WeirdGoesPro t1_jdmc3jx wrote
There’s a good chance that they’ll miss it or won’t be able to read it if you swallow it because it will either be too digested or the scope won’t go far enough to see it. Best go in through the back door for maximum effect.
bigbootyballsymoves t1_jdmcasz wrote
“Want a tour of the place?”
Gmac513 t1_jdmccoo wrote
A QC note left by aliens from last probing. Next probe due in 9 light years or 69k miles
mrgreenw t1_jdmdtij wrote
cavegoatlove t1_jdmdu1c wrote
Just stick it on your ass. My luck, the tape would cause a false reading and I’d have to prep all over again, pass. ( no pun intended)
[deleted] t1_jdmf20i wrote
[deleted] t1_jdmgatz wrote
love_being_westoz t1_jdmgpb6 wrote
The light at the end of the tunnel.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_jdmgr5h wrote
Scottishchicken t1_jdmhrwl wrote
It should say, "Prepare to meet MY end"
heparins t1_jdmi4qm wrote
Help, I’m stuck inside of a human!
Orodole t1_jdmi9f6 wrote
Turn back, there be dragons beyond!
tomparker OP t1_jdmizrg wrote
Brilliant. I’m going to see if I can fit this on a plastic label called edits
Use thy where you would use your and thine where you would use yours. BUT: if the noun placed after thy begins with a vowel sound, use thine instead: thy book, but thine eyes. Archaically, the same was done with my and mine, but this is no longer common usage outside of some poetic use.
A40 t1_jdmjc2q wrote
How about "Inspected by No. 44"
sexmonkeys420 t1_jdmjidy wrote
Put it like where a tramp stamp would go or just have someone write it in pen 😂
ledouxrt t1_jdmjo5w wrote
If they're scoping you, then they've already met thy end when they put the camera up it.
You should make a miniature version of Chester Copperpot's wallet instead.
CatchingRays t1_jdmjoqi wrote
"This end down"
millyloui t1_jdmjqa7 wrote
It will be unreadable & tangled up
TrumpsBoneSpur t1_jdmkonr wrote
Make a "Remove tab before using" label (like toys with batteries have) and then tuck it partially in your ass before going in.
Then they can remove it, and it won't potentially fuck up your results
NaturalRow5496 t1_jdmkttd wrote
Sledgehammer. Chainsaw. A car.
Any of those will do…
ranting_chef t1_jdmlf6h wrote
"We've been trying to reach you regarding your car's extended warranty."
ChiefQuimbyMessage t1_jdmlk9v wrote
“Hello there.”
Klotzster t1_jdmlom1 wrote
Last gas for 50 miles
J3lf t1_jdmls32 wrote
Fold it up and put it in your ass cheeks but change it to "We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty"
FunTop5998 t1_jdmm0u5 wrote
It will probably dissolve before reaching your colon
jimbo92107 t1_jdmnlun wrote
"But what about my sprained ankle?"
Notsure401 t1_jdmntk9 wrote
Warning gas pipeline.
Kenny_Squeek_Scolari t1_jdmok0d wrote
Swallow pirate Lego men and Lego will be like the Goonies movie but in your ass
Taargus202 t1_jdmpjun wrote
Exit only
steved3604 t1_jdmrsm2 wrote
Do not under any circumstances swallow this.
Tape your message on hind end or write message with Sharpie in appropriate place.
Do not eat this --- it's a formula for failure.
pnw_southern_bell t1_jdmsrwj wrote
This is the way
Angus-Black t1_jdmtun8 wrote
I kid you not thst was my exact thought, right down to the 44. 😁
A40 t1_jdmu5r0 wrote
No. 44 inspects everywhere
Angus-Black t1_jdmu965 wrote
Busy inspector.
[deleted] t1_jdmvczw wrote
Mysterious_Pop247 t1_jdmvn97 wrote
Find that surgeon who likes etching his signature on peoples' organs and get him to etch it on your prostate.
[deleted] t1_jdmwk1d wrote
Theend92m t1_jdmxjy2 wrote
Iam here. You can meet me.
Old_one_again t1_jdmxmrp wrote
Kilroy was here
Rash_But_Fair t1_jdmylyb wrote
"this, too, shall pass"
arp492022 t1_jdmytc3 wrote
You must keep going Lemmiwinks
More-Jackfruit3010 t1_jdmytzl wrote
"Enter the Dragon".
