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man2010 t1_ixi746v wrote

Gas station food is what this area is really missing


SwingPrestigious695 t1_ixi7v5j wrote

You know, I always thought the newer Cumbys were pretty good, but after travelling more, I'll tell you: those bigger Wawas are really getting after it.


dante662 t1_ixib2w3 wrote

The real hotness is Stewart's.


Pointlesswonder802 t1_ixihd26 wrote

I will personally start a GoFundMe to get a Sheetz or Wawa out here asap


MyRespectableAlt t1_ixiit1l wrote

This is just going to become an arms race, bigger, more pumps, more services, spiraling to the bottom, until finally, there's a fucking Bucees in New England. Then you'll all be ashamed of yourselves. But it'll be too late.


siwmasas t1_ixik4eh wrote

I really don't understand WaWa. Their food is mediocre at best, their facilities are not usually clean, and they're always mobbed. I'll pass


lunisce t1_ixir420 wrote

Fuckin love Wawa


SpringLoadedScoop t1_ixirl4g wrote

This is all Cumberland Farms has managed to step up so far. You can probably some of the old-style concrete bunker Cumbies around: Five years ago or so that was what they all were like.

I'm not sure if they're on a continued trajectory from here, or figure they're at a level that you'll pick them over whatever else you can find around here


homeostasis3434 t1_ixivahx wrote

Yeah the newer Cumbies are stepping up their game but the food is still not nearly on par with Sheetz or Wawa. The shitty pizza and whatever they have on those roller things aren't even close to the fresh sandwiches and sides at those other chains.


Shelby-Stylo t1_ixivia1 wrote

I have a friend who is a serious foodie. He swears WaWa has a throughly decent breakfast. I can not verify this information but I intend to the next time I’m in New Jersey.


pchaderton t1_ixiwl3w wrote

Their breakfast sandwiches and stuffed pretzels got me through many rough early mornings. I would love to have them up here.


robots_WILL_kill_you t1_ixiww7v wrote

My friend and I have inquired numerous times with Wawa corporate about franchising, and sadly they are not interested. Imagine how much they would clean up with a location next to BU!


CoolAbdul t1_ixiyg0u wrote


Helen Keller's favorite convenience store.


_lainan t1_ixiynpu wrote

i am a slut for wawa. i'll do whatever it takes to get a wawa here.


eddiejugs t1_ixj1yed wrote

WAWA. May need jughandles on the road though.


thejosharms t1_ixj2gd1 wrote

You will get a Richdale's taking over for a 7-Eleven location, keeping all of their equipment in the store but never actually using them or offering those items for sale.

Slushy? Out of order. Fountain sodas? Out of order. Hot station? Maybe out of order, maybe not. There's no sign but it's completely empty. Coffee? Fuck you, get a cold brew Starbucks from the cooler.


TheF-ingLizardKing1 t1_ixj3jxo wrote

I live in Wawa country now, you guys don't want Wawa. Sheetz is way better


protexblue t1_ixj48er wrote

I am maybe your friend, but if not, let this separate person tell you it is true. Their make to order breakfast is outstanding. I'm often near Wawas for running / frisbee tournaments and I refuse to start my day any other way.


marmosetohmarmoset t1_ixj9eye wrote

There’s a Rita’s Italian Ice in Wapole now. New Jersey is slowly spreading north.


wallet535 t1_ixjbfde wrote

RIP 7-Eleven here if they ever decide to come.


Granolapitcher t1_ixje53k wrote

Go to the Cumbys on Methadone Mile. Every other Cumbys is like a dream


desertsidewalks t1_ixjh9bw wrote

When GM/Honda start mass producing electric vehicles in a few years, gas station/charging stations with restaurants and good bathrooms will have a competitive edge while people wait for their batteries to charge.


fuckitillmakeanother t1_ixjhtgb wrote

I went to school down in the Philly area. The amount of people who apparently believe it's Anthony Bourdain back there putting their sandwich together is unbelievable. It's gas station food. It's decent, but it's still gas station food.

