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bowlmanfan t1_jdxaz0r wrote

Looks delicious 👍 I didn't know they made faygo peach.


ZaatarCrusted t1_jdxlsuv wrote

100mg? That birthday is going to go on for at least a few days


AnomalousMachine t1_jdxpnlc wrote

Would be awesome to get keef drinks in australia. Hope you guys had a good feed and a good time 👍


aKnightWh0SaysNi t1_jdxry9h wrote

That’s a lot more THC than I would want in a can of root beer


Tri734 t1_jdxu5de wrote

This is the most Midwest dinner ever haha


dirkdugglr t1_jdxwexh wrote

I had about 100mg of THC a couple of hours ago, and now I want sour cream topped with chicken tacos.


caraiselite t1_jdy01ua wrote

This is so sweet, aww. Happy birthday to her.

Grill/toast/cook the tortillas for more yumminess next time. I never realized they needed it, but now if I don't, they taste raw. I usually heat them up in an oven and melt the cheese on top. You could toast them on the gas burner too, much faster that way.


longbongliver t1_jdy68iu wrote

I know a Juggalo when I see one.

Faygo, paper plates, weed soda….com’on man! Put the hatchet down!!!


SnowmanPickins t1_jdy8xso wrote

Has this comment section never had an edible? 100mg is a totally reasonable amount for someone who smokes or eats weed often.


cymonium t1_jdyaoja wrote

That cheesecake tho.. yum


g1ngertim t1_jdyat62 wrote

I've always assumed they were for the people with insane tolerances. A coworker of mine has to have ~100mg to feel any intoxication, so he'll use these. I have no idea where he gets the money, we're not paid that well lmao.


phallicon t1_jdyav68 wrote

"Tacos", but if that's what she wants then great job, have a fun time!


jtotal t1_jdybg15 wrote

How the 100mg compared to the 25mg in terms of flavor? I've only had the 25mg, and it still tastes like Root Beer. Can't say the same for the orange.


Tkainzero t1_jdybhkd wrote


100mg is pretty xtreme, not gonna lie.


funtertainment_inc t1_jdybifo wrote

100mg!? Did she know you were sending her to outer space for desert ??


SjurEido t1_jdybjs7 wrote

That is an ILLEGAL amount of sour cream.


SaulR26 t1_jdycbkb wrote

I mean, I'd still eat it, but that is just way too much sour cream friend.


skrena t1_jdyd8d5 wrote

Wait, is that a med product? I’ve never seen Keef in 100mg cans. Only 10 mg.


skrena t1_jdyfbmw wrote

Nah most people that are enjoy edibles don’t smoke or regularly consume. 100 mg is a perfect dose in my opinion. Especially the syrup is good.

We make insanely potent edibles from reclaim dabs from our ash catcher thing. My grandparents in law take one of our edibles and they love it. Anyone else takes them and they’re dead for 3 days.

Unfortunately you can’t trust adults and they often times take more than they should even when warning them. Leads to not great experiences and then they’re afraid of anything more than the lowest dose.


Mythril_Bullets t1_jdyg6z4 wrote

@@@bUiLd YoUr OwN mIdWeSt TaCo NiGhT@@@

Careful, the chicken’s spOcy


MinnieShoof t1_jdygdrz wrote

... personally, the offense I take is with the tag 'Homemade.' You included the soda and cheesecake you pretty obviously bought.


scattertheashes01 t1_jdygs0k wrote

Omg I haven’t had peach faygo in years, I need to see if it’s on Amazon


osrsbasedgod t1_jdyhgp0 wrote

This is what I imagine a juggalos Friday night looks like.


mynamejeff96 t1_jdyhp4n wrote

I have a friend who usually takes 200-400 mg a serving, depending on the day, and can confirm this would also be the extent of his cooking capability. Literally lives off of fast food and spaghetti.

Although he is atleast responsible enough to not use that much sour cream, if any at all. Wtf is up with people and normalizing creamy tacos.