ChoadTripper t1_jdmyvt8 wrote
“Hello, sailor!”
tonymillion t1_jdmz16e wrote
Lemmiwinks was here
ScottManAgent t1_jdn22ku wrote
“The End is Near”
tokencode t1_jdn3mkf wrote
"We've been trying to reach you about your car's warranty."
frozenrobotmonkey t1_jdn3yaw wrote
“Sharp Left Turn Ahead”
66pig t1_jdn4c5w wrote
You have to push throu the shit to reach the goal
witwebolte41 t1_jdn6v5b wrote
Are you stupid?
[deleted] t1_jdn798p wrote
ngatipakehatokuiwi t1_jdn7zbf wrote
But they will start from thy end won’t they?
Princeoplecs t1_jdn85zh wrote
As on Spike Milligans head stone "i told you i was ill".
GSeasAll t1_jdna1a4 wrote
Hello from the other side
driven3needle t1_jdnatoj wrote
Swallow multiple detour instructions for tourist attractions
Pappy_OPoyle t1_jdnc9rq wrote
That is a shitty idea
DannyCalavera t1_jdncait wrote
One of those red tabs that say “remove before flight” you get on aircraft.
ElonBodyOdor t1_jdncqpj wrote
How about, “No butt stuff, weirdos.”
pamacdon t1_jdndrl7 wrote
This space for rent
TwoballOneballNoball t1_jdne1tb wrote
Some doctors see anything in there and they cancel the procedure and reschedule for another time. Good luck.
[deleted] t1_jdnevog wrote
piznit007 t1_jdnexke wrote
It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this
Fur-Frisbee t1_jdnez4t wrote
Turn off the damned light!
Piemaster113 t1_jdnflxe wrote
No Vacancy.
flogger_bogger t1_jdngkcv wrote
Do they not give you a giant bottle of laxatives that you need to drink 12-24hrs beforehand where you live? You'd just be ingesting/digesting plastic and then shitting it out for no reason...
Useful-Plan8239 t1_jdnl04n wrote
I think you need to laminate it
IamLuann t1_jdnldlq wrote
Tape it to one of your butt cheeks
victim_of_technology t1_jdnljji wrote
You know exactly how the alien extracted your thoughts. Probe + time travel.
[deleted] t1_jdnm05s wrote
7ofalltrades t1_jdnm248 wrote
If they're finding a message in your colon, that ship has sailed.
[deleted] t1_jdnmpec wrote
[deleted] t1_jdnmtkv wrote
GANDORF57 t1_jdnn0eh wrote
Whoa! You're just talking out of your asshole now! ^(*(or texting!))
15RoundMagazine t1_jdnonot wrote
Pleased to meet you. And I mean that from the heart of my bottom.
15RoundMagazine t1_jdnos0h wrote
You’ve been served.
UrbanIronBeam t1_jdnot5y wrote
How about "Prepare to meet my end!" ... Although I suppose the doc will have already done by the time that gets ready.
QuantumPolarBear1337 t1_jdnowtc wrote
Yes swallow a few capsules full of spiders.....
[deleted] t1_jdnoz4v wrote
Impossible_Policy780 t1_jdnptlk wrote
You misspelled “my”
KypDurron t1_jdnscoy wrote
Warranty Void if Removed
[deleted] t1_jdnti8w wrote
bluesuedeshooze t1_jdnu0t0 wrote
“Whoa! You’re home early”
PlagueofSquirrels t1_jdnv1pk wrote
SkoveDog t1_jdnxsbv wrote
Just draw a large "W" on each cheek so when they do the colonoscopy, they see WoW....or MoM depending on your orientation.
