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Behr79 t1_ixopul9 wrote

I know it sounds messed up, but I’m pretty sure it impairs the ability to find a vein for drug users.


dreameater_baku t1_ixopw42 wrote

I believe it's to deter intravenous drug use... blue light makes it harder to see the veins.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_ixoqc57 wrote

Supposedly to make is harder for drug users to find a vein and use intravenous drugs.


TedKerry21 t1_ixorit6 wrote

Are there a lot of heroin users paying top dollar for sports or concerts?


StoJa9 t1_ixota5v wrote

Why is that messed up? would you rather walk in to take a shit and find that someone OD on the bathroom floor? Call me crazy but that would be messed up.


SpicyCursive t1_ixoubr6 wrote

Not exactly relevant but I experienced the blue light bathroom recently - and a world turned ORANGE when I emerged.


Much-Bus-6585 t1_ixoug70 wrote

I swear everyone on reddit just facerolls on their keyboards to make a title


muddymoose t1_ixov00t wrote

If it was green you would die


jenn363 t1_ixowhfg wrote

Messed up that so many people are using intravenous drugs that we have to have blue lights up so people don’t OD at a grocery store.


hummingbirds_R_tasty t1_ixox5yz wrote

thanks to reddit i think i know this. blue lights to make it harder to find veins for shooting up.


Oreos_and t1_ixoxhlv wrote

in jingle tone

sometimes they think it don’t be like that, but it do


animal_moth3r_ t1_ixoyi7z wrote

I feel this may have adverse effects. You can certainly hit a vein you cant see. Plus shit would look cool as hell in that light all yammed up


NotARobotDefACyborg t1_ixp060q wrote

Insulin is injected SQ, or subcutaneously, under the skin, rather than IM, intramuscular, or IV, intravenously. It goes under the skin so that it will absorb at a rate that regulates your blood sugar, rather than dropping it rapidly. Source: I'm a type 2 diabetic. :)


cheezepie t1_ixp0u2a wrote

because crackheads


v-b t1_ixp3wf9 wrote

Sadly this doesn’t do anything to actually deter addiction / drug use. Users just go into North Station instead.

Safe injection sites, and actual treatment programs would be safer for all.


annie_b666 t1_ixp5zuz wrote

So it’s harder to shoot up


devAcc123 t1_ixp7cgj wrote

Now that you got your answer this would go so well in r/liminalspaces


Laszlo-Panaflex t1_ixp83vj wrote

As others have said, it's to stop drug use. There are a lot of homeless people there yes, but also a lot of heroin users. A bunch of nearby clinics treat their addiction and I used to see them outside, in Dunks, etc. when I worked in a building nearby.


jacknolax t1_ixp8bnn wrote

To make ur pee green. Go C’s


rjsheine t1_ixp9tu7 wrote

Why are you in the bathroom at all


mickeyXoXo69 t1_ixpbt38 wrote

Most phones have a flashlight. A user will find a way. I hope you MEN can aim ur piss better in that light cause you do a terrible job in regular lit bathrooms.


tbirdpow t1_ixpe22k wrote

Homies can't shoot up


nxtfari t1_ixpi34e wrote

Interesting the conclusion from the study was that it's basically pointless:

>Conclusions: Blue lights are unlikely to deter injection drugs use in public washrooms, and may increase drug use-related harms. Despite recognizing these negative effects, people who use injection drugs may be reluctant to advocate against their use. We attempt to reconcile this apparent contradiction by interpreting blue lights as a form of symbolic violence and suggest a parallel with other emancipatory movements for inspiration in advocating against this and other oppressive interventions.


Flat-Development-906 t1_ixpjrwx wrote

This. I work detox and substance abuse support- if someone really wants to get high, they’ll get high. It’s weird that the grocery store feels the need in their bathroom for this and all it does is piss off regular customers.


dropsofjupiter1031 t1_ixpnkab wrote

Why is there a star market at a sports venue to begin with?


mccarthycodes t1_ixpq9zu wrote

I mean it's a deterrent. No one says it stops drug use 100%.

It's the same as door locks. They deter opportunistic thieves, but it's not hard to pick a lock; the store is hoping other bathrooms are less inconvenient...


Texasian t1_ixptk4n wrote

I bet those are LED tubes and not fluorescent. There’s been a rash of issues with LEDs “going blue” that stem from components manufactured just before the pandemic. If you Google it, there’s a rash of stories about streetlights turning blue etc etc.


Starbuksman t1_ixpzizp wrote

Drugs. So people cannot find veins - very big thing in Europe.


ipsumdeiamoamasamat t1_ixq2ksm wrote

I’m not saying safe injection sites shouldn’t be a thing, but I don’t see how they reduce usage? Can you explain it to me like I’m a 5-year-old?