FalcorFliesMePlaces t1_jdyiq17 wrote

Thing is, it takes an hour or so to have that sofa kick in. So u should have double the meal for 2nd dinner. But yeah I see that cake there


Mikeymike34 t1_jdyj23s wrote

I’ve had blue razz, mr puffer, orange kush, bubba kush root beer, flow, and purple passion. Was not a fan of purple passion. All the others were great.

I’d recommend a scoop of vanilla ice cream with the bubba kush root beer or with the orange kush.


Vervain7 t1_jdyjtzf wrote

What country are you in with those sodas?

Cause this is confusing, everything else looks super American.


polandtown t1_jdyk55y wrote

yep. same. I came her eto say this.

I had a 5mg gummy once....I cleaned my entire house and revisited all my serious relationships over the past 10 years. Nope. never again lol.

fun to try tho


TypicalJeepDriver t1_jdyku6t wrote

Damn y’all some haters. At least he made a home cooked meal for his wife for her birthday. Granted, it may not be perfect, but maybe he doesn’t cook a lot? Maybe that’s the amount of sour cream she likes? We don’t know and you guys are over here just shittin’ on him.

Lotta women out there with men who don’t even remember their birthdays, let alone make a meal for them that they were proud enough to post online.


TypicalJeepDriver t1_jdyl7es wrote

I’m the same way, 10-15mg is my sweet spot. My ex could do 300-400mg before she was properly stoned and she would always joke that I’m a sissy. Like shit, sorry I don’t smoke all day every day. I’m a cheap date when it comes to weed lol.


PM_ME_UR_MUNCHIES t1_jdylins wrote

It must be wild to buy things like that drink over the counter. 100 mg is a wild amount to have in a drink


deeedubb t1_jdylur9 wrote

"root beer infused with 100mg thc"

Proceeds to drink and be uncomfortably high for 2 days straight.


beansofglory t1_jdym0a7 wrote

Plz don’t listen to the sour cream slander, I’m here for it


Helmann t1_jdym0j4 wrote

Ignore the sour cream comments. If anything, there's not enough!


Art3mis77 t1_jdym6x0 wrote

Waaaait we get Keef drinks in Canada. I didn’t realize they were originally American!! Damn Health Canada and their 10mg limit 😩


MrBeanCyborgCaptain t1_jdynct3 wrote

How many milligrams? I ate two 5mg gummies once in Salem, I thought I was gonna die. Maybe I'm just a lightweight.


didyoueverseewardogs t1_jdyo57z wrote

Happy birthday to you or your wife, I can't tell! The dinner looks awesome though and the root beer sounds like a great way to top it off


abnormally-cliche t1_jdyp0w8 wrote

Lmfao “you put more sour cream than I would so you should make something else entirely instead” get a grip. This is how they want it, thats why they made it that way. Its sour cream, chill the fuck out. Also a lot of amazing dishes are doused in fat, let me introduce you to French cuisine.


HorrorBusiness93 t1_jdyq154 wrote

I get it.. u get a little stoned but.. That dudes acting like he ate an eighth of shrooms.

I know people have different tolerances but that seems extreme. Weed doesn’t really do that. One time a friend sold me a “super brownie” that he claimed was really strong and I should eat a quarter at a time. He was a dealer and I think he’s said he just used a bunch of weed for them.

I ate the whole brownie and wondered why I couldn’t feel my face. I feel like this is more in tune with what weed does. It’s not like adderall or mushrooms/ lsd


janamatrix t1_jdyqwk8 wrote

Can you buy that weed soda online? Asking for research purposes


Kedosto t1_jdyr830 wrote

100mg of THC would have me waking up next week wondering what happened.


sparky-von-flashy t1_jdyrl6f wrote

Awe man! We’re getting screwed in Canada.. our keef are limited to 10 mg. For the children. For the love of gob! Won’t somebody please think of the children? …


nysraved t1_jdysqih wrote

I could totally see someone with a low tolerance get high to the point where they get in the zone and start cleaning, maybe while they’re listening to music and trying to distract themselves from the anxiety of being uncomfortably high. And then later getting all reflective and in their head about past relationships.

