
dickpickdan t1_je5tc44 wrote

I guess I thought you meant something else? This is what it looks like today

Edit: because it’s the internet I want to clarify that I am not arguing. Just trying to understand what you mean because if we’re talking about the same intersection I also agree that it sucks!


dickpickdan t1_jas1x5q wrote

Couldn’t agree more. When I lived downtown, it was really nice to be central to everything. We spent time in Fed, LP, Station North, MV, Fells, inner harbor, even Charles Village. We had to leave DT to do much of anything. Now that I am in upper fells, I do not leave fells.

It was really great for where we were in our lives and wanting to explore more of the city. But now I’m content with my little corner of Baltimore.


dickpickdan t1_jak6hi4 wrote

From Baltimore and Paca I think you’d find that you feel safer, it’s better lit, and more foot traffic, to go to Pratt and follow the harbor to fells, as opposed to taking Baltimore, Lombard, or Pratt straight across. I’ve lived at Lombard and gay and currently live off Baltimore in upper fells, I personally don’t mind the Lombard or Baltimore walk, but from Caroline to President it feels a little sus because there’s not much activity around and the sidewalks are littered with broken glass. Adding that the Block is very sus at all hours; I’ve a run in for no reason at like 1pm on a Saturday and just avoid it now.


dickpickdan t1_jadfm13 wrote

This is a common project where I live in Baltimore. It usually costs at least 100k. Requires a structural engineer. If you have a local Facebook group for home improvement etc, you should ask around there.


dickpickdan t1_j8y1ub1 wrote

My take is that Maryland has a TON of highway for such a small state. And maryland keeps building new highway and widening old ones. It comes at the expense of maintaining the very heavily trafficked highways. I lived in Buffalo most of my driving life, and even with the snow ice and salt, 90, 190, 290 and 990 are in better shape than 95, 295, and 495.


dickpickdan t1_j7rmm3d wrote

Great work. It makes plenty of sense. New traffic patterns, rules, etc, should be accompanied by PSAs, signage, education, and then enforcement. Glad you’re doing so much.

Unrelated, can you consider a left turning lane on Lombard to Central? The left and center lanes on Lombard appear to be through traffic lanes, and the 30° turn immediately followed by street parking after the deli is hair raising.