Submitted by _Deh t3_10k6fmr in headphones

I do like to stop and listen to music while doing nothing else, but sometimes I like to browse casually, read reddit and my preferred thing to do while listening to music is to learn more about the band/artist I'm listening too.

Yes it will take some focus from the music, but for artists that I don't know too well it's really nice to read something from the artist you are listening to at that exact moment.

What about you?



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TheFrator t1_j5oo815 wrote

25% Reddit scrolling, 25% searching and learning more about the artist like you mention, and 50% of the time brooding in silence enjoying the tunes haha.

Lights off at night and listening in the dark is the best IMO


OutlandishnessGrand8 t1_j5oona6 wrote

i’ll usually look at this forum, or play a video game that is not stressful lol


PolarBearSequence t1_j5oqbst wrote

I usually listen to music while I’m working (software development), but also often when I’m reading (in the evenings).


TakeThatRisk t1_j5osx70 wrote

Reddit, revision, or walking about shipping, to and from uni, gym, etc.


BehindThyCamel t1_j5ou01u wrote

Work (programming), read books, browse Reddit, play air bass or air synths, etc.

Sometimes I try to just focus on the music and avoid distractions. The internet has ruined my attention span and this is my attempt at regaining some calm and patience.


gigahertz_ t1_j5ousg5 wrote

I'm usually playing music, gettin zooted, playing games on mute


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_j5ov1ak wrote

I either just listen to music or I do it while studying. The latter is just a necessary evil and music makes it bearable.


MyToeGotStuck t1_j5oybli wrote

Sipping some whisky and reading stuff, Berserk at the moment


alan123456wake0 t1_j5oyyh2 wrote

Usually working at the chemistry lab, I use open back because it is dangerous to no hear what is going on around you.


Regular-Mousse7841 t1_j5p0rkf wrote

I have this kink, i watch driving through cities. Basically it's almost 2 hours long video POV of a guy driving in a city of your choice.


Qazax1337 t1_j5p1wkk wrote

A (possibly) surprising number of people do not care, that's how :)

Me personally I use the volume on my DAC. I don't believe I could tell the difference between bit perfect and not.


MM1ck t1_j5p30ef wrote

The only time I get to myself for listening is late at night so....
It's lights down low, glass of good whisky and just chill.


Gramage t1_j5p3m0s wrote

Yeah. I've got my TVs audio out running to a usb audio in, then I use an app called audio hijack to lightly EQ that and send it straight out to my DAC/amp. Then I mute the in-game music and play my own music on the computer. It's a little convoluted but it works! And there's nothing more fun than playing Wipeout or Need for Speed with my own drum and bass playlist d-_-b


blucsigma05 t1_j5p4srf wrote

When I am not in awe from the sound I am hearing out of the headphones since I have a DAP, i just stick it in my hoodie and clean up do, do little things around the house. A lot of times I mute my the TV and watch whatever sports is on... and lastly, sadly, research more headphones and go through reddit 😆


Akella333 t1_j5p4yww wrote

If I'm actually listening to music and focused on it, I tend to start roaming around the house or walking in one spot lol


Qazax1337 t1_j5p5f7j wrote

If you are going HDMI in to your tv, would you not be better just disabling the hdmi audio and directing audio straight to your dac from your PC? You are converting it to analogue, then back to digital, then back to analogue.


IfTheGloveFits t1_j5p5j5o wrote

While observing the most exquisitely rendered multitone frequency sweep graph, but chastely zoomed into the range below the audibility threshold. Music to mine ears!


PcChip t1_j5p6jps wrote

> I don't believe I could tell the difference between bit perfect and not

listen to FLACs via ASIO or WASAPI Exclusive (bitperfect) for a while and I promise you'll be able to tell the difference


namesdevil3000 t1_j5p6xbq wrote

I’ll use lofi stuff or my own play lists for work. But with getting better headphones I do sometimes stop and listen to how great my headphones are and how much better the music sounds.


wiggan1989 t1_j5p705i wrote

I work. The joys of working from home!


BobTheMenace t1_j5p8ao1 wrote

I used to do this when I was just getting into this hobby and I've found that it's really not worth the hassle. After 2 years of listening for a difference, I've concluded that there isn't one.

edit: 128kbps AAC sounds better than flac. The compression artifacts are like a savory seasoning that I like to sprinkle on all my tracks


maqikelefant t1_j5p9c2s wrote

Cleaning, cooking, shopping, yardwork, etc. Good IEMs make any chore a thousand times more tolerable.


frn20202 t1_j5p9uev wrote

Usually studying or homework


AntOk463 t1_j5pas0z wrote

Sometimes I play with a rubix cube. It gives my hand something to do and I can be focused on the music at the same time.


iopjsdqe t1_j5pblko wrote

Either spinning in my chair or just play a chill game


InformalReplacement7 t1_j5pc6o7 wrote

I got into YouTube videos of walks in cities around the world, and long drives too, so I listen to music and podcasts while watching those.