Under_Ach1ever t1_jdnz4a3 wrote
Honestly, just have someone write "We've been trying to reach you about your car's warranty" on your butt instead.
kattmaskinen t1_jdnz6bu wrote
“Don’t touch my shit!”
lungshenli t1_jdo0grb wrote
If you’re really precise you might be able to shove a larger piece up down there that acts like the credit scroll from the beginning of any star wars movie
Flurb789 t1_jdo0mgg wrote
A few ideas
Just around the bend
I named him bartolo
Rated for hurricane force winds
Gern-Blanston t1_jdo2311 wrote
On a folded up piece of paper in your ass crack…
thordenlynet t1_jdo2kmh wrote
Don’t swallow it. Stick it up your ass instead it’ll make it so much easier for them to read
tylermsage t1_jdo3wio wrote
Come here often?
darthbiscuit t1_jdo4qox wrote
“We’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty…”
Revenge_of_the_User t1_jdo54ah wrote
I just had one last week and yeah, prep is the fucking worst.
My version of hell for 20 years was to be stuck climbing an endless staircase.
Now, its eternal colonoscopy prep. Give me the stairs.
escher4096 t1_jdo5ile wrote
“Thy end” or “my end”…. It is going up your butt after all
R3YE5 t1_jdo6pig wrote
I guess "No Shit" is too obvious? Lol
BloomQuietly t1_jdo7uc2 wrote
It all comes out in the end.
_--TheMilkMan--_ t1_jdo84rc wrote
Put it between ur ass cheeks
[deleted] t1_jdo8ftd wrote
[deleted] t1_jdo9ksf wrote
Slifko t1_jdobx5p wrote
Swallow a small capsule with a $50 bill rolled up inside with a tiny note that says: "Your tip"
dr_cl_aphra t1_jdoc459 wrote
This is the Way.
I’m a surgeon who does colonoscopies, literally this is the way to do silly shit. That and having someone write funny shit on your butt.
We do appreciate it. You will live on in our memories and the tales we tell our residents. :)
BunnyTheCow t1_jdocrdg wrote
I swallow a single piece of corn and tell them there will be a prize if they find it. Getting the timing right on when to swallow it is the hard part.
Objective-Sport-711 t1_jdoeh8n wrote
Wrong hole!!
Ragnangar t1_jdoeoxw wrote
Akshually… they’re meeting your end.
tangcameo t1_jdof9wp wrote
This way to the Great Egress!
cavegoatlove t1_jdofk9k wrote
No red jello, good luck, for the greater good
chooseatree t1_jdofzb0 wrote
Shred it
Nimyron t1_jdog20d wrote
Damn bro. Imagine you're just coming to get a cam in your ass and you get out with an autograph !
Jacerom t1_jdogqs5 wrote
laminate it first
blakevac t1_jdoisek wrote
Bro shove it up there that’s the only way they will see it
B360828 t1_jdojasg wrote
On my last one my doc walked in with tears in his eyes from laughing, along with a few of his team. Of course I asked why. He said his last patient had his wife write on his ass "We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty."
hippyengineer t1_jdojoxd wrote
hippyengineer t1_jdojxj0 wrote
OP has pika
ehudsonification t1_jdokw4h wrote
“Your wife called. She wants you home for dinner.”
mikeyt6969 t1_jdolkwz wrote
Hello There!
Iamvanno t1_jdoo8wp wrote
If you are a rather hairy person, you could go with Welcome to the Jungle
BlackaddaIX t1_jdooto0 wrote
Change it to: r/AITA
Or put a short url on there for the best rick roll ever
kissingmaryjane t1_jdopsyl wrote
I saw one surgeon was playing tic tac toe with other surgeons on someone’s insides
Particular_Sail_5613 t1_jdoqm9t wrote
Tie together some handkerchiefs and stick em up there
bearsheperd t1_jdor8k4 wrote
So, just shove it up your butt?
afelgent t1_jdorbwp wrote
If you can read this, you're too close.
Droneflyerguy t1_jdosod0 wrote
Make sure to clean off any dingle berries!
usinjin t1_jdotoed wrote
My dad wanted a sharpied arrow with “insert here”
[deleted] t1_jdou9ji wrote
[deleted] t1_jdouqzq wrote
My wife tried that once; we’re divorced now
[deleted] t1_jdovbua wrote
pete_ape t1_jdovdwo wrote
Shouldn't it be "prepare to meet my end"?
