Submitted by heinzhinesheinz t3_126wfcr in funny
1feralengineer t1_jeb7q2r wrote
Eye don't sea a problem
Rockky67 t1_jeb7ub7 wrote
Something appears to have gone wrogn. I guess they were all too coked up to notice.
[deleted] t1_jeb7wsv wrote
[deleted] t1_jeb833f wrote
smacklesdown t1_jeb8cdw wrote
There was an attemtp
Razrwyre t1_jeb9t2m wrote
Sometimes that's done on purpose. It draws your eyes, and hooks you into a conversation when you go point it out...
Offgridiot t1_jebau1x wrote
Ithn’t that what a Democrat doeth to an election?
thieh t1_jebax22 wrote
Oil conference -> rigs -> rig-th (Biblical verb suffixes)
Professional_Sea3141 t1_jebazjj wrote
looks like the sign worked
leckmir t1_jebb4av wrote
They did not plan ahea
Aromatic_Ad8890 t1_jebcq3q wrote
And you’re not going to tell me which company’s booth that is…? 😐
MonKeePuzzle t1_jebd1xj wrote
and thou shalst extractith the oil
MonKeePuzzle t1_jebd4x6 wrote
lots of red, HAlliburton?
funwithdesign t1_jebd6ac wrote
Working on an oil rigth is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.
kennythinggoes t1_jebdeao wrote
Start peeling the vinyl bob..........
sloppyredditor t1_jebgwuj wrote
Measure once, drill twice
Xaxarolus t1_jebht14 wrote
Gloomy_Permission190 t1_jebicck wrote
Pretty much sums it all up.
FlaxenAssassin t1_jebjd75 wrote
Looks intentional to be memorable.
verbalyabusiveshit t1_jebkawj wrote
Zoomed in to see that massive plug. You need a lot of oil to make that one slip
Aggressive-Second955 t1_jebkg6f wrote
[deleted] t1_jebkkf0 wrote
cyborgborg777 t1_jebklet wrote
Remember, as invincible as oil companies may seem; they can always burn to the ground with a single match ;) 🔥
Devilzdandruff t1_jeblcuo wrote
Gustopherus-the-2nd t1_jebn59e wrote
That’s not how any of this works.
DewRat t1_jebn6uq wrote
Leica Geosystems
cyborgborg777 t1_jebndyy wrote
Don’t test me :)
[deleted] t1_jebo6c7 wrote
pewpewpewouch t1_jebocr2 wrote
Well, he isn't worng
PissedOffDog t1_jebpf34 wrote
definition of rigth
When a lisp-ridden individual commits horrible crimes of passion.
Ok_Primary_1075 t1_jebphjl wrote
Probably why their booth’s empty
JenniferJuniper6 t1_jebqdeq wrote
Please tell me it’s irony.
XMETA_DUKE t1_jebqdjt wrote
Literally. Not at all.
Turbulent-Mix-6677 t1_jebqdl1 wrote
Which conference? There was one recently in Shreveport…
Quizzical_Kumquat t1_jebqrxf wrote
Exactly where my brain went
Aromatic_Ad8890 t1_jebqxcj wrote
That checks
Interesting-Dog-1224 t1_jebr33w wrote
[deleted] t1_jebs7cg wrote
WarthogPrize2408 t1_jebsalf wrote
KorgX3 t1_jebv3m3 wrote
But not on Sundays.
moogoothegreat t1_jebwgs8 wrote
Reddit has poisoned our minds...
Tempting_Form t1_jebx9ml wrote
SILVER-renegade t1_jebz49w wrote
NotARobotDefACyborg t1_jebzby7 wrote
Rigth here, rigth now, there is no other place I'd rather be...
kuurtjes t1_jec0evb wrote
The only conversation this creates is "how much oil companies do rigth /s"
[deleted] t1_jec0f2l wrote
nhs2uf t1_jec0ytq wrote
This is the official slogan, spelled correctly though....
Baziki t1_jec12s3 wrote
Rigth and beanth
ccc2801 t1_jec3sg8 wrote
Dickpuncher_Dan t1_jec4zss wrote
Best tramp-stamp I ever saw: "Only God Can Juge Me"
yojick t1_jec54bw wrote
No ragrets!
Guyincognito4269 t1_jec54fg wrote
Can't run an oil infrastructure on just one rig, you need multiple rigth.
