed limit.

They also shut down after 9pm in most places do to contractual costs. And I believe school zones only enforce during the school week.

I’ve only gotten one speeding ticket in the last 3 years. But ymmv.


DvrthKen OP t1_j6zzb45 wrote

Thank you. I just wanted to know if they worked because a lot of people don’t seem to be deterred by them. I’ve also never seen signs for them so frequently in any other city I’ve been to.


DvrthKen OP t1_j6zzmjk wrote

Thanks for the replies everyone. Don’t worry, I’m not asking so I can drive a 2 ton death machine recklessly. I’ve just never seen them so prevalent in any other city I’ve lived in.


Wilmore99 t1_j70dzln wrote

Ok so here’s my experience:

In regard to speed cameras I notice if you don’t go over 5MPH you’re good, might be able to do 10 over but I haven’t risked that to check. As for the ones on 83, don’t go over 60MPH and you’re ok.

Red light cameras seem to be tweaked depending on the popularity of the intersection. Falls Road/Cold Spring and the Presidents Street/Fayette intersections don’t fuck around. Others seem to have a slight delay if you’re trying to get through a yellow.


Direcircumstances1 t1_j70l4su wrote

Very real. When you come to a red light make sure you stop before the white line. If you cross it you will get a ticket in mail. Baltimore City services are horrid but you will get a ticket in the mail almost instantly for everything.


bellyflop2 t1_j71klrh wrote

Giving out robot tickets is about the only city service that is reliable AF.


chaibb t1_j728nx5 wrote

Yes, I got one recently. If you go 12mph over the posted speed, you’ll receive a ticket. I also got a redlight ticket once!

Speed camera ticket: $40 Red light camera ticket: $75


HumanGyroscope t1_j72l62y wrote

There is a really easy way to find out. Break the law in front of each camera.


KingBooRadley t1_j74zpjp wrote

In the City of Baltimore, a used car dealer may choose to operate on Sunday and not Saturday if it notifies the Motor Vehicle Administration in advance of its intention.

I broke this law at each and every camera and nothing happened.