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Caucasiafro t1_je87d0f wrote

They are in some places, or they have a different term altogether.

But in the US (and Canada) where it's called a "pickle" it's largely because that's the most common pickled food that people eat. Pickled herring is basically the only other thing I can think of, and that's super regional and still nowhere near as popular.

So we just shorted it to "pickles." Just like how a "roast" or "roast dinner" usually means roast beef.


open_door_policy t1_je8d5et wrote

Sauerkraut and olives are also both very common, but most people don't think of them as being pickled.

Pig's feet and eggs also both exist, but are definitely uncommon.


echil0n t1_je8efer wrote

And Jalapeños.. source: am Mexican. Don't think I've gone more than a day without eating my meals with pickled Jalapeños.


Caucasiafro t1_je8huxs wrote

I always thought sauerkraut wasn't "technically" pickled but fermented.

After a cursory Google search I have no idea how I came to that conclusion that that doesn't still count as pickling.

Easily my favorite pickled product.


mindvape t1_je8mytp wrote

But sauerkraut is fermented and that is not the same as pickling.


slimsag t1_je8qb0r wrote

it is correct to say sauerkraut is both fermented AND pickled

'pickled' just means preserving something in a brine. This can be done through an acid brine like vinegar and heat treatment.. or through lacto-fermentation (a salt brine which helps a particular type of bacteria, which produces acid, grow.)

Even in just the context of cucumber pickles at your grocery store, you can often find both types and not even know it.

Cheaper brands on the shelves like Vlasic will be heat-pasteurized in a vinegar brine, normally not refrigerated as there's no live bacteria producing gasses so the jars won't explode.

While other brands like Claussen, Mt Olive, etc. will be in the fridge section because they were lacto-fermented and need to stay cool to slow the bacteria to keep them fresh longer (and avoid unwanted pressure buildup in the jar.)


Zumazumarum t1_je8tklp wrote

I disagree to this, could you provide a source? My definition of pickle is to prevent any fermentation and bacteria development, while fermenting is to preserve food with a specific type of bacteria/yeast.

Edit: their are many types of salt brine fermentations, like soy sauce, but wouldn't call that pickled either.


slimsag t1_jean6z0 wrote

> Pickling is the process of preserving or extending the shelf life of food by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar.


> their are many types of salt brine fermentations, like soy sauce, but wouldn't call that pickled either.

Soy sauce is indeed a fermented salt brine. But what food is it preserving? None, just the liquid itself. So it's not pickled, it's just fermented.

But if you use soy sauce to ferment and preserve say vegetables, then those vegetables are said to be /pickled/. There's even a word for it (Shoyuzuke)


Zumazumarum t1_jeayicy wrote

Yeah, I read the wiki, but I still disagree to it. Looking up pickle on Oxford dictionary, merriam-webster, Cambridge or they all say its a vinegar or brine preservation. None of them mention fermentation. I don't know why Wikipedia has decided to bundle the two things together, there's no source to it.

F.ex. Sauerkraut is a salt fermentation, but not with a brine. Yet, Wikipedia says its still a pickled food in contrary to the dictionaries definitions.

In my culture, we have a clear separation between the two ways of preserving food. So I'm just surprised ppl here bundle them into the same thing.


slimsag t1_jeb7o12 wrote

> Sauerkraut is a salt fermentation, but not with a brine

Sauerkraut is made with the immense amount of water that is in cabbage, and salt, i.e. a brine. Brine is just salty water. When you add salt to cabbage as you do when making Sauerkraut, you literally end up with brine and cabbage. Sauerkraut is pickled food because it is a food preserved in a brine, in this case through fermentation.


Zumazumarum t1_jebd4ov wrote

Dude, I know what brine is. You're being perfidious. Making vegetables shed water is not adding brine or using brine. It's just a salt fermentation. Look at any pickle jar and the liquid to vegetable ratio isn't anything like sauerkraut. You're really stretching the argument beyond the dictionary definition.

Let's just leave it here. Agree to disagree.


slimsag t1_jec0jch wrote

not sure why you're getting mad at me, I just share facts about fermentation and pickling vegetables with you from Wikipedia and other reliable sources, because I like pickling & fermentation and enjoy sharing cool knowledge.


MoogTheDuck t1_je8e0yu wrote

You can pickle anything really


femmestem t1_je8i642 wrote

I had to look up "are all olives pickled" because I thought "pickled" involved vinegar. I had no idea it included salt brine, sugar brine, and oil. TIL Thanks!


open_door_policy t1_je8ltkk wrote

Yeah, the old recipes for pickles didn't involve any vinegar. You added some salt, then let the bacteria add lactic acid for you. No need to add acetic acid.