Guyincognito4269 t1_jec5972 wrote
Sure. Got evidence? Actual evidence?
neonphoenix09 t1_jec67mq wrote
"Graphic designer? Lol, no. My nephew knows computers"
that_yeg_guy t1_jec7pve wrote
Catching attention and getting business are two VERY different things.
The crazy drunk guy yelling at his invisible demons on the train catches my attention. But I’m not going to hire him for anything.
I-suck-at-golf t1_jec7yq8 wrote
“Mike Tyson, how does it have to be?”
“Has to be rigs!!”
Fragrant-Progress-32 t1_jec85nz wrote
y2k2 t1_jec89zm wrote
Yea, how do you stop an international conglomerate with businesses and structures all over the world? Burn the whole world? No thanks.
devind_407 t1_jec8keb wrote
Bro is that a gaming laptop?
[deleted] t1_jec8p8o wrote
MerryTWatching t1_jec8v9i wrote
Eye don't sea a problem
You misspelled "airer".
questionablequest100 t1_jecahe3 wrote
Looks to be an Alienware m15 R7.
Square-Routine9655 t1_jecb5y3 wrote
But he's not selling anything...
LordRumBottoms t1_jecd3st wrote
E.Y.E.S. e yes. Will never not be funny.
Tallguystillhere t1_jecdjp9 wrote
I see what they did three! But that's pretty rigth no, don't you kinth?
DMurBOOBS-I-Dare-You t1_jecefiy wrote
The urban dicthionary makth thith a very dark methage, indeed ...
[deleted] t1_jecgkgp wrote
DontRememberOldPass t1_jechv59 wrote
Jokes on you, it’s the Rigth Survey Company
DiggingThisAir t1_jecj3cg wrote
I wonder if this is a dig
[deleted] t1_jecj6ud wrote
mypreciousss4 t1_jeck46n wrote
I think they forgot an e... But some one still has to explain what rigeth means.
FritzGetTheStickz t1_jeck8u4 wrote
Oh Christ of course it is. How is it this one obscure company keeps popping up every few months in the worst ways 🪼
Void11doiV t1_jeclase wrote
"Haha you know you spelled that wrong don't you?"
"Well what do you know, I did. Well hey while I got you here, buy our shit."
couverando1984 t1_jeclldy wrote
Just like stupid radio ads...
dlxw t1_jecllwm wrote
Why do we keep having oil spills?
Felonious_Minx t1_jecn2c6 wrote
They nailpd it!
SynthSwanOG t1_jecna7u wrote
Has Engineering degree but can’t spell 🤔
butters1337 t1_jecnkyw wrote
Or they are owned by Mike Tyson and just didn’t have the stones to talk back to him.
butters1337 t1_jecnn1e wrote
reddit_user13 t1_jecnp8v wrote
That's what she said!
smooze420 t1_jecoguw wrote
Mike Tyson Presents:
rafedbadru t1_jecq555 wrote
What’s an oil conference about?
CoolTemperature1602 t1_jecqm96 wrote
Oil conference, oil rigth? Probably talking about a bunch of oil rigth and not just one.
Theriously though, the things people get bent out of thape about 🙄
knightopusdei t1_jecqz76 wrote
Sure .... sounds like a line from a really good salesman.
knightopusdei t1_jecracl wrote
The MEEK Corp share inherit the earth
RequiemStorm t1_jecrlui wrote
Hopefully it's just an oil rig pun lol
FeedingCoxeysArmy t1_jectsuz wrote
Haha! Excellent, eye catching advertisement.
3DGuy2020 t1_jecurlp wrote
An oil conference? Holy shit! As an olive oil lover, I need to attend the next one!!!
DudeManBroGuy42069 t1_jecuvnm wrote
makenzie71 t1_jecvvwk wrote
They do that on purpose. Not only did it get your attention, but you just did a ton of free advertising for them. It's like when they write SOTP at intersections. You see it better when it's wrong. It's like that saying about how the best way to get the right answer to a problem is to post the wrong one in public.
macbot3000 t1_jecw09i wrote
When it has to be rigth - Fred Rigth Civil Engineering
dryskin12 t1_jecw9n9 wrote
Looks a like a talking point or a way to grab attention. Just being hopeful😂
dbolts1234 t1_jecwa3x wrote
deliberatelyawesome t1_jecwzpu wrote
Their marketing team was successful.