PolarBearSequence t1_j5pccej wrote

It depends on what I’m doing and what kind of music a bit, and I listen at relatively low volumes. Sometimes it gets distracting and I have to turn it off, but sometimes it’s quite helpful when waiting for something (a build to finish, Tests to run, whatever) since the music stops me from starting to do something else.


TheFrator t1_j5pcx6a wrote

That's fair and I can see it then. I'm fortunate to be at a job where I do much of my logic focused time in one part of the day and managerial stuff in another part. I can handle managerial tasks while listening to music.


A_LANDGREN t1_j5pd9ku wrote

Depends. When I use IEMs it usually means that I'm not on the main rig. So I clean, out grocery shopping, or at work welding or CNC plasma cutting.

When I'm using my main rig which is my desk setup. I tend to play games, Search internet, read, work in CAD or whatever there is to find on the internet.


7127 t1_j5peoqh wrote

Scroll through social media, work, walk my dog, play games, lie there and take the music in, driving. Pretty much anything that is reasonable.


_Deh OP t1_j5pep66 wrote

Isn't a cabled IEM bad for things like cleaning, shopping and etc? I never tried to do this things with a cabled IEM, got a galaxy buds2 pro for this kind of stuff and love it!


A_LANDGREN t1_j5ph645 wrote

If the cable gets in the way you mean? In my case there is no issue but the cable have gotten stuck on the doorknob while passing by a couple of times. Used to have the Nuraphones. The main issue I had with wireless headphones were that I forgot where I put my phone at times haha. Ooooh heard great things about the Buds 2 Pro


Muhmmdmahdii t1_j5pja1o wrote

At home, I usually listen silently with candle on


TagalogON t1_j5pjz58 wrote

I forgot how popular those joyrides/drive through/etc. videos are. There this channel called dmitrivalencia where they update on current highway projects and so on in the Philippines:

And then for walking in the cities, there's channels like Rambalac for Tokyo/Japan:

Driving is very dangerous and so you can't really enjoy the sights. But if you don't mind slow time, walking really does feel better for views, especially if you can walk 10km/20km/etc. in one go.

With electric bicycles/scooters/etc. these days though, you can just cruise with those if you want to sightsee. Though yes be careful with the cars and pedestrians and also the battery life for the electric bicycle/etc.


Kingstoler t1_j5pmfyj wrote

When I really want to get into the music I just sit back do nothing. I also enjoy music with games where I don't need to hear the game (on mute).


TagalogON t1_j5pmwfa wrote

Try ASMR at night, it's godlike sometimes. Especially if your room/window/etc. doesn't allow in external noises easily.

Here's some videos/channels for ASMR triggers:


ASMR Destiny:

ASMR Bakery: and

ASMR Suna:

Btw the Neumann KU 100 microphone (costs like ~$10 000+) got sent to a lot of Youtubers and now some ASMRtists and VTubers are using them regularly as they got their own, lol.

華凛(karin_asmr)with Hatomugi ASMR:

asmr zeitgeist:

Workt ASMR:

Rapunzel ASMR:

Heather Feather:


AlexxxAA85 t1_j5pr9iq wrote

As a married guy with young kids, i don't get much time to listen. So i take advantage every chance i get. It'll usually be during chores like washing dishes or doing laundry. Like this past weekend, i spent about 2 hours cleaning the interiors of our cars. So i took advantage and popped some IEMs with BT. It was so nice. Besides the chores, I'll try to get a little while in bed before falling asleep.


therealPaulPlay t1_j5pstza wrote

Programming or drawing lol but often I just want to listen closely


VinnyinJP t1_j5pts6h wrote

Crossword puzzles, journal, or just eyes closed and listen.


TheFrator t1_j5pxmpf wrote

I'm the exact opposite- I can't work and listen to music as it distracts me too much.

(Spicy take inbound) People listen to music too much. Now before you burn me at the stake, listening to music is a dopaminergic activity. Meaning it causes your brain to release dopamine. You get acclimated to these activities and your perceived response lessens. That's why when you go a day or two without music, it hits harder (at least that's my experience).


Nico777 t1_j5q1mbd wrote

Either browse casually or play games that don't need sound. I try to never mix game audio with music.


PcChip t1_j5q24ja wrote

i have that problem sometimes, I have to use closed-backs at a low volume with goa/psy/trance music with no words - but when I get in the zone like this it's even better than no music. Noise cancelling helps even more, you can listen at an even lower volume


johnnyfgat t1_j5q2qzv wrote

Mostly while playing a game, searching some stuff and scrolling reddit.


neliste t1_j5qaj4z wrote

Most of the time while taking walk outside or working. When reading I just play some instrumental track.


Kydarellas t1_j5qd59t wrote

90% or so of the time, I'm doing something else and I have music on the background. I'm probably only active listening 10% of the time, where I just sit down and do nothing but enjoy the music


Mikebyrneyadigg t1_j5qggwb wrote

90% working, 10% drink coffee and burn one down on a Saturday morning.


ProphetNimd t1_j5ql4v0 wrote

Mostly play games without important audio, get baked, scroll Reddit, or research the artist.


TheOrangeSpud t1_j5qoz7o wrote

Yeah same. I can't work on stuff and listen to music at the same time. Either the work distracts me from the music, or the music distracts me from the work. Same with exercise. Can't listen to music while exercising because it distracts me too much.
Music gets its own time slot in my day.