Agree on the treatment issue but now that we can’t ship the druggies out to an island in the middle of the harbor, it’s apparently impossible to find a solution.


mpjjpm t1_ixq6ila wrote

Safe injection sites have resources for immediate referral into rehab/treatment for anyone who wants it. So people can use with less risk of overdose, and get into treatment if/when they are ready.


mpjjpm t1_ixq6olw wrote

It’s not just a sports venue. It’s a major transit hub and walking distance to several densely populated neighborhoods. The grocery store isn’t in TD Garden. It’s next door.


kenkopin t1_ixq7hmp wrote

Da ba dee da ba di.


houndoftindalos t1_ixq7phq wrote

All this language about "symbolic violence" and "other emancipatory movements" tells me this study clearly had an agenda. They clearly weren't just there to study it and report the objective truth. I wouldn't trust it. What about the "violence" done to grocery store workers who have to clean up after these people and use this bathroom? Screw them I guess. Let the drug users reign supreme!


77schild t1_ixqd1qt wrote

Harder to pop a vein., just have to snort it off the back of the toilet, more classy that way also.


15367288 t1_ixqd8mf wrote

I hate these bathrooms. I can’t find a vein for shit.


Smart_Ad_2886 t1_ixqfnl2 wrote

Is it a defect like the purple streetlights


Shelby-Stylo t1_ixqhrwg wrote

I take “symbolic violence” and “oppressive interventions” to mean that the study’s authors find it abhorrent that anybody would do anything to prevent open drug use.


justUseAnSvm t1_ixqicsa wrote

Pretty silly. If you ever notice how a phlebotomist finds a vein, they aren’t looking for it, they use touch/feel. Maybe IV drug users are doing it visually because they don’t know, but they’ll learn pretty quickly to do it by feel…


snakeob69 t1_ixqkbsd wrote

It is because orcs are close by.


beviness t1_ixqn2dv wrote

I’m blue dabadeedabadi


Sheol t1_ixqqcy2 wrote

My dude, the paper was published in Harm Reduction, of course it's part of the harm reduction movement.

That conclusion unfortunately was only looking at the problem from the drug users and the harm reduction stand point and really ignores the property owners view. The take away from many of the interviews was, "I'd avoid the blue lights unless I really needed a spot, then I'd use it anyway and it's be more dangerous for me to inject without seeing right." Which has obvious negatives for those two parties, and quite a positive effect for the store owner.


ThatRailsGuy t1_ixqqt6j wrote

Protomolecule infestation. Nope out of there in a hurry


lpn122 t1_ixqqva2 wrote

It literally says above that the blue lights don’t really deter drug use and instead can make it more likely for IV users to hurt themselves—but the lights are installed anyway because the store owners are being symbolically violent toward the drug users, that is, hoping they harm themselves because drug users deserve to be harmed.


ChaosUncaged t1_ixr1hcy wrote

Too bad it's useless to stop drug use


keleles t1_ixr2jbk wrote

I'm no expert but I'm gonna guess it's because the lights are blue.


No_Animator_8599 t1_ixr6ru1 wrote

I remember a men’s bathroom stall that had very short doors on the toilets in a Macy’s in San Francisco in the 80’s around Union Square. I can only assume it was to discourage sexual activity. Never saw this anywhere else in the Bay Area at the time.


TecumsehSherman t1_ixrc4v1 wrote

>It’s weird that the grocery store feels the need in their bathroom for this and all it does is piss off regular

It's not weird that some junky customer thinks that they have the right to use other people's grocery stores to get high?


5dollarsanhour t1_ixrc9qo wrote

This is by far my favorite place to piss-- wish I could put it on Google maps


TecumsehSherman t1_ixrcdg9 wrote

>, that is, hoping they harm themselves because drug users deserve to be harmed.

Or maybe they're hoping that a young kid shopping with his family for dinner doesn't stumble on an OD victim just because he has to pee?


fuzzynwarmboy t1_ixrczim wrote

Y'know, they don't go and make the bathroom blue at the nerd board game shoppe where Magic the Gathering is played every Friday night. Think about it, sports fans.


lpn122 t1_ixrhaev wrote

I’m not saying that it’s wrong for stores to try to prevent people from using drugs in the bathrooms, I was just explaining the symbolic violence of the blue lights.


macpigem t1_ixrtqwn wrote

oh sweet summer child


yungbaklava t1_ixruy9a wrote

So you can see the semen on the walls better


TinkyThePirate t1_ixryo91 wrote

This is the bathroom at the police station in Bladerunner


Ronpm111 t1_ixryx7z wrote

You are in the Smurf bathroom


Salty-Ad-4747 t1_ixsdef7 wrote

Really iv drug users ????

I love that star market I thought it was a cleaning thing kill germs I guess I was wrong That surprising


dropsofjupiter1031 t1_ixsooxa wrote

I'm fully aware of what TD Garden is. I'm from Boston and lived there and in East Boston for 47 years, thank you. I haven't been to North Station or the surrounding area for seven years now, since I live in Montana.


Known-Box-7058 t1_ixsvc70 wrote

You can see veins in blue light. They are stopping people from shooting up


bostonman617 t1_ixwwcqs wrote

I use to work there. Great store and even better toilet.


UncleJackPushedDad t1_iyeiyym wrote

I would have guessed it was UV antibacterial light that's supposed to turn off by motion sensor when someone enters so it doesn't burn your retinas because it's actually much brighter than it looks, because most of the spectrum is invisible.