AlexDeLotl t1_jecxb4v wrote
The customer's always rigth! 🤓
WaltMitty t1_jecxmrx wrote
Oil rigs, now endorsed by Mike Tyson.
Groovy_Chainsaw t1_jecxogy wrote
Pobody's nerfect !
ZorroMeansFox t1_jecyqx4 wrote
That's a brilliant extension of the effect which is seen in Cunningham's Law.
pac-men t1_jeczi7e wrote
Jhonny Peralta has entered the chat.
GreenrabbE99 t1_jeczjuo wrote
That's not ritgh...
YoloIsNotDead t1_jeczpb9 wrote
*But not on Thundayth
Erick2142 t1_jed02fi wrote
So I noticed his right arm a lot bigger and then noticed he was using that laser distance measurer on tripod indoors before I got to the mistake
Something's wrong with me.
sqeeky_wheelz t1_jed0tq0 wrote
I like to think the advertising person was disgruntled and took a new job right before the conference.
dfhaz t1_jed1rvj wrote
Nice! They must be hokd n fonnix!!
KonigSteve t1_jed1znu wrote
You're not catching the right kind of attention for surveying if that's the way you're doing it
hellospaghet t1_jed25cu wrote
When it has to be girth
RobXIII t1_jed31wc wrote
This made me laugh almost as much as the towel sized mat we had at work that said SAFETY STARTS HERE but the corner of it was bent up and kept tripping people
kiwisrkool t1_jed3h1y wrote
So, the Doctor couldn't spell it Rigth on the birth certificate either? 😶
jizzlevania t1_jed3id1 wrote
My stepdad owned his own auto shop in a small town. A guy in town was starting his own business publishing a free countertop periodical that makes its money through local advertisements. My stepdad agreed to advertise with him on the condition he print the ad upside down. After no one came into the shop and mentioned the ad after a few months or so, he canceled the ad space.
He wasn't sure if maybe it being upside down turned people off, but regulars never mentioned it which meant he knew his target demographic didn't read the publication. Many people who are regulars at shops looooove jib jabbing with their mechanic
Square-Routine9655 t1_jed3u24 wrote
Doesn't seem to be
putsfinalinfilenames t1_jed51da wrote
Brilliant :D I appreciate you sharing that, thank him for the story too
SnooterBop127 t1_jed9m0f wrote
Our company got an award for donating and installing a playground with play equipment to a local school. The award was given to us by the “Principle” for “Apreciaton”. Pretty ironic.
AmericanoWsugar t1_jedafwn wrote
Doctor Rwong had a long day, give him a break.
TrapHouseSpouse t1_jedcnzo wrote
Srsly, I've had enough Reddit for today.
Numja t1_jedcz58 wrote
that partly explains the surveyor. but still what is he doing? this photo is also really confusing (focused on it before I saw the text)
Offgridiot t1_jeddfpc wrote
Um, no. No one does. Apparently the joke didn’t land.
RevolutionaryPlan989 t1_jede5lm wrote
My head hurts now
around_the_catch t1_jedeey0 wrote
Rigth is a measurement like heighth.
Biggu5Dicku5 t1_jedf4xs wrote
Intentional mistakes are generally intentional...
AiLover2322 t1_jedgomp wrote
"no I don't trust you because you clearly have shit quality control. at least your competitors can spell correctly"
[deleted] t1_jedifb1 wrote
[deleted] t1_jediq47 wrote
Hey, at least they didn't spell it reich.
bleckers t1_jedjgql wrote
The sign did its job, everyone hasn't noticed the giant butt plug in the middle.
Uzi-kana t1_jedjsgg wrote
Reminds me of a business sign I saw a long time ago in Dhaka: "Texas Design - Qualiy Engineering"
skeezix_ofcourse t1_jedjxfk wrote
Oil Rigth said in an ye olde accent?
MisterEyeCandy t1_jedn24v wrote
This is just the Ye Old English, you know how in days of yore, they'd drillth for thy precious oilth with a rigth.
[deleted] t1_jedne9g wrote
LucillePhelps t1_jeds2h1 wrote
this poison my mind
Giraf123 t1_jedu8c4 wrote
Reminds me of a homepage I stumbled upon recently. A big energy solutions company. In the "about us" section, they wrote (in my native language):
"When you chose us as partners, you will be sure that everything is done to the highest standart".