Their description is really not that unbelievable, nor is it anywhere near what actually eating an eight of shrooms would be like


nysraved t1_jdyt2ff wrote

Okay, but it’s also just normal behavior that someone high on weed could very feasibly do as well…

You’re acting like cleaning the house and thinking about past relationships is some extreme trip that only a psychedelic could produce


nmbr4 t1_jdytd1p wrote

This is so up my alley.


oddicon t1_jdyu4m8 wrote

The keefs at 100mg now? They were only 10mg before.


tedfundy t1_jdyxmf8 wrote

Just the right amount of sour cream. Not nearly enough cheese.


VaderNova t1_jdyyrej wrote

That's not a taco. That's an unrolled burrito


Zaelers t1_jdz55e5 wrote

I see that ICP continues to be a stain on society.


dejausser t1_jdz5umz wrote

My brother/sister in christ that is an inordinate amount of sour cream to put on a single taco


rvralph803 t1_jdzm1d1 wrote

Where are the tacos? All I see is a plate of sour cream.


iffyfu t1_jdznjqm wrote

thats an illegal amount of sour cream on one taco sir


bogrollin t1_jdzoz4l wrote

Would you like some tacos with your sour cream?


herman-boone t1_jdzpzz7 wrote

The amount of sour cream is absolutely outrageous


stonabus t1_jdzv2b2 wrote

What does Richard say to Tommy when he’s eating fries and squirting ketchup in his mouth?


murph_diver t1_jdzysiy wrote

Those two things are not the same. Although the main similarity is how well your liver processes THC/alcohol compared to others. It’s the same reason some people can eat 100mg and not feel it but I can eat 20mg and I’m going on a spirit journey in the woods to keep my anxiety from crippling me.


NockerJoe t1_je0feyn wrote

I think a lot of stoners forget what an edible is like when you have zero tolerance. You can go up in dosages to huge numbers but when your system has nothing in it you can literally take a 5mg and be zooted for most of a day.


MrStrongvoice t1_je0fjmx wrote

Keef just makes a really damn good root beer, period. Even if there wasn't THC in it. I wrote about them in an Instagram post and they ended up sending me some free swag in the mail too. Cool dudes.

I just tried Candy Apple Faygo the other day. Yowee wowee. The Rocket Popsicle one is quite the treat as well.


mattsager t1_je0m272 wrote

That is a midwest amount of sour cream


PrizeBusiness503 t1_je0upk2 wrote

Wife here I’m not a seasoned user. The chicken is seasoned you just can’t see it lol also I like a lot of sour cream. Have a nice day and MMFWCL lol


adrolter t1_je0vrp7 wrote

Sorry to say, but yes, you're a bit of a lightweight. 10mg of THC is, on average, equivalent to a decigram (one tenth of a gram) of flower. Most pipes people smoke out of hold 2-10+ times that amount. Your average joint probably contains at least 50mg of THC, if not much more.


Priestly_Disco t1_je1c8uc wrote

My main perk is that it's a slow up and slow down. I swear I can rip a bong and get smashed quite immediately. My go to for just being high is eating a gummy and taking a few hits. Once the high from the pen or bong or whatever wears off, I'm good for hours.


Mikeyb480 t1_je1dvpq wrote

Well done sir. I have an idea you'll probably get some birthday lovin out of your efforts. Im rooting for ya bro! 😂


Gojisoji t1_je1ipsk wrote

That must of been the chillist bday ever haha. Pun not intended. Something about bday dinners that are not massive blowouts extravaganza that just seem so much better. Cozy and close with friends. Also... The weed doesn't hurt it haha. Makes it 10000x better.


Sub_pup t1_je1vjtn wrote

They are labeled as 10x 10mg doses and a lot of them come with medicinal dosing cup like on cough syrup. Although here in WA they seemed to have loosened up a bit because the 100mg drinks I've been getting are only 2ozs of liquid.


cum-pizza t1_je1wn3z wrote

I don’t get how weed edibles are fun. Tried them a few times and you usually just get way too high or nothing happens. And when you get high you just want to sit there and not do anything


Macuzza t1_jecqhg0 wrote

A poem

Birthday bliss, fiery chicken tacos, Root beer with THC surprise, Cheese cake with love and kisses, Homemade blissful Birthday high!