WasserTyp69 t1_j5qsdlb wrote

Literally anything.

Scrolling reddit, playing games, doing programming, whatever. Just listening to music without any distractions is great too, much better when you really want to focus and enjoy the music itself. but if I only did that I'd listen to maybe 10 songs per day max, not 100+.


Kbeau937 t1_j5qwcn2 wrote

Talk shit to 12 year olds playing rocket league if I’m being honest 🤷‍♂️


LuckyUser777 t1_j5r147l wrote

When I need to focus and get work done it helps me to have music in the background. I can't focus well on the music, but it doesn't distract me. It's usually a familiar playlist or music I know well. I use noise cancelling because it's easier for me to focus with music than random background noise. Exercise is a specific playlist - faster, heavier. Cooking is another big one, always need music on for that. Browsing - Reddit, eBay, etc, is always with music too. The only times I just have music are when trying out new equipment or at the end of the week/weekend when I sit down with a glass of wine and wind down.


LuckyUser777 t1_j5r1ikh wrote

This is a great idea! Youtube is the one time I don't listen to music, because I am watching reviews, etc. I love travel, but rarely get to because of family commitments, so travelling vicariously via YouTube sounds like a good idea!


TheFrator t1_j5r5pp5 wrote

My exact philosophy.

And hello fellow psychopath that works out without music! I get some funny looks when I tell people I workout without any music. It makes your mind go to a cool place when you're deep into a lifting or cardio session with nothing but the task at hand to focus on and complete.


Solypsist_27 t1_j5r5wlz wrote

Something I like to do a lot is playing tetris lol. I play Cultris 2, it actually also has some pretty cool music as a "soundtrack", but recently I've been turning all of its sound off and just playing tetris in "training" mode. My mind goes on autopilot on the tetris game and I am somehow able to focus a lot more on the music, and at the same time to occasionally space out on it and focus on clearing lines, I find it overall very relaxing and I really like to do it after a long day or just to unwind before going to sleep. It took getting somewhat good at tetris though, so I wouldn't recommend unless you're already into it lol


Solypsist_27 t1_j5r6cyv wrote

Listening to compression artifacts on purpose sounds really menacing lol. I just settled for 320 kbps mp3s since I can't hear the difference from flacs, but whenever I have to listen to some music on YouTube and I can hear the difference in quality, it does bother me quite a bit lol


Plexaporta t1_j5ri21e wrote

Browsing on my phone mostly, or just nothing and listen to the music.


blackmilksociety t1_j5rixsv wrote

Scroll through Reddit, play games on devices or play with table top games and puzzles


vicariou5 t1_j5rjjag wrote

I like going on and check what people comment on what I'm listening to - takes me through a rabbit hole of discovering more music sometimes. Fully committing to listening is a luxury I give myself seldom these days.


Able_Development_442 t1_j5rl5kp wrote

Mostly think about how to play them on whatever instrument I'm most interested in at that current moment.


csch1992 t1_j5rlzoi wrote

Gaming or just laing lazy in my chair and listenting to thr details of the music. Sometimes i even fall asleep to it


Upstairs_Clue_7135 t1_j5s38v8 wrote

I play games (mostly Valheim, but really anything with little to no voice over work), relax in a dark room, or do some work from home.


Blankhead13 t1_j5s5xzz wrote

Reading, scrolling through the internet, but most of the time i just sit down and stay focus to the music. I just stay focus to the music so i could get some inspiration for my work


josh0ch t1_j5s8n15 wrote

I like to go for a walk when I listen to music


MrCatsoup t1_j5satpz wrote

Staring at the VU meter on my amp


NoobBrawler0211 t1_j5sc9hd wrote

Everytime I drive, sleep, on computer playing games or writing essays, while being a passenger in a car, or friends house.


The_D0lph1n t1_j5si4bn wrote

I often browse Reddit or Head-Fi, or just the Internet in general. Other times, I open a real-time spectrum analyzer (e.g. Voxengo SPAN) and watch the spectrum of the music I'm listening to. It's quite mesmerizing to see the lines rise and fall with the music.


FN1470 t1_j5snywm wrote

I prefer to un-tether from the desktop to listen to music. As a speaker & over hear headphones guy, these $20 Chu buds are a god send. Am contemplating a DAP.

When I am on the desktop, I'll throw some form of a visual from youtube. Fractals, Kaleidoscope, etc.



InFortunaWeLust t1_j5t2yq0 wrote

everything pretty much. but sometimes late night i turn off everything and listen in the dark while smoking weed.


Basilr1 t1_j5un0xy wrote

Only listening. Comfy chair, Rochefort 6, in the dark.


dimesian t1_j5uwj36 wrote

Look for new music or go into a semi trance if I've timed my meds right.


BlunterCarcass5 t1_j5z7c17 wrote

If I'm consciously listening then I like to close my eyes and fully focus, it makes the music feel like it's surrounding you and puts you in a meditative like state when you do that. Otherwise I just enjoy listening while driving or doing something creative