I see no need for it here.


MomTRex t1_ixjplgm wrote

How about Sheetz or Buc-ee's?


mgzukowski t1_ixjqbpb wrote

If your going to go for a gas station monstrosity why go for a Wawa. Go for the gold, go for a buc-ee's.


chops65 t1_ixjsaan wrote

or a sheetz, their food is bomb


partyorca t1_ixjuu83 wrote

No. There is only one hero that this city needs.

And it is Stewart’s.


littlebutcute t1_ixjxyxd wrote

I was in Philly visiting my brother and so excited to go to Wawa, but unfortunately I just didn’t have the time and I’m still sad about it.


BeerAndWings4 t1_ixjz8mq wrote

I’ll sign whatever I need to sign to get Wawa here. Also, there was an awesome Cumberland farms in Quincy a while ago that was very similar to a Wawa


ifucantbeatemsweetum t1_ixjzz0n wrote

Used to travel a lot for work and whenever I was in VT I would hunt down a Stewart's for their iced coffee, it is incredible. Probably for the best I no longer have easy access to it as I'm sure it's a sugar bomb.


archdukefranzferd3 t1_ixk09dp wrote

Recently moved to Boston and tbh the most disappointing thing so far is there’s not any great food spots - like there are a lot of mid restaurants but good ones are sparse


snickerdoodIed t1_ixk0hr4 wrote

This former Pennsylvanian would LOVE to have a Wawa


JasperDyne t1_ixk6rbx wrote

Even Florida has Wawas now. Why can’t The Bay State get a few?


bcopes t1_ixk8brv wrote

Amen x 12. I know they’re subpar by the standards of others, but I love Wawa iced tea and soft pretzels.


Depressedaxolotls t1_ixk93b8 wrote

I moved here from Maryland last year. The two things I miss the most: crab and Wawa


The_Spectacle t1_ixka7dc wrote

I’m in Albany but I feel your pain. Except for the Stewart’s thing. Stewart’s really is a gem.


ipsumdeiamoamasamat t1_ixkck35 wrote

There is so little late-night food here. A few non-gas Wawas in Allston/Brighton or on Huntington Ave would get steady foot traffic. The issue here is acquiring the real estate. Wawa owns a lot of its lots. Does Wawa want to spend a premium entering a new market to get sales that probably won’t be like those in Philly?

Also Cumby’s is so much better than what we used to have around here. 10-12 years ago there was nothing in that vein near Boston. I want Wawa/Sheetz too, but you gotta have some perspective.


ipsumdeiamoamasamat t1_ixkczii wrote

Sheetz’s menu is far more extensive. Wawa’s hoagie options are damn good. They each excel in their own areas. I could do without Sheetz adding a -z instead of an S on every pluralization, but that’s a losing battle to fight.


jimx117 t1_ixki5j6 wrote

I spent a couple days in Philly a few years back and while I never tried their sandwiches, their breakfast hash browns were 💯, giving McDonald's a run for their money


dble-u t1_ixkmp8s wrote

i believe in stewart's supremacy


aShittierShitTier4u t1_ixkxmgw wrote

Why don't they just make one of those things that they have on the Star Trek enterprise space ship, you say, "Alexa make me a sandwich just like how Jane Alden used to make for the pilgrims way back in the day" and Abra cadabra ipso facto you all of a sudden have a sandwich. They just want to make robots that kill when they should make a Roomba transform into a gourmet chef when it's done cleaning up the floors. You can have it go to the store for you while you go deer hunting or fishing.


WhoDat44978 t1_ixlhr8y wrote

OP must be from south Jersey or Philly…the WaWa addiction runs deep


nebirah t1_ixmble0 wrote

Wawa? Sheetz? Bucees?

I never heard of three places.

Why not suggest a Piggly Wiggly while you're at it?


siwmasas t1_ixnok82 wrote

I'm not comparing to cumbies, their 'food' is another level of terrible. Only gas station food I'll take is a dunks. Even that's still a last resort.

I guess I'm just anti gas station food