Dankjeoxp t1_jdow2mo wrote
Cmakela8 t1_jdow3dh wrote
That stinks...
tomtomeller t1_jdowx2c wrote
Help me im trapped in here
Firefly269 t1_jdp184v wrote
aringa t1_jdp1ogo wrote
Should be "prepare to meet MY end"
Sethtc t1_jdp1qz5 wrote
“We’ve been trying to reach you about your auto warranty”
AstroZombie665 t1_jdp34el wrote
[deleted] t1_jdp39e7 wrote
Xytakis t1_jdp3gfs wrote
He means he is going to tape it to his ass cheek, but it would be funnier if they found it in his colon.
FastenedCarrot t1_jdp4zlg wrote
They met your end, then their own.
[deleted] t1_jdp6mkt wrote
TheTechyGamer t1_jdp7g35 wrote
… Thy end of this pp!
DeezNutsAppreciater t1_jdp980e wrote
ExpensiveFish9277 t1_jdpamfk wrote
Send help -Dave the Gerbil
Simple-Hair8592 t1_jdpdhlg wrote
"can you believe this crap?"
Simple-Hair8592 t1_jdpdohk wrote
You here the doctor in the middle of the exam "general Kenobi.."
Salarian_American t1_jdpfdv1 wrote
"I suppose you're wondering why I've called you here today"
LeekGullible t1_jdpfhxm wrote
You'll end up being a human pull tab.
dionthorn t1_jdpg5bd wrote
Arguably the best quote for this particular situation may be:
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
b4mmb4mm t1_jdpi57m wrote
It should be "my end"
wckm t1_jdpi9k8 wrote
Just write ‘Hello’ on your asscheeks
Glyphwind t1_jdpis1g wrote
You will find this by deez nuts!
BlueRunSkier t1_jdpk5tk wrote
“What’s up doc?”
UnicornPuppy2016 t1_jdpl93u wrote
Rektifium t1_jdpmny5 wrote
That is literally the only way to know if you need to pay the extended warranty
Akiosoun t1_jdpr4eo wrote
Shove it in your dick and take a fertility test
HotPurplePancakes t1_jdptwa1 wrote
HotPurplePancakes t1_jdpu3q8 wrote
What’s the funniest thing someone did?
doggomeat000 t1_jdqb137 wrote
Technically it was someone else's organ lol
dr_cl_aphra t1_jdqhf2c wrote
My partner (another surgeon) had his wife write “do not enter” on his ass before his colonoscopy. I wrote back “LOL nope.”
pukatamada t1_jdqiyt5 wrote
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
Those who enter here, abandon all hope.
Full-Canary-2856 t1_jdqj1gk wrote
Have it plastified so it doesn't dissolve 🫠
surelyfunke20 t1_jdqk6vt wrote
Colonoscopy nurse here. Please, Just stick it on your cheek, that will be fine. We would love that actually.
If it does somehow survive your stomach acid and speed the the small intestines intact (it definitely won’t), You might get billed if we have to use different tools to extract it and it may slow down your procedure. We wouldn’t uncrumple it, we’d just stick it in a jar of formaldehyde. Which could put everyone else’s colonoscopies behind schedule.
So just peel and stick it to your booty cheek and don’t tell anyone before hand.
surelyfunke20 t1_jdqke82 wrote
Thats fun and everything but the prostate is not inside the colon so we wouldn’t actually see it. We just give it a poke to check size and texture.
surelyfunke20 t1_jdqks44 wrote
We had a set of brothers come in on the same day. One put his visitor name tag on his ass cheek. It was the best.
He said “this is so you don’t use my brothers same scope on me!”
Outnabout3535325 t1_jdql7hy wrote
You can get a good look at a T Bone steak by sticking your head up the bull's ass but wouldn't you rather take the butcher's word for it?
GeneSpecialist3284 t1_jdqqhbu wrote
My friend wrote Exit Only on her butt with a marker!
Sofakingwhat1776 t1_jdryuge wrote
Go ahead
CursedButter79 t1_jdt6576 wrote
Put some googly eyes on your bum…
HotPurplePancakes t1_jdtxhp1 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdup96j wrote
[deleted] t1_jdupb8a wrote
rebelego t1_jdvykyn wrote
Unless OP has another surprise waiting for them...
Mrfruitcups t1_je2wsdg wrote
Not this arm
unreasonablyhuman t1_je4zqwf wrote
"That wasn't a fortune cookie"
AutoModerator t1_jdmbq8s wrote
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