BebopFlow t1_je8qrmm wrote

Honestly lacto-fermentation adds a ton of flavor and it's probiotic. Vinegar pickles just don't stand up and (in an apparent reversal of half this thread's opinions) I don't think they even deserve to be called "pickles"


DanelleDee t1_je8japc wrote

I have picked beets, carrots, beans, and onions in my fridge as well. Those are all fairly common in the part of Canada where I live.


dshookowsky t1_je8hfkk wrote

I love pickled cukes, carrots, onions, even herring. I can't stand sauerkraut or olives and I've tried. A muffaletta sammich looks delicious, but the olives ruin it for me. I also prefer a corned beef special over a Reuben.


proton_badger t1_je8p9q6 wrote

I make pickled eggs sometimes when I want a break from tea eggs.


DTux5249 t1_je8rrwq wrote

True. Probably because most people don't think about what sauerkraut or olives actually are xD


Kaneida t1_je8qemj wrote

Sauerkraut is not pickled, sauerkraut is fermented. Pickles = to marinate in vinegar.

Sauerkraut is indeed a pickle. TIL.


point1edu t1_je8ua4e wrote

Every source I look at says sauerkraut is considered pickled cabbage.


Kaneida t1_je8xz2p wrote

Aye seems that is correct. Today I learned.


gordonmessmer t1_je8ucb3 wrote

"Pickling is the process of preserving edible products in an acid solution, usually vinegar, or in salt solution (brine). In the latter case, the acid that does the preservative action (lactic acid mainly) is produced by fermentation"


Kaneida t1_je8xsmk wrote

I was under following impression:

> No, pickling is not fermentation. Pickling use vinegar and heat to kill microorganisms. Fermentation, on the other hand, let the natural bacteria create lactic acid that will keep the bad microorganisms at bay, while improving the nutritional quality of the vegetables.


However found somwhere else following:

> Sauerkraut is a pickle! The naturally high water content in cabbage, mixed with salt, makes a brine, which therefore makes sauerkraut and kimchi a pickle as well as a fermented food.

So today I learned. Thanks for correcting me!


rmdashrfdot t1_je8e1yl wrote

I live in the US.

I never would have thought of herring. I eat pickled okra regularly because I grew up eating them and they're fantastic, but it's not popular where I live now.

Everyone eats pickled banana peppers and pickled jalapeños, so they're the real #2/3 after cucumbers, but for some reason we don't acknowledge them as pickled. That's just the standard way of having them here. If a restaurant actually has fresh jalapeños the menu will say "fresh jalapeños." After those I'd say maybe pickled eggs, but that's just from TV shows like The Simpsons and Cheers; I'm not sure I've ever eaten one.


Mattcheco t1_je8j9to wrote

I feel like pickled onions are super popular.


asaking t1_je8fequ wrote

I recently had a pickled egg.. had always been too scared… I really liked it - but I love pickled things


mcknives t1_je8nipa wrote

Pickled eggs are amazing & super versatile if you want to make/flavor your own. I've done black pepper & garlic as well as red curry flavored. They essentially taste like a boiled egg so still eggy but pickled, tangy & delicious!


jaydeekay t1_je8qb5i wrote

Pickled beets are the most common way to eat beets too


Colmarr t1_je89vwe wrote

Australia also called them pickles.


darkmooink t1_je8kara wrote

Uk here, they are called gherkins and we have, in the grocery shop; pickled cabbage, onion, beetroot (I think Americans call them beats) in glass jars. I can’t remember seeing gherkins or pickled egg in the shops but they are a common thing to exist, gherkins are common on burgers and pickled egg are often sold at fish and chip shops.


im_the_real_dad t1_jedx2m7 wrote

>beetroot (I think Americans call them beats)

You have a typo. We call them beets—"ee" instead of "ea". But you are correct.


fuckoffasshoe t1_je8l3st wrote

In the middle east we pickle pretty much any vegetable in existence. Carrot, beets, cauliflower, jalapenos, cabbage, olives, eggplant, the list goes on.


Kaneida t1_je8qmgb wrote

> Pickled herring is basically the only other thing I can think of

Check out: pickled tomatoes, pickled peppers, pickled red onion (this one is crazy simple to make so you have always in fridge to use for burgers, condiments to other meats and foods).


thisothernameth t1_je8u6ma wrote

I'm genuinely surprised. No widely spread pickled pearl onions or pickled corn cobs over there? No giardiniera?


earthwormjim91 t1_je8o3i4 wrote

Pickled jalapeño, carrots, radish (you’ll find these three very commonly at taquerias), red onion, sauerkraut, olives, pickled eggs are common in the south as is pickled sausage, kimchi, pickled peppers are very common on sandwiches and pizza.

Those are all common things I can think of off the top of my head.


Alewort t1_je8u1bj wrote

Pickled eggs and pickled pig's feet are other regional ones.


Carighan t1_je8uc71 wrote

>They are in some places, or they have a different term altogether.