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lothcent t1_j0sf1tr wrote

I've got a fondness for ASCII animation then again- I am ancient


Thor4269 t1_j0sj6bk wrote

Someone took the oath of throwing it back


zaphodmonkey t1_j0sj7qo wrote

Oh man this takes me back to the ascii porn usenets of the early 90’s.

And when the playboy channel was justvisible enough on cable.

Fuck I’m old.


shinigami79 t1_j0sqsap wrote

Regina George jingle bell rock?


wampa-stompa t1_j0svvr2 wrote

One of the sacred ancient texts kept by the internet elders


muskratboy t1_j0t1ip5 wrote

I don’t even see the matrix anymore…. I just see blonde, brunette, redhead…


moxeto t1_j0tek5y wrote

She wants my 8 bit


Harisdrop t1_j0tf1g7 wrote

Oh what git source I have a couple ideas I want to try


kurdtpage t1_j0tntw3 wrote

Victoria Beckham?


zyygh t1_j0to0mr wrote

The latter.

You have to understand humanity's biggest talent: to use absolutely any medium, no matter how primitive or inconvenient, for sexual gratification.

Once people invested time into making ASCII art, it was inevitable that they'd be making ASCII porn.


nawjas69 t1_j0tpu5n wrote

OP, do you know how I can make this? I'd appreciate any help. please!


CleaveIshallnot t1_j0tqgzt wrote

You can see your own name displayed in her digital visage.

Look closely.

You see it?


newt0_o t1_j0tr2ur wrote

🎶 I'm an ASCII girl in an ASCII world 🎶


Acualux t1_j0u097l wrote

Which poses the following question: if nuclear fusion gave us the possibility to have the best sexual gratification humans have ever tasted experienced, how long ago would we have obtained it?


herbertfilby t1_j0u286a wrote

Everyone freaking out over AI generated art has forgotten about this type of art, has been around for decades lol


slotrod t1_j0u7l1q wrote

I would have totally put this on my Geocities page back in 1998.


Ikonixed t1_j0u7uce wrote

The matrix is horny again!


Jestar342 t1_j0u8527 wrote

That dance was before her kids, I thought? That was her in 1999/2000 and she didn't have kids until 2005? I'm not particularly knowledgeable of her beyond remembering those gifs being popular, and what Wikipedia has on her so I'm asking from a place of genuine curiosity.


mca1169 t1_j0u8mo3 wrote

Cortana looks different


silver2k5 t1_j0uab5n wrote

They just recently gotten the first net positive fusion reaction in November I believe from a lab in California. It was something like 2 megajoules in and 3 out.

We are getting close, but will it be in time?


Readyrex7 t1_j0ubopq wrote

I wouldn't mind putting my floppy disc in her disc drive.


john23561 t1_j0ubu9a wrote

That is French pop tart Alizee!


hearnia_2k t1_j0ue0q1 wrote

Did you know VLC lets you watch videos in ASCII, and even in colour if you want? IT's pretty funny, but crazy enough I have actually had to do it for something at work once when I had only terminal access and needed to check some video!


evranch t1_j0ug8oa wrote

VLC has a output filter that renders video in ASCII. However classic ASCII art like this was usually hand crafted, you have to pick the right characters to define the shape.


Ptdgty t1_j0ujhpd wrote

Technically she's non-binary, she has more than just 1s and 0s!


ipinchforeskins t1_j0v1jji wrote

>You have to understand humanity's biggest talent: to use absolutely any medium, no matter how primitive or inconvenient, for sexual gratification.

Nothing like a nice homemade drawing of a big breasted lady or if you're fond of nature, a nice tree hollow that will resemble a vagina if you squint.


Irishpanda1971 t1_j0w52on wrote

Sweet, it only took 45 minutes to download! Now I can go play some Barren Realms and Tradewars!


balderdash9 t1_j0w80vz wrote

I wonder how much time was spent programming this


t13v0m t1_j0wigj4 wrote

That looks like Alizee Jocotey.


b3orion t1_j0wjyug wrote

That's Alizée Lyonnet


Woorloc t1_j0wo6by wrote

I'm disappointed the 'BOO8Z' isn't where her boobs are.


Houndoom96 t1_j0wuafj wrote

Computers: are invented Coders: this


whomesteve t1_j0wuxgu wrote

01001000 01101111 01110100


29again t1_j0wy4a4 wrote

What Tina Belcher thinks she looks like.