ShowNext445 t1_jedxnb6 wrote
I work in exhibitions and trade shows and it seems impossible that the graphic would get printed and applied without the error being spotted; so it makes me think that it was intentional. Of course it might be that it was a mistake, and whoever installed the stand just didn't give a crap and didn't mention it to the client.
mayurmisra01 t1_jedz8uk wrote
What's wrogn?
FantasmaNaranja t1_jedzcts wrote
you know "rig"ht like oil rigs
the laptop screen is showing what looks to be a 3D model of an oil pump
Zestyclose_Link_8052 t1_jee2nvm wrote
That guy: why did they all letf for?
Fantastic-Offer-9129 t1_jee2p8w wrote
Happy cake day bro
markesch t1_jee4ssc wrote
Centretek t1_jee54pi wrote
Freudian slip.
JustMMlurkingMM t1_jee5gp5 wrote
Thath very cwuel to joke about thoth of uth with thpeach defecth who work on oil rigth.
DefrockedWizard1 t1_jee6mcl wrote
sign maker has a lisp
NotTakenName1 t1_jee83nr wrote
>"no I don't trust you because you clearly have shit quality control. at least your competitors can spell correctly"
Exactly, i can't take you serious anymore with that. Especially with a sentence like that
[deleted] t1_jeeb7ks wrote
AccountKeep t1_jeee704 wrote
It's a competition to poison minds even. Has been for a long time.
Calphurnious t1_jeeemwj wrote
That buttplug has a really long neck.
beltalowda_oye t1_jeefjij wrote
Now kith
TheArtofWall t1_jeeixms wrote
I love mistakes that find their perfect context. Like this one. And like that guy who accepted an oscar and fumbled his words, accidentally saying that the only thing that matters in film is not people, it's money.
hunterman12 t1_jeemft6 wrote
It's not wrong. It's made by Mike Tyson.
SynisterJeff t1_jeesbfp wrote
They're an oil company at some kind of convention. They are trying to catch the attention of multi million/billion dollar businesses to buy their machinery, and it seems to me those kinds of people like stupid things and/or make stupid decisions, so seems pretty on point to me to attract them haha
fooboohoo t1_jeet5p1 wrote
And then, you noticed the giant butt plug
fullinversion82 t1_jef0hoi wrote
Unless you need some demons yelled at.
tgrace310574 t1_jef0m9k wrote
If this is intentional: it’s genius. However…..
BartMinson t1_jef1k90 wrote
boluserectus t1_jef5chx wrote
20 years ago I worked on CeBIT for Philips. Next to us was Plextor who just released their iconic 8x2x2 cd-writer. After the whole week I asked the engineers why their billboard had the CD laying up-side-down in the tray with the purple/green up. (I don't remember which colour it was).
They said they haven't noticed and the only person saying something was me. I think I still have a picture somewhere..
GripsAA t1_jefclc6 wrote
Apparently this post isn't about the big black object in thr photo?
Raii-v2 t1_jefcygz wrote
And HERE I THOUGHT the joke was that’s the meth lab from Breaking Bad
creepsnutsandpervs t1_jefgo3u wrote
Brought to you by people that add the th sound to the word Height
boot2skull t1_jefhofd wrote
My brain reads “right” and “girth” simultaneously.
shelbyrobinson t1_jefk9tn wrote
It's an old one, this joke simply gets people thinking, laughing and talking. I own a hard cover book on the Principals of Training for Competency; it's printed upside down and read backwards from the end of the book.
BlackAxemRanger t1_jefkgh6 wrote
This sub really goes ape shit for typos
enzovrlrd t1_jefrhas wrote
I don't get it, what's worng?
TrapHouseSpouse t1_jegg6ro wrote
I just noticed that thing...looks like a giant butt plug.
AutoModerator t1_jeb7fk9 wrote
>This is a friendly reminder to read our rules. > >Memes, social media, hate-speech, and pornography are not allowed. > >Screenshots of Reddit are expressly forbidden, as are TikTok videos. > >Comics may only be posted on Wednesdays and Sundays. > >Rule-breaking posts may result in bans. > >Please also be wary of